The many faces of GESIS
Klara Dentler is a data processing specialist for the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES) based in the Department of Monitoring Society and Social Change at GESIS Mannheim. Klara holds a bachelor’s degree in political science and business administration and a master’s degree in political science, both from the University of Mannheim, Germany, and joined CSES in September 2019. Klara is also pursuing a Ph.D. in political science at the Graduate School of Social Sciences at the University of Mannheim, Germany. Before joining the CSES Secretariat, Klara worked as a Research Assistant for the CSES project and for ZIS at GESIS.Service
In the CSES, Klara is responsible for processing CSES micro data, data documentation, collecting district data, data harmonization, data quality checks, website content, and responding to user queries.Research
Klara's research interests are comparative politics focusing on voting behavior, especially political leaders, economic voting, and political attitudes.In her Ph.D. thesis, Klara investigates the emergence of ambivalent (conflicting) attitudes and their effects on swing voters and those individuals' decision-making processes. She thereby distinguishes between parties and their leaders.
Journal article
Dentler, Klara. 2024. "Ambivalence across the globe: Investigating political ambivalence and its impact on vote switching in 52 multi-party systems." Party Politics online first. doi:
Dentler, Klara, Katharina Blinzler, and Stephen Quinlan. 2024. "Electoral Messiah or Party Label? Quantifying and Investigating Leader-Party Relationships in German Federal Elections 1998–2021." Electoral Studies 87 (February 2024): 102699. doi:
Dentler, Klara. 2023. "Should I Stay or Should I Go? Testing the Influence of Ambivalence on Vote Switching in the German Multi-Party Context." German Politics and Society 41 (1): 25-63. doi:
Dentler, Klara, Thomas Gschwend, and David Huenlich. 2021. "A swing vote from the ethnic backstage: The role of German American isolationist tradition for Trump’s 2016 victory." Electoral Studies 71 102309. doi:
Chapter in an edited book
Dentler, Klara. 2023. "From Ambivalence to Vote Switching: Investigating the Underlying Mechanisms in Three European Multi-Party Systems." In Deutschland und Europa im Umbruch: Einstellungen, Verhalten und Forschungsperspektiven im Kontext der Bundestagswahl 2017 und der Europawahl 2019, edited by Kathrin Ackermann, Heiko Giebler, and Martin Elff, Wahlen und politische Einstellungen, 133–177. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. doi:
Working and discussion paper
Dentler, Klara, Matthias Bluemke, and Oscar W. Gabriel. 2020. German satisfaction with the political system short scale (SPS). Zusammenstellung sozialwissenschaftlicher Items und Skalen. Mannheim: GESIS. doi:
Other article
Dentler, Klara, and Georgios Papastefanou. 2018. "Bibliographie zur Einkommens- und Verbrauchsstichprobe (EVS): Stand: 10. Januar 2018." Köln: GESIS Papers, 2018/02. doi:
Thies, Theresa, Klara Dentler, and Georgios Papastefanou. 2017. "Bibliographie zur Einkommens- und Verbrauchsstichprobe (EVS): Stand: 21. März 2017." Köln: GESIS Papers, 2017/09. doi:
Presentation at a conference
Dentler, Klara. 2024. "The Conflicted Voter: Examining the Impact of Parties, Leaders and Coalitions on Individuals’ Consideration Sets in Multi-Party Systems." 120th American Political Science Association (APSA) Conference, Philadelphia, USA, 2024-09-05.
Dentler, Klara. 2024. "The Conflicted Voter: Examining the Impact of Parties, Leaders and Coalitions on Individuals’ Consideration Sets in Multi-Party Systems." The Future of Electoral Democracy Conference, University of Montréal, Canada, 2024-11-29.
Dentler, Klara. 2023. "The Ambivalent Voter: Investigating the Development of Ambivalent Political Attitudes in the Multi-Party Context." 80th Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) Conference, Chicago, USA, 2023-04-15.
Dentler, Klara. 2022. "Ambivalence Across the Globe: Investigating Political Ambivalence and Its Impact on Vote Switching in 51 Multi-Party Systems." 79th Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) Conference, Chicago, USA, 2022-04-01.
Dentler, Klara, Katharina Blinzler, and Stephen Quinlan. 2022. "Electoral Messiah or Party Label? : Quantifying and Identifying Leader-Party Relationships and Causal Pathways in German Federal Elections." 12th European Political Science Association (EPSA) Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 2022-06-23.
Dentler, Klara, Katharina Blinzler, and Stephen Quinlan. 2022. "Electoral Messiah or Party Label? : Quantifying and Identifying Leader-Party Relationships and Causal Pathways in German Federal Elections." DVPW-Arbeitskreis „Wahlen und politische Einstellungen“ (AK-Wahlen) 2022 Conference, Berlin, Germany, 2022-05-01.
Dentler, Klara. 2022. "The Ambivalent Voter: Ambivalent Political Attitudes and Vote Switching." 118th American Political Science Association (APSA) Conference, Montréal, Canada, 2022-09-16.
Dentler, Klara. 2022. "The Ambivalent Voter: Investigating the Development of Ambivalent Political Attitudes in the Multi-Party Context." 12th European Political Science Association (EPSA) Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 2022-06-23.
Dentler, Klara. 2021. "Ambivalence Across the Globe: Investigating the Effects of Political Ambivalence on Vote Switching in 49 Multi-Party Systems." 11th European Political Science Association (EPSA), 2021-06-01.
Dentler, Klara. 2020. "Should I Stay or Should I Go? Testing the Influence of Ambivalent Political Attitudes on Vote Switching." DVPW-Arbeitskreis “Wahlen und politische Einstellungen“, University of Heidelberg, Germany, 2020-12-01.
Dentler, Klara. 2020. "Should I Stay or Should I Go? Testing the Influence of Ambivalence on Vote Switching in a Multi-Party Context." Democracy and Elections/ Comparative Politics, University of Manchester, UK, 2020-09-01.
Blinzler, Katharina, and Klara Dentler. 2022. "Introduction to Stata for Data Management and Analysis." GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften.
Dentler, Klara. 2021. "Stata und Grundlagen der Regression." Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Bonn.