The many faces of GESIS
Caroline Hahn is research assistant in the German study of the European Social Survey (ESS). In 2017 she completed her masters degree in Empirical Political and Social Research at the University of Stuttgart. Previously, she worked as a trainee in the Statistic and Surveys department at the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights from 2015 to 2016. Her research interests include political representation and inequality.
Journal article
Hahn, Caroline. 2022. "The Voice of the Absent? : The Link Between Descriptive and Substantive Representation of the Working Class in Western Europe." Political Studies 2024 (72, 2): 527-550. doi:
Schnaudt, Christian, Caroline Hahn, and Elias Heppner. 2021. "Distributive and Procedural Justice and Political Trust in Europe." Frontiers in Political Science 3 (642232). doi:
Presentation at a conference
Hahn, Caroline, Jan-Lucas Schanze, Niklas Donth, and Oshrat Hochman. 2023. "Same, Same, Not So Different? Switching the ESS in Germany From Face-to-Face to Self-Completion and Its Implications for Data Quality and Sample Composition." ESRA 2023 Conference, Milano, Italy, 2023-07-18.
Hahn, Caroline. 2019. "Are ideas present when people aren’t? : The relation of numerical and substantive representation of the poor in European parliaments." 9th Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association (EPSA), 20-22 June 2019, Belfast, UK, 2019-06-22.
Hahn, Caroline, and Christian Schnaudt. 2019. "Citizen-elite congruence, political allegiances and political support in Europe." 4th International ESS Conference "Turbulent times in Europe: Instability, insecurity and inequality", 15-17 April 2019, Mannheim, Germany, 2019-04-16.
Hahn, Caroline. 2018. "The Value of Descriptive Representation: Are the interests of the low social classes in Europe adequately represented? ." General Conference of the European Consortium of Political Research (ECPR), 22-25 August 2018, Hamburg, Germany, 2018-08-24.
Hahn, Caroline. 2018. "Unequal political Representation: Measuring the unequal consideration of interests of different social classes in comparative analysis." 27. Wissenschaftlicher Kongress der DVPW, 25-28 September 2018, Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland, 2018-09-27.
Hochman, Oshrat, and Caroline Hahn. 2019. "Turbulent times in Europe: Instability, insecurity and inequality." Fourth International ESS Conference, 2019-04-15 - 2019-04-17.