Ethnic Segregation

The socio-geographic aspect gains importance both in the scientific as well as in social debate on the social integration of ethnic migrants. In this case, residential segregation is often seen as one of the causes or at least as a factor reinforcing the failure of the integration of ethnic migrants.

Using data from the microcensus, the investigation focuses on whether any connection can be observed between social integration and residential segregation of immigrants and the next generation(s).

Possibilities for regional analyses using the microcensus are severely restricted on grounds of requirements for anonymity. Geographical aspects, however, can be referred to on the basis of the allocated selected districts. Using this information, ethnic segregation in West Germany can be observed over time for the largest groups of ethnic migrants from former immigrant countries.

Janßen, Andrea, and Julia H. Schroedter (2007): Kleinräumliche Segregation der ausländischen Bevölkerung in Deutschland: Eine Analyse auf der Basis des Mikrozensus. Zeitschrift für Soziologie 36 (6): 453-472.

Janßen, Andrea, and Jeanette Bohr (2018): Kleinräumliche Segregation der Bevölkerung mit Migrationshintergrund. 9. Nutzerkonferenz "Forschen mit dem Mikrozensus. Analysen zur Sozialstruktur und zum sozialen Wandel", 28.11.2018. [.pdf]