German Longitudinal Election Study

Welcome to GLES

The German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES) is the central survey programme in Germany for the continuous collection and provision of high-quality data for national and international election research. The GLES has been conducted in close co-operation between the German Society for Electoral Research (DGfW) and GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences since its inception.

The Longitudinal Survey Program for Election Research
The various studies of the GLES - GLES Cross-Section, GLES Rolling Cross-Section, GLES Panel, GLES Tracking, GLES Candidate Study and GLES Nomination Study - enable analyses from a variety of perspectives. The data from the individual studies of the GLES can be combined to provide a holistic picture.

Who is the data for?
The methodological diversity of the GLES studies makes it possible to examine the political attitudes and behavior of voters and candidates from all perspectives.

What are the time periods of GLES?
Since 2009, the study parts of the GLES have been surveyed during and between the Bundestag elections in Germany.

Directly to the GLES data in the GESIS search

The GLES data is available in the GESIS search.

To the GLES data

Online search in the GLES bibliography

Here you can search for publications that use GLES data.

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