The many faces of GESIS
Deborah is the Head of the Secure Data Center at GESIS-Leibniz Institute for Social Sciences. She manages access to sensitive data and participates in work to open up transnational data access through projects the Social Sciences and Humanities Open Science Cloud (SSHOC) and EOSC-ENTRUST projects. She is co-PI for the ASSURED project that is developing training for researchers and staff relating to sensitive data access. Deborah is also co-Chair of the International Secure Data Access Facilities Professionals Network and secretary of the Royal Statistical Society Data Ethics and Governance Section.
Deborah heads up the Secure Data Center which provides researchers with access to data requiring special protection.
Deborah publishes on data governance and the safe and ethical use of sensitive data.Publications
Journal article
Wiltshire, Deborah, Libby Bishop, and Beate Lichtwardt. 2024. "Building human networks to drive forward innovations in international data access: Introducing the International Secure Data Facility Professionals Network (ISDFPN)." IASSIST Quarterly 48 (3): 1-11. doi:
Wiltshire, Deborah. 2024. "Developing canonical ‘safe researcher’ training materials for trusted research environments." IASSIST Quarterly 48 (1). doi:
Wiltshire, Deborah, and S. Alvanides. 2022. "Ensuring the ethical use of big data: lessons from secure data access." Heliyon 8 (2): e08981. doi:
Murtagh, Madeleine, Mwenza Blell, Olly Butters, Lorraine Cowley, Edward Dove, Alissa Goodman, Rebecca Griggs, Alison Hall, Nina Hallowell, Meena Kumari, Massimo Mangino, Barbara Maughan, Melinda Mills, Joel Minion, Tom Murphy, Gillian Prior, Matthew Suderman, Susan Ring, Stephanie Roberts, Catherine Van der Straeten, Will Viney, Andrew Wong, Neil Walker, Paul Burton, and Deborah Wiltshire. 2018 (Forthcoming). "Better governance, better access: practising responsible data sharing in the METADAC governance infrastructure." Human Genomics (12 (24)). doi:
Wiltshire, Deborah. 2013. "The dissolution of first unions and women’s economic activity in the UK."
Chapter in an edited book
Corti, Louise, and Deborah Wiltshire. 2022. "Research Data Resources for Epidemiology." In Integrative Bioinformatics: History and Future, edited by Ming Chen, and Ralf Hofestädt, 47–83. Singapore: Springer. doi:
Working and discussion paper
Munzert, Simon, Sebastian Ramirez-Ruiz, Oliver Watteler, Johannes Breuer, Veronika Batzdorfer, Christina Eder, Deborah Wiltshire, Pablo Barbera, Andrew Guess, and JungHwan Yang. 2023. Publishing Combined Web Tracking and Survey Data. OSF Preprints. doi:
Bishop, Libby, Daan Broeder, Brian Kleiner, Beate Lichtwardt, Deborah Wiltshire, and Yevhen Vorovin. 2022. D5.10 White Paper on Remote Access to Sensitive Data in the Social Sciences and Humanities: 2021 and beyond . doi:
Lichtwardt, Beate, Matthew Woollard, Deborah Wiltshire, and Elizabeth Lea Bishop. 2022. D5.11 ERAN Pilot (Remote access to sensitive data) . doi:
Lichtwardt, Beate, Deborah Wiltshire, and Elizabeth Lea Bishop. 2022. D5.12 International Secure Data Facility Professionals Network (ISDFPN). doi:
Wiltshire, Deborah, Beate Lichtwardt, and Yevhen Vorovin. 2022. SSHOC MS 29 Tested connections between partners with live data and researcher projects. doi:
Wiltshire, Deborah. 2021. Canonical training materials for secure data facility professionals. doi:
Wiltshire, Deborah, and Alita Nandi. 2020. Teaching Resource: Analysing ethnic differences in health using data from Understanding Society.
Presentation at a conference
Wiltshire, Deborah, and Simon Parker. 2024. "ASSURED: Safe Research by Safe People." NFDI User Conference, 2024-11-21.
Wiltshire, Deborah. 2024. "Enhancing Data Governance in Trusted Research Environments." IASSIST 2024, 2024-05-29.
Wiltshire, Deborah. 2024. "Is it time to re-examine data governance?" Linking Survey and Digital Trace Data, 2024-02-23.
Wiltshire, Deborah, and Paula Lackie. 2024. "Using the DataSquad student support model to join practical data science with humanistic statistical education." International Association for Statistical Education, 2024-07-02.
Wiltshire, Deborah, and Beate Lichtwardt. 2023. "Crossing borders without leaving - sharing secure data internationally." ESRA 2023: 10th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Milan, 2023-07-17. doi:
Wiltshire, Deborah. 2023. "Ensuring the safe and ethical use of sensitive data." Annual Symposium of SecHuman: Security for Humans in Cyberspace, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2023-02-10. doi:
Wiltshire, Deborah. 2023. "Managing the risks of the different access routes for sensitive data." Meet the Experts, GESIS, online, 2023-12-13.
Wiltshire, Deborah. 2023. "Open Science in Action with IASSIST Experts." International symposium on open science for information professionals, Universiti Teknologi MARA, 2023-03-14.
Wiltshire, Deborah. 2023. "Shifting pathways: managing the risks of the different access routes for sensitive data." IASSIST 2023, 2023-05-29.
Wiltshire, Deborah. 2023. "Shifting pathways: managing the risks of the different access routes for sensitive data." ESRA 2023: 10th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Milan, 2023-07-17. doi:
Wiltshire, Deborah. 2022. "Approaches to providing remote access to confidential data." eRImote Workshop II: Remote operations of RI services and Data and access security , 2022-10-25.
Wiltshire, Deborah. 2022. "Building secure data access infrastructure, building resources and networks." Advancing SSH Research with SSHOCingly good and sustainable Resources, 2022-04-07. doi:
Wiltshire, Deborah, Paula Lackie, Tim Dennis, and Elizabeth Parke. 2022. "De-jargon-ifying the data support space." IASSIST 2022, 7-10 June, Gothenburg, 2022-06-07.
Wiltshire, Deborah. 2022. "International perspectives on data governance in times of the pandemic." Royal Statistical Society Annual Conference, 2022-09-13.
Wiltshire, Deborah, Paula Lackie, Tim Dennis, and Elizabeth Parke. 2022. "Responding to local data support challenges through a global student DataSquad." 51 st LIBER Annual Conference: Libraries in the Research and Innovation Landscape — Supporting, Partnering, Leading, University of Southern Denmark, 2022-07-07. doi:
Wiltshire, Deborah. 2022. "Running a Data Center." Digital Footprints, 2022-05-05. doi:
Wiltshire, Deborah. 2022. "Safe Access to Sensitive Data." Safe Access to Sensitive Data in Switzerland, Educa, Bern, 2022-11-25.
Wiltshire, Deborah. 2022. "Working together to ensure the safe use of sensitive and confidential data: exploring a collaborative training approach." IASSIST 2022, 7-10 June, Gothenburg, 2022-06-07.
Wiltshire, Deborah, Neil Kaye, and Dara O'Neill. 2021. "Accessing and using ‘real-world’ study data: A Stata-based introduction for newcomers to longitudinal research."
Wiltshire, Deborah. 2019. "Practical and ethical challenges of doing public history." University of Essex.
Wiltshire, Deborah. 2018. "Practical and ethical challenges of doing public history." University of Essex.
Wiltshire, Deborah. 2017. "Practical and ethical challenges of doing public history." University of Essex.
Wiltshire, Deborah, and Neil Kaye. 2024. "Accessing and understanding real world data using longitudinal data." University of Cambridge. Frühjahrs-/Sommersemester 2024: 6 SWS.
Wiltshire, Deborah. 2023. "Accessing and understanding real world data using longitudinal data." University of Cambridge. Frühjahrs-/Sommersemester 2023: 6 SWS.
Wiltshire, Deborah. 2023. "Output Checking Workshop I: Bespoke workshop for the TwinLife Study." Herbst-/Wintersemester 2023: 3 SWS.
Wiltshire, Deborah. 2023. "Output Checking Workshop II: Practical steps for working with researchers: Bespoke workshop for the TwinLife Study." Herbst-/Wintersemester 2023: 3 SWS.
Wiltshire, Deborah. 2022. "Accessing and understanding real world data using longitudinal data." University of Cambridge. Frühjahrs-/Sommersemester 2022: 6 SWS.
Wiltshire, Deborah, James Scott, Christine Woods, and Beate Lichtwardt. 2021. "Safe Researcher Training."
Wiltshire, Deborah, and Louise Corti. 2019. "Secure data access frameworks and statistical disclosure." Liverpool Womens Hospital, Liverpool. Sommersemester 2019: 3 SWS.
Wiltshire, Deborah, Louise Corti, and Cristina Magder. 2019. "Secure data access frameworks and statistical disclosure." London School of Hygiene and Tropical medicine, London. Sommersemester 2019: 3 SWS.
Articles or interviews in non-scientific media
Wiltshire, Deborah, and Libby Bishop. 2024. "Balancing the demand for open data with the need to protect sensitive data." GESIS Blog, 2024-04-07. doi:
Wiltshire, Deborah. 2024. "TREs: New data, new challenges." World of Smart Data blog series, 2024-07-18.
Wiltshire, Deborah, and Beate Lichtwardt. 2023. "Crossing borders without leaving – sharing secure data internationally." UKDS Blog, 2024-06-20.
Wiltshire, Deborah. 2022. "Blog - Using Secure Access Data Safely: Developing canonical training materials." SSHOC blog, 2021-09-21.
Green, Elizabeth, Felix Ritchie, Libby Bishop, Deborah Wiltshire, Simon Parker, Allyson Flaster, and Maggie Levenstein. 2021. "What are the output disclosure control issues associated with qualitative data?" UWE Blog, 2021-11-23.
Wiltshire, Deborah. 2024. "Moving towards normalising data sharing and linkage for policy and research: potential benefits and challenges (Online)." ., Royal Statistical Society, 2024-07-19 - 2024-07-19.
Wiltshire, Deborah. 2023. "International approaches to the legal, governance and ethical challenges of social media and DVD (Europe)." Royal Statistical Society Data Ethics and Governance Section, 2023-10-20 - 2023-10-20.
Wiltshire, Deborah. 2023. "RSS - International approaches to the legal, governance and ethical challenges of social media and DVD (Australia)." Royal Statistical Society Data Ethics and Governance Section, 2023-11-02 - 2023-11-02.
Wiltshire, Deborah. 2023. "RSS - International approaches to the legal, governance and ethical challenges of social media and DVD (US)." Royal Statistical Society Data Ethics and Governance Section, 2023-11-09 - 2023-11-09.
Wiltshire, Deborah. 2021. "SSHOC Workshop: Providing canonical training materials for secure data facility professionals." SSHOC Workshop: Providing canonical training materials for secure data facility professionals, Online, 2021-09-21.