
The many faces of GESIS


Dr. Carol Ludwig is a senior researcher at the GESIS Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences (Germany) where she leads the BMBF-funded subproject Sozialkartographie as part of the UrbanMetaMapping Research Consortium. She is an urban planner (chartered through the Royal Town Planning Institute, UK) with professional experience in local and regional municipalities in the UK. She holds a 1st class BSc in Geography, MSc in Town Planning (with distinction) and completed her PhD in the field of local conservation planning in 2013. Dr. Ludwig held permanent posts as Lecturer in Town Planning (Civic Design) at the universities of Northumbria and Liverpool, UK, before joining GESIS in 2020. Between 2014 and 2016 Dr. Ludwig was an advisor to World Heritage UK and co-authored “Towards a UK World Heritage Research Strategy Report” (2016). She has published in several high-quality international academic research outlets and has recently edited the volume “The Heritage Turn in China: The Reinvention, Dissemination and Consumption of Heritage”, (Amsterdam University Press, 2020).

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Please note: from 1 October 2023 Dr. Carol Ludwig works for the University of Saarland.


Dr. Ludwig is part of the UrbanMetaMapping Research Consortium working on a BMBF/DLR funded project "Kartieren und transformieren. Interdisziplinäre Zugriffe auf Stadtkarten als visuelles Medium urbaner Transformation in Mittel- und Osteuropa, 1939-1949." As part of this interdisciplinary project, the team:

  • gathers damage maps from the Second World War and other thematic urban maps covering Central and Central Eastern Europe
  • investigates urban mapping as a cultural practice of transformation
  • unlocks knowledge about the social and spatial development of post-war cities
  • observes how heritage was mapped and historical consciousness was formed
  • traces how maps were perceived and reinterpreted after the end of the war
  • explores the visual programme of maps and information graphics

The subproject led by Dr. Ludwig brings together heterogeneous and under-researched data sets, maps and archival material from the postwar period to explore the transformation of selected cities in Germany and Poland. The project covers the years of post-war reconstruction and explores the effects of this transformation on the later socioeconomic profile of the cities.

Please note: from 1 October 2023 Dr. Carol Ludwig works for the University of Saarland.


Journal article

Ludwig, Carol, and S. Alvanides. 2023. "A spatio-temporal analysis of the urban fabric of Nuremberg from the 1940s onwards using historical maps." Urban Planning 8 (1): 239-254. doi:

Alvanides, S., and Carol Ludwig. 2023. "Bombed cities: Legacies of post-war planning on the contemporary urban and social fabric." Urban Planning 8 (1): 165-168. doi:

Chen, Fei, Carol Ludwig, and Olivier Sykes. 2021. "Heritage conservation through planning: A comparison of policies and principles in the UK and China." Planning, Practice and Research 36 (5): 578-601. doi:

Ludwig, Carol. 2016. "From Bricks and Mortar to Social Heritage: Planning Space for Diversities in the AHD." International Journal of Heritage Studies 2020. doi:

Chapter in an edited book

Ludwig, Carol, and Linda Walton. 2020. "Afterword: Historicising and globalising the heritage turn in China." In The heritage turn in China : the reinvention, dissemination and consumption of heritage, edited by Carol Ludwig, Linda Walton, and Yi-Wen Wang, 297–306. Amsterdam University Press.

Ludwig, Carol, and Yi-Wen Wang. 2020. "Contemporary fabrication of pasts and the creation of new identities: Open air museums and historical theme parks in the UK and China." In The heritage turn in China : the reinvention, dissemination and consumption of heritage, edited by Carol Ludwig, Linda Walton, and Yi-Wen Wang, 131–168. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

Ludwig, Carol, and Linda Walton. 2020. "Introduction: (Un)authorised heritage discourse and practice in China." In The heritage turn in China : the reinvention, dissemination and consumption of heritage, edited by Carol Ludwig, Linda Walton, and Yi-Wen Wang, 15–36. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.


Ludwig, Carol, Linda Walton, and Yi-Wen Wang, ed. 2020. The heritage turn in China: the reinvention, dissemination and consumption of heritage. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

Presentation at a conference

Ludwig, Carol, and Serafeim Alvanides. 2022. "A spatio-temporal analysis of the urban fabric of Nuremberg from 1940s onwards." Mapping “Post-Conflict” Cities, Leibniz-Institut für Raumbezogene Sozialforschung (IRS) , Erkner, 2022-10-20.