
The many faces of GESIS


Since October 2022

Researcher, Department Data and Research on Society, Team Social Surveys, responsible for the linking of survey data and digital behavioral data 

April 2021 – September 2022

Research assistant, University of Konstanz, Sociology, Chair of Microsociology (Prof. Dr. Claudia Diehl) and Chair of Empirical Social Research (Prof. Dr. Thomas Hinz) 

Since June 2015

Doctoral candidate at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology


Research assistant, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute of Sociology, Media and Culture Studies


Visiting Doctoral Student at the Center on Poverty and Inequality, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA


M.A. Sociology, University of Mannheim


B.A. Sociology, University of Mannheim


Research interests
  • Income inequality and poverty in modern societies
  • Low-wage employment, working poverty, and minimum wages
  • Minimum income protection, social security, social policy

Photo credit: Marvin Hottenbacher


Journal article

Gábos, András, Barbara Binder, Réka Branyiczki, and István G. Tóth. 2024. "Unravelling the relationship between employment, social transfers and income poverty: policy and measurement." Journal of European Social Policy online first. doi:

Binder, Barbara, and Andreas Haupt. 2022. "The fundamental role of tax systems in the relationship between workfare and inequality in the lower half of the income distribution." Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 80 (August 2022): 100712. doi:

Binder, Barbara, and Andreas Haupt. 2018. "Wohlstand für alle? Die Entwicklung einkommensschwacher Haushalte seit 2005." WSI-Mitteilungen 71 (5): 358-369.

Chapter in an edited book

Gábos, András, Barbara Binder, Réka Branyiczki, and István G. Tóth. 2019. "Employment and poverty dynamics before, during, and after the crisis." In Decent Incomes for All: Improving Policies in Europe, edited by Bea Cantillon, Tim Goedemé, and John Hills, International Policy Exchange Series. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Lange, Barbara, Andreas Haupt, Gerd Nollmann, and Hermann Strasser. 2016. "Warum mehr Armut in Deutschland?" In Understanding Inequality: Social Costs and Benefits, edited by Machin Amanda, and Nico Stehr, zu|schriften der Zeppelin Universität. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Gábos, András, Réka Branyiczki, István G. Tóth, and Barbara Lange. 2014. "Az aktív korúak foglalkoztatottsága és szegénysége az Európai Unióban és Magyarországon: válság elött, alatt és után.." In Társaldami Riport 2014, edited by Tamás Kolosi, and István G. Tóth, Budapest: Tárki.

Working and discussion paper

Binder, Barbara, Alexander Mack, and Valentina Ponomarenko. 2020. Harmonization of income data in EU-SILC. Update of GESIS Paper 2015|18. Köln: GESIS.

Gábos, András, Barbara Lange, Réka Branyiczki, and István G. Tóth. 2015. Employment and poverty dynamics in the EU countries before, during and after the crisis. ImPRovE Working Paper 15/06. Antwerpen: Herman Deleeck Centre for Social Policy - University of Antwerp.

Presentation at a conference

Binder, Barbara, András Gábos, Réka Branyiczki, and István G. Tóth. 2023. "Rising employment and stagnant poverty rates in the EU - a puzzle revisited." Frühjahrstagung der DGS-Sektion “Soziale Ungleichheit und Sozialstrukturanalyse”, 2023-03-22.

Binder, Barbara. 2021. "Do minimum wages reduce income inequality? Estimating the impact of minimum wages on income inequality using unconditional quantile regressions in Germany and the USA." ECSR Annual Conference 2021, 2021-11-07.

Binder, Barbara. 2021. "Do minimum wages reduce income inequality? Estimating the impact of policies on income inequality using unconditional quantile regressions." ESPAnet Conference 2021, KU Leuven, Leuven, 2021-08-31.

Binder, Barbara. 2021. "Senkt der gesetzliche Mindestlohn die Einkommensungleichheit und -armut in Deutschland?" 3. Workshop der Geschäfts- und Informationsstelle für den Mindestlohn, Geschäfts- und Informationsstelle für den Mindestlohn, Berlin, 2021-11-15.

Binder, Barbara. 2021. "Senkt der gesetzliche Mindestlohn die Einkommensungleichheit und –armut in Deutschland?" Erwerbsverläufe, Sozialpolitik und Ungleichheit. Joint conference of the sections „Soziale Ungleichheit und Sozialstrukturanalyse“ and „Sozialpolitik“, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin.

Binder, Barbara, András Gábos, István G. Tóth, and Réka Branyiczki. 2021. "The impact of changes in employment and social transfers on poverty trends in the European Union in times of economic recovery." 7th European User Conference for EU-Microdata, GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim.

Binder, Barbara, and Andreas Haupt. 2021. "The moderating role of taxation on the relationship between workfarism and income inequality." ESPAnet Conference 2021, KU Leuven, Leuven, 2021-08-31.