
The many faces of GESIS


Journal article

Vogel, Ines, Karin Stengel, and Marion Rahnke. 2014. "Qualität der Fernsehberichterstattung über internationale Krisen und Konflikte. Ein Vergleich zwischen öffentlich-rechtlichen und privaten Nachrichtenanbietern." M&K Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft 2014 (62): 42-63.

Retzbach, Joachim, Andrea Retzbach, Michaela Maier, Lukas Otto, and Marion Rahnke. 2013. "Effects of repeated exposure to science TV shows on beliefs about scientific evidence and interest in science." Journal of Media Psychology 25 (1): 3-13.

Retzbach, Andrea, Joachim Marschall, Marion Rahnke, Lukas Otto, and Michaela Maier. 2011. "Public understanding of science and the perception of nanotechnology: The roles of interest in science, methodological knowledge, epistemological beliefs, and beliefs about science." Journal of nanoparticle research 13 (12): 6231-6244.


Maier, Jürgen, Michaela Maier, Annette Hosenfeld, Wolfgang König, Mathias König, Marion Rahnke, and Daniel Alings. 2014. Printmedienrezeption und Kompetenzerwerb. Ein Langzeitexperiment zur Wirkung der lokalen Tageszeitung auf individuelle Lebenschancen und die gesellschaftliche Teilhabe junger Menschen. Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Presentation at a conference

Stengel, Karin, Marion Rahnke, and Ines Vogel. 2011. "A comparison of journalistic depiction and recipients’ perception of news factors – The case of the Congo crisis." Poster präsentiert auf der 7. Tagung der Fachgruppe Medienpsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Bremen (Deutschland). , 2011-08-01.

Otto, Lukas, Marion Rahnke, Joachim Marschall, and Michaela Maier. 2011. "Effects of Science TV-Shows on People’s Understanding of Science: Results from an Online Field Experiment. ." Paper presented at the 6th Annual Meeting ‘Science and the Public’, London (England)., 2011-07-01.

Maier, Michaela, Karin Stengel, Ines Vogel, and Marion Rahnke. 2011. "Krisen- und Konfliktberichterstattung in deutschen Fernsehnachrichten." 3. Sektionstagung Internationale Politik der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft (DVPW), München (Deutschland), 2011-10-01.

Rahnke, Marion, Karin Stengel, Ines Vogel, and Michaela Maier. 2011. "Peace Journalism in news coverage on international conflicts – A comparison of journalistic depiction and recipients’ perceptions using the example of the Congo crisis." Paper presented at the International Communication Conference of the International Association of Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), Istanbul (Turkey)., 2011-07-01.

Marschall, Joachim, Marion Rahnke, Lukas Otto, and Michaela Maier. 2011. "The representation of scientific evidence in German science TV shows and recipients' understanding of science: Results from an online field experiment." Paper presented at the 61. Annual Meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA), Boston (USA)., 2011-05-01.

Stengel, Karin, Ines Vogel, and Marion Rahnke. 2010. "Conflict Coverage in the German Dual Media System." Paper presented at the George Gerbner Conference on Communication, Conflict, and Aggression, Budapest (Hungary)., 2010-05-01.

Rahnke, Marion, Karin Stengel, and Michaela Maier. 2010. "The influence of news coverage on citizens’ attitudes towards foreign and security." Paper presented at the International Communication Conference of the International Association of Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), Braga (Portugal)., 2010-07-01.