Historical Social Research

HSR Trans 27: Die Rede des Fußball-Bund Präsidenten Peco Bauwens

Diethelm Blecking. Die Rede des Fußball-Bund Präsidenten Peco Bauwens am 6. Juli 1954 im Münchner Löwenbräukeller. HSR Trans 27 (2015) v01.

[The Speech Held by the German Football Association's President Peco Bauwens on July 6, 1954 in Munich's Löwenbräukeller]

After defeating the Hungarian team at the Football World Championship in Bern on July 4, 1954, the triumphant German team stopped two days after the win in Munich as part of their victory tour through the republic. This edition of HSR Trans includes the speech held by German Football Association president Peco Bauwens before an audience of 7,000, as well as a commentary by the author describing the importance of the speech and the reasoning behind why the Bayerische Rundfunk (Bavarian Broadcasting Company) did not record the entire speech.

To HSR Trans 27

This speech and associated commentary are supplemental to the following HSR article: Diethelm Blecking. 2015. Das „Wunder von Bern“ 1954 – Zur politischen Instrumentalisierung eines Mythos. Historical Social Research 40 (4): 197-208. doi: 10.12759/hsr.40.2015.4.197-208.