QuestionLink: a new GESIS database of recoding scripts

Categories: GESIS-News

QuestionLink is a new GESIS database of recoding scripts to harmonize German survey instruments for selected constructs.

With QuestionLink you can harmonize all German instruments that were ever used for a specific construct across all covered survey programs: ALLBUS, GESISPanel, GLES, GEDA, ISSP, ESS, EVS, NEPS, and SOEP.

QuestionLink starts out with political interest as our first construct! The next construct (left-right orientation) will follow in about a month.

For more information, watch our short explainer (5 min):

With funding from KonsortSWD as part of the NFDI, we were able to extend the survey coverage beyond GESIS! Furthermore, we were able to substantially improve the QuestionLink Engine and will make it accessible as an R-Package in the future.