HSR Trans 25: Online Appendix to: Economic Crisis and the Breakdown of Democracy in the Interwar Years: A Reassessment
Jørgen Møller, Alexander Schmotz & Svend-Erik Skaaning: Online Appendix to: Economic Crisis and the Breakdown of Democracy in the Interwar Years: A Reassessment. HSR Trans 25 (2015) v01.
In this online appendix we investigate if the results presented in the main paper, 'Economic Crisis and the Breakdown of Democracy in the Interwar Years: A Reassessment', are robust to alternative modeling strategies, alternative configuration of control variables, alternative follow-up time, reduced (European) sample, alternative measure of the outcome variable, and the use of logistic regression instead of survival analysis. The robustness checks generally lend further support to our general conclusions.
This appendix refers to the following article: Jørgen Møller, Alexander Schmotz, and Svend-Erik Skaaning. 2015. Economic Crisis and Democratic Breakdown in the Interwar Years: A Reassessment. Historical Social Research 40 (2): 301-18. doi: 10.12759/hsr.40.2015.2.301-318. Article Abstract