Microdata Tools
Our microdata tools are a service provided by the German Microdata Lab (GML). These are brief reports which give information on the practical use of microdata in various subject areas and are complemented by tabulations, graphs, and SPSS/Stata jobs, including, among others, the construction of various social science classification systems (e.g. CASMIN-Classification) for microcensus data. Furthermore, the concepts underlying data from official sources are explained (e.g. labour force concept).
Operationalizing social science concepts
- The classification of education CASMIN [in German]
- The International Standard Classification of Education ISCED-1997 [in German]
- Blossfeld’s classification of occupations [in German]
- The International Socio-Economic Index of Occupational Status, ISEI [in German]
- Transmission of Wegener’s magnitude-prestige scale into the classification of occupations [in German]
- The class scheme according to Erikson, Goldthorpe, and Portocarero (EGP) [in German]
- The measurement of poverty [in German]
- Identification of opposite-sex and same-sex partnerships
Operationalizing official concepts
- Creation of the childcare rate using the Scientific-Use-File of the microcensus [in German]
- The identification of non-marital living arrangement in the microcensus [in German]
- Households, families, and living arrangements in the microcensus - concepts and typology [in German]
- Employment and the microcensus. Definition, concept, operationalization [in German]
- Reconstruction of derived variables on household, family, and living arrangements within the microcensus [in German]
- Construction of derived variables on household and family within the microcensus 1995 [in German]
The German Microdata Lab (GML) provides setups for SPSS, Stata and SAS to store and document Microcensus raw data available for every survey year.