Historical Social Research

HSR Trans 32: Documentation of the German Time Series Data Set, 1834-2018

Thomas Rahlf: Documentation of the German Time Series Dataset, 1834-2018. HSR Trans 32 (2023).

The dataset comprises 131 XLSX-tables with a total of more than 1.100 time series of 24 different topics for Germany in its different borders from 1834, the foundation of the Customs Union (Zollverein). The current purpose to compile the data was a publication issued in cooperation with the German Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung). The project was limited to the compilation of published data, in the perspective of long time series and without regional differentiation within Germany. The aim of the project was to identify and compile scattered existing historical time series, and to complement or update them at reasonable expense. In doing so, the best possible or most important data should be compiled. Time series were only to be included, if data for the entire period was at least theoretically available. An integral aspect of the concept of our project is the combination of data with critical commentaries of the time series by established expert scientists. The following themes are covered (authors in parentheses):

1. Environment, Climate and Nature (Paul Erker);
2. Population, Households, Families (Georg Fertig/Franz Rothenbacher);
3. Migration (Jochen Oltmer);
4. Education and Science (Volker Müller-Benedict);
5. Health Service (Reinhard Spree);
6. Social Policy (Marcel Boldorf);
7. Public Finance and Taxation (Mark Spoerer);
8. Political Participation (Marc Debus);
9. Crime and Justice (Dietrich Oberwittler);
10. Work and Employment, Standard of Living and Consumption (Toni Pierenkemper / Ulrich Pfister);
11. Culture, Tourism, and Sports (Heike Wolter/Bernd Wedemeyer-Kolwe);
12. Religion (Thomas Roßbölting/Markus Goldbeck);
13. National Accounts (Thomas Rahlf);
14. Prices (Rainer Metz);
15. Money and Credit (Richard Tilly);
16. Transport and Communication (Christopher Kopper);
17. Agriculture (Michael Kopsidis);
18. Business, Industry, and Craft (Alfred Reckendrees);
19. Building and Housing (Günther Schulz);
20. Trade (Markus Lampe / Nikolaus Wolf);
21. Balance of Payments (Nikolaus Wolf);
22. International Comparisons (Herman de Jong/Joerg Baten);
23. Income, Wealth and Economic Inequality (Charlotte Bartels / Jan-Otmar Hesse);
24. Gender (Rainer Fattman / Sibylle Lehmann-Hasemeyer / Mark Spoerer);

The documentation lists all used sources.

To HSR Trans 32

This documentation refers to the following book: Thomas Rahlf, ed. 2022. Deutschland in Daten. Zeitreihen zur Historischen Statistik. Bonn: Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung. 2nd ed.