The second edition of the Round 11 (2023/24) data of the European Social Survey (ESS) can now be viewed or downloaded via the ESS data portal. In Round 11, respondents in 31 countries were surveyed via face-to-face interviews, after a mixed-mode approach was used in Round 10 due to pandemic-related restrictions.
Compared to the first edition, which was published in June 2024, the dataset now includes 11 more countries. In total, data from 24 countries is available: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. The data from the Czech Republic (conducted as a self-completion and not as a face-to-face survey) can be found under "Study documentation: Country Documentation for Czechia".
The second edition also contains post-stratification weights for all countries as well as data from the interviewer questionnaire and the contact forms. In addition to the regularly collected attitudinal data, Round 11 included two modules on specific topics. The gender module, led by Susan Banducci (University of Birmingham), looks at attitudes towards female and male identities, sexism, gender discrimination and gender equality. This is the first time that the ESS has included a specific set of questions on gender. The health module was developed by a team led by Mirza Balaj (scientific coordinator of CHAIN at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology). Most of the questions in this module, which deals with the social determinants of health outcomes, were carried over from Round 7 (2014/15). A final data publication with the remaining countries is expected to be published in spring 2025.