HSR - Historical Social Research
Historical Social Research
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49.2 - Law and (De)Civilization
49.1 - Geographies of Nuclear Energy
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48.4 - Doing Global Sociology
48.3 - Collective Agency
48.2 - Sleep, Knowledge, Technology
48.1 - Long-Term Processes in Human History
Suppl. 34 - Arbeit, Bevölkerung, Alter und Migration
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47.4 - Infrastructures and Ecology
47.3 - Digital Transformation(s)
47.2 - Drifting Apart/Transforming Cities
47.1 - Visibilities of Violence
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46.4 - Caring in Times of a Global Pandemic/Vaccination and Society
46.3 - Borders as Places of Control
46.2 - Positionality Reloaded
46.1 - Conventions, Health and Society
Suppl. 33 - Epidemics and Pandemics
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45.4 - Violence Induced Mobility
45.3 - Social Finance/Big Data
45.2 - Military and Welfare State
45.1 - Emotion, Authority, and National Character
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44.4 - Entrepreneurial Groups and Entrepreneurial Families
44.3 - Islamicate Secularities in Past and Present
44.2 - Governing by Numbers
44.1 - Markets, Organizations, and Law
Suppl. 32 - Celebrity's Histories
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43.4 - Challenged Elites - Elites as Challengers
43.3 - Economists, Politics, and Society
43.2 - Visualities – Sports, Bodies, and Visual Sources
43.1 - Agent-Based Modeling in Social Science, History, and Philosophy
Suppl. 31 - Models and Modelling between Digital & Humanities
Suppl. 30 - Historische Migrationsforschung
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42.4 - Changing Power Relations and the Drag Effects of Habitus
42.3 - Critique & Social Change
42.2 - Religious Denomination / Spatial Dimensions
42.1 - Markets and Classifications
Suppl. 29 - From History to Applied Computer Science in the Humanities
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41.4 - Elites & European Integration
41.3 - Established-Outsider Relations
41.2 - Conventions and Quantification
41.1 - Risk & Social History
Suppl. 28 - Zeitgeschichte zwischen Politik, Biografie und Methodik
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40.4 - Animal Politics / Football History
40.3 - Methods of Innovation Research
40.2 - Climate and Beyond
40.1 - Law and Conventions
Suppl. 27 - Politisierte Sozialstruktur
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39.4 - Energy Crises
39.3 - Terrorism and Gender
39.2 - Spatial Analysis
39.1 - Cultural Life Scripts
Suppl. 26 - HSR Retrospective
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38.4 - East German Industry 1950-2000
38.3 - Space/Time Practices
38.2 - Cultural Analysis
38.1 - Security and Conspiracy
Suppl. 25 - Zur Soziographie des Nationalsozialismus
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37.4 - The Economie des Conventions
37.3 - Digital Humanities
37.2 - Elite Transformation
37.1 - Elite Foundations
Suppl. 24 - Contemporary History
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36.4 - Conventions & Institutions
36.3 - Markets & Market Societies
36.2 - Fertility
36.1. - Management Research
Suppl. 23 - Kollektive Biographie
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35.4. - Human Security
35.3 - Integration or Exclusion
35.2 - Transitions - Transformations
35.1 - Global Communication
Suppl. 22 - Jugendforschung
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34.4 - Premature Death
34.3 - Social Bookkeeping
34.2 - Counterfactual Thinking
34.1 - Linking Theory
Suppl. 21 - Gesamtrechnung DDR
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33.4 - Stochastic Demographic Dynamics
33.3 - Qualitative Data
33.2 - Elite Formation
33.1 - Discourse Analysis
Suppl. 20 - Führungsgruppen
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32.4 - New Political Economy
32.3 - Historical Disaster Research
32.2 - Family Limitation
32.1 - Sports and Dictatorship
Suppl. 19 - Grounded Theory
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31.4 - Constructing Population
31.3 - Biographical Research
31.2 - World and Global History
31.1 - Football History
Suppl. 18 - Buchreihe HSF
Issues 1978-2005
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HSR Supplement
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HSR Trans
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Book Series "Historisch-sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungen" (HSF)
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Biographical Research
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Cultural Studies
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Data Topics
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Economic Sociology
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Economics of Convention
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Education and Knowledge Research
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Elite Research
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Environmental and Sustainability Research
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Figurational Sociology
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Gender Research
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Health-related Research
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Historical Analysis and Research
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(Historical) Demography
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Information Sciences
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International Politics and Relations
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Labor Research
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Legal History
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Media and Communications Research
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Migration and Mobility
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Organizational Sociology
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Political Sciences
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Theory of Science, Philosophy, and Religion
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Social Policies
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Sociological Methods
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Sociological Theory
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Spatial Analysis
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War, Violence, and Security
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