The easiest way to collect your own survey data: The GESIS Panel

Categories: GESIS-News

Since 2014, the GESIS Panel offers researchers the opportunity to collect their own survey data based on a probabilistic sample with more than 5,000 panelists. To further increase the attractiveness of this offer, the GESIS Panel recently streamlined its submission process. The “Regular Proposal Submission” offers researchers the possibility to collect cross-sectional and longitudinal data with up to four experimental groups and five minutes survey time per wave. The “Short Submission” procedure allows researchers to submit a short questionnaire within a simplified submission process. Finally, studies planning to apply for third-party funding (e.g., DFG, BMBF etc.) can reserve survey time in specific GESIS Panel waves in advance.

Here you get more information on the different ways to collect survey data with the GESIS Panel.