10 minutes survey time for your study on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the GESIS Panel

Categories: GESIS Panel

The GESIS Panel.pop celebrates its 10th anniversary and invites you to a unique call on this occasion: 10 minutes survey time in the GESIS Panel.pop for the 10th anniversary!

The GESIS Panel.pop Population Sample is a mixed-mode panel based on random survey samples of the adult German-speaking population of Germany and thus allows drawing conclusions about the general population. About 5,000 respondents are interviewed four times a year, either web-based or via paper questionnaires. After 10 years of regular data collection with the GESIS Panel.pop, a thematically diverse data set with cross-sectional and longitudinal survey modules has been created (including the GESIS Panel.pop longitudinal Core Studies). All researchers have access to the entire GESIS Panel.pop data (53 survey waves to date), containing relevant variables for sociology, psychology, political science, economics, and other disciplines.

Researchers can submit survey questions via Regular Submissions or Short Submissions for their research for data collection free of charge - however, survey slots are limited to a maximum duration of five minutes. To celebrate its 10th anniversary, the GESIS Panel.pop offers one survey slot of 10 minutes survey time (maximum of 50 survey questions/items).

To the 10th-Anniversary-Call of the GESIS Panel.pop