GESIS Panel data for teaching

The GESIS Panel.pop Standard Edition is excellently suited for academic teaching. On the one hand, the Standard Edition has a broad thematic spectrum, so that subject-oriented training is possible in many disciplines. On the other hand, the data can be used for various educational objectives, from simple descriptive to more complex longitudinal analyses.

You would like to use the GESIS Panel.pop Standard Edition data for your lectures? We would be happy to explain below how this works:

  1. Please read the instructions in the data access leaflet
  2. Then fill out the data use agreement and send it to info(at)gesis-panel(dot)org
  3. Forward the approved data use agreement and secondary use commitment form (38 kB) to your students
  4. Send the collected secondary use commitment forms to info(at)gesis-panel(dot)org

In the data use agreement, please explain the intended use of the data (use in academic teaching) and describe your concept for ensuring access authorization and the organizational and technical measures for ensuring data security. Please pay particular attention to the encryption of the data or the data carrier on which the data is stored, as well as to the concept of access security (e.g. control of user identification and up-to-date anti-virus software). Explicit assurance that the data will not be stored in online storage services should also be included. Please also note that the data will be deleted after the end of the course, and you must confirm this to us. Please feel free to contact us at any time to ensure a suitable data protection concept.

After approval of the usage request, the data will be provided via secure data transfer. For this purpose, you will receive a link from the GESIS data service, which leads to the requested data. We recommend that you forward this link to your students. Please use only institutional e-mail addresses for this purpose. As part of the secondary use commitments, students commit to adequate handling of the research data (e.g. storage in an access-restricted environment).

The GESIS Panel Campus File

Another option for using the GESIS Panel.pop in teaching is the GESIS Panel Campus File. This data set provides initial access to the GESIS Panel.pop data and is suitable for exemplary analyses, e.g. in the context of larger courses.

To ensure the anonymity of our panelists, the GESIS Panel Campus File contains only a random 25% sample of all panel members surveyed in 2014 (n=1,222). Detailed documentation can be found in the campus file data description and the campus file codebook.

Due to privacy regulations, some variables are not included in the Campus File, but only in the Standard Edition or Extended Edition. The differences between the versions are marked in the codebook. Researchers who wish to use GESIS Panel.pop data for scientific publications should therefore use one of these two data sets. Thus, we strongly advise data users not to use the GESIS Panel Campus File for purposes other than teaching.

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