Paul Heierling
Pia Kniesel
Jenny Lohrey
Julius Reicherzer
Osamudiamen Suffa
Fan Yin
ERYF-HAS - Experiences of Refugee Youth and Families in Hard-to-Survey Areas
OneUA - Online Survey of Ukrainians
comUAsam - Comparing Samples of Ukrainian Forced Migrants Over Time and Sampling Frames
PaCo - Mechanisms of Panel Conditioning in Longitudinal Studies
Wolfgang Bandilla, Project Management
Michael Bosnjak, Founding Team Leader 2013-2016
David Bretschi, Scientific Associate
Tanja Dannwolf, Scientific Associate
Tobias Heycke, Scientific Associate
Jan-Philipp Kolb, Scientific Associate
Mirjan Kummerow, Scientific Associate
Isabella Minderop, Scientific Associate
Ines Schaurer, Scientific Associate
Katharina Schmidt, Scientific Associate
Sven Stadtmüller, Scientific Associate
Bella Struminskaya, Scientific Associate
Angela Tanner, Scientific Associate
Bella Struminskaya, Utrecht University (Speaker)
Mick Couper, University of Michigan (Deputy Speaker)
Marcel Das, CentERdata and Tilburg University
Thomas Emery, Open Data Infrastructure for Social Science and Economic Innovations (ODISSEI), Netherlands
Joseph Sakshaug, Institute for Employment Research (IAB), Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, University of Mannheim