
The many faces of GESIS


Lukas Birkenmaier is a research associate and doctoral student at GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences in Mannheim. From 2015-2019, he completed his Bachelor's degree (B.A.) in Political and Administrative Sciences at the University of Konstanz with stays in Maastricht (Netherlands) and Berlin. He then earned a Master's degree (M.A.) in Political and Administrative Sciences with a specialization in Public Administration and Management. At the same time, he completed a Master's degree (M.Sc.) in Big Data and Digital Futures at the University of Warwick (UK), which he graduated with distinction in 2021


Journal article

Daikeler, Jessica, Leon Froehling, Indira Sen, Lukas Birkenmaier, Tobias Gummer, Jan Schwalbach, Henning Silber, Bernd Weiß, Katrin Weller, and Clemens Lechner. 2024. "Assessing Data Quality in the Age of Digital Social Research: A Systematic Review." Social Science Computer Review online first. doi:

Fröhling, Leon, Lukas Birkenmaier, and Jessica Daikeler. 2023. "Garbage in - Garbage out? : Datenqualität im Umgang mit digitalen Verhaltensdaten." Easy social sciences 2023 (68): 21-31. doi:

Birkenmaier, Lukas, Clemens Lechner, and Claudia Wagner. 2023. "The search for solid ground in text as data: A systematic review and practical recommendations for validation." Communication Methods and Measures 2024 (18(3)): 249-277. doi:

Chapter in an edited book

Birkenmaier, Lukas, Stefan Haußner, and Michael Kaeding. 2023. "Die unbeachtete Wahlrevolution: Analyse der Briefwahl bei der Bundestagswahl 2021." In Die Bundestagswahl 2021. Analysen der Wahl-, Parteien-, Kommunikations- und Regierungsforschung, edited by Karl-Rudolf Korte, Maximilian Schiffers, Arno Von Schuckmann, and Sandra Plümer, 189-205. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. doi:

Birkenmaier, Lukas, Stefan Haußner, and Michael Kaeding. 2023. "Ungleiche Wahlbeteiligung in pandemischen Zeiten: Gibt es einen Corona-Effekt?" In Die Bundestagswahl 2021. Analysen der Wahl-, Parteien-, Kommunikations- und Regierungsforschung, edited by Karl-Rudolf Korte, Maximilian Schiffers, Arno Von Schuckmann, and Sandra Plümer, 171-187. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. doi:

Presentation at a conference

Birkenmaier, Lukas. 2022. "Measuring Parliament Polarization during the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Comparison and Validation of Methods using Text-as-Data." 41. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Universität Bielefeld, Bielefeld, 2022-09-28.