ALLBUS (Allgemeine Bevölkerungsumfrage der Sozialwissenschaften – German General Social Survey (GGSS)) is one of the foremost survey programs in Germany. It has been institutionalized as a part of GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences. The Research Data Center (RDC) ALLBUS provides regular and user-friendly access to the products of this survey program for all scientifically interested persons.

Inaugurated in 1980, the German General Social Survey (ALLBUS) collects up-to-date data on social and political attitudes and behaviors in Germany. The biennial cross-section surveys combine a permanent core of replicated questions with changing topical modules. While the replication of a constant set of indicators provides insights into the changing social and political make-up of German society since the 1980ies, the regular incorporation of new topics and research interests ensures the program’s continuing scientific and societal relevance.

Question modules on topics which have proven to be of enduring interest are replicated in a loose ten year cycle. This includes, for example, modules on social inequality, on attitudes towards minorities, on religion and world view or on personal and collective values.

The surveys are conducted using a representative sample of all adult residents living in private households in Germany.

The surveys are conducted using a representative sample of all adult residents living in private households in Germany.

With ALLBUS data, researchers can:

  • investigate current attitudes, values and social behaviors in Germany
  • analyze social change over time
  • investigate methodological issues in survey research.

ALLBUS data and metadata are carefully processed and extensively documented, making ALLBUS a trusted resource for teaching at all levels. For use in teaching and research, the data can be downloaded free of charge from the GESIS data catalogue. Documentation materials include methodological reports, questionnaires and variable reports. Supplementary information is offered online. ALLBUS does not impose any restrictions on the publication of research using ALLBUS data.

ALLBUS website

All data, additional materials and background information can be found on the ALLBUS website.

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