Out now: Oshrat Hochman, Adrian Stanciu, Andreas Hadjar (Eds.): 40 Jahre ALLBUS - Die deutsche Gesellschaft im Wandel

Categories: GESIS-News

Oshrat Hochman, Adrian Stanciu, Andreas Hadjar (Eds.): 40 Jahre ALLBUS - Die deutsche Gesellschaft im Wandel, Blickpunkt Gesellschaft, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-44462-4

The German General Social Survey, or ALLBUS for short, has been collecting data on the population in Germany since 1980 and thus offers a central and high-quality data infrastructure for the social sciences and social reporting. In addition to standard demographics, the ALLBUS surveys attitudes to inequality, migration, religion, politics and other topics. With this volume of the 'Blickpunkt Gesellschaft' book series, we are celebrating the 40th anniversary of the ALLBUS, which was honored in 2020 as part of an online lecture series due to the pandemic. The book offers an insight into some of the contributions to the lecture series, which used the long ALLBUS time series to explore social science questions. The authors deal with educational attitudes, the development of the income situation in different family living arrangements and religious change in Germany. They also look at changes in the population's attitudes towards migration, social cohesion, politics and democracy. In doing so, the authors pursue different approaches in order to overcome the methodological challenges of analyzing long time series.