New publication: Sonja Schulz, Pascal Siegers, Bettina Westle, Oshrat Hochman (Eds.): (In)Toleranz in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft?

Categories: GESIS-News

Sonja Schulz, Pascal Siegers, Bettina Westle, Oshrat Hochman (Hg.): (In)Toleranz in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft? Einstellungen zu Migranten in Deutschland und Europa:

This volume brings together various studies on attitudes toward migrants and on nationalist voting behavior, all based on representative population surveys. 

Overall, the contributions collected in this volume highlight the importance of (positive) contacts between the German host society and the migrant population. No indications of a general deterioration in the climate of opinion toward ethnic minorities emerge from the studies. Provided migration is not perceived as a threat to one's own status, increased contact can lead to the German population becoming more tolerant and open overall. Conversely, a perceived threat to one's status and resources can lead to social polarization. The change toward greater acceptance of immigrants is therefore not irreversible: the "open society" in the Federal Republic must constantly be actively worked out.