Welcome to the GESIS Panel
The GESIS Panel is a unique and innovative social science data infrastructure serving both primary and secondary researchers. Researchers interested in primary research can collect their own data. Rich and unique GESIS Panel data is available for secondary research.
Depending on your research question, you can choose between the following samples:
1. The GESIS Panel.pop Population Sample (the previous "GESIS Panel") is a mixed-mode panel based on a random survey sample of the adult German-speaking population of Germany and thus allows drawing conclusions about the general population. Respondents can answer by web or by paper questionnaire.
2. The new GESIS Panel.dbd Digital Behavioral Data Sample combines an online survey with collecting (and linking) digital behavioral data such as web tracking data.
To the current call GESIS Panel.pop
To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the GESIS Panel.pop, we offer one survey slot of 10 minutes survey time.
Directly to the GESIS Panel data
All GESIS Panel data and documentation are freely accessible via the data catalogue and are available free of charge.
GESIS Panel Bibliography
Here you will find publications that use GESIS panel data. Send us your publication to bibliography@gesis-panel.org