Blossfeld’s Occupational Classification for the 1973-2004 Microcensus
The existing three-digit occupational data in the microcensus count among central variables for social structure and labor market research, if differentiated analyses are to be carried out of economic change or of individual groups in the labor market. However, for the representation of the socio-economic stratification, the three-digit occupational classifications used in the official statistics are too differentiated. An alternative occupational classification can be used which is also based on official methods of occupational classification and which was constructed by Peter Blossfeld on the basis of data drawn from the 1970 population and occupation census. Using this occupational classification, the objective was to represent as homogeneously as possible occupational groups by general qualification and skills as well as occupational duties. The high comparability of the current 1992 classification of occupations with the earlier versions dated 1975 and 1970 facilitated an easy transfer to the microcensus dating from 1973. To consider the question of how homogeneous occupational groups are in terms of the focus of activity, educational qualification, ranking in company hierarchy, and income status, simple bivariate correlations were examined using data from the 1996 microcensus scientific use file. In this instance, clear correlation patterns could be determined between occupational classification and the relevant characteristics of the occupational situation. All in all, this is an indicator for the good serviceability of Blossfeld’s occupational classification as a socio-economic classification.
- Schimpl-Neimanns, B., 2003: Umsetzung der Berufsklassifikation von Blossfeld auf die Mikrozensen 1973-1998. ZUMA-Methodenbericht 2003/10. [.pdf] (261 kB)
- Schema der Berufsklassifikation von Blossfeld - Auszug aus: ZUMA-Methodenbericht 2003/10. [.pdf] (12.42 kB)
- Vergleich der Klassifizierung der Berufe Ausgabe 1975/70 mit der Ausgabe 1992 sowie mit der Berufsklassifikation von Blossfeld. Auszug aus: ZUMA-Methodenbericht 2003/10. [.pdf] (140 kB)
- Vergleich der Klassifizierung der Berufe Ausgabe 1992 mit der Ausgabe 1975/70. [.pdf] (128 kB)