ONBound - Old and New Boundaries: National Identities and Religion - OUT NOW

Categories: GESIS-News

In times of pronounced globalization as well as numerous international conflicts, national and religious identities constitute an increasingly relevant research field. But do national and religious identities play the same role across countries around the globe? How do they overlap and interact? These questions have been on researcher’s minds for quite some time. Yet, measurements to examine these research questions are spread across half a century of international survey data. Now imagine, all these data had been collected, harmonized and linked to country-level information. That is exactly what the DFG funded project “ONBound” accomplished in cooperation with the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf and researchers from Italy and Sweden.

ONBound offers researchers the opportunity to create customized datasets from a database containing approximately 1500 variables taken from 280 survey waves of international survey programs, as well as approx. 4500 variables of country-level data. The online-tool ONBound Harmonization Wizard (https://onbound.gesis.org/wizard) enables users to select the desired topic areas and countries. On this basis the Wizard creates the essential syntax jobs to cumulate, harmonize and link the selected data in SPSS as well as STATA. After downloading the original source data based on a provided list of links, users run the system generated syntax jobs. The resulting datasets allow for a variety of multilevel- and trend-analyses.

Go to the project website ONBound