
The many faces of GESIS


Yannik Peters has been working as a research associate (postdoc) in the KODAQS project at GESIS-Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences since August 2024. He previously worked as a research associate (Predoc) in the Department of Media Studies at the University of Bonn and in the Research Association NRW Digital Society. He was also a guest lecturer at the Universitat Abat Oliba CEU (2021) and the University of Warsaw (2024). He completed his studies in sociology, political science and media studies (Universities of Bonn and Warsaw) with distinction and a thesis on the empirical construction of the European community of values using multiple correspondence analysis. In his PhD thesis, he analyzed the digital transformation of the European public sphere on the basis of classical and modern public sphere theories (Habermas, Fraser, Mouffe) using the Twitter hashtag #EU. His research interests lie in the field of the digital transformation of the public sphere (with a special focus on Europe), digital methods, sociological theory and political communication. As part of KODAQS, he is now focusing on the quality of digital behavioral data.


KODAQS Toolbox
KODAQS Academy


Platform Studies
European Public Sphere
Digital Methods
Data Quality


Journal article

Peters, Yannik, Patrick Nehls, and Caja Thimm. 2023. "Plattformforschung mit Instagram-Daten – Eine Übersicht über analytische Zugänge, digitale Erhebungsverfahren und forschungsethische Perspektiven in Zeiten der APIcalypse." Publizistik 68 (2-3): 225–239. doi:

Chapter in an edited book

Peters, Yannik, and Caja Thimm. 2025 (Forthcoming). "Microblogging." In Elgar Encyclopedia of Political Communication, edited by Alessandro Nai, Max Grömping, and Dominique Wirz, Edward Elgar Publishing.

Anastasiadis, Mario, Yannik Peters, and Caja Thimm. 2024 (Forthcoming). "The Digitalization of Society, Democracy and the Public Sphere - An Introduction to the Field." In The Digital Society - Empirical Perspectives on the Digital Transformation of the Democratic Public Sphere, edited by Mario Anastasiadis, Yannik Peters, and Caja Thimm, Wiesbaden: Springer Nature.

Thimm, Caja, Patrick Nehls, and Yannik Peters. 2022. "Digitale Methoden im Überblick." In Handbuch Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung, edited by Nina Baur, and Jörg Blasius, Wiesbaden: Springer VS. doi:


Anastasiadis, Mario, Yannik Peters, and Caja Thimm, ed. 2024 (Forthcoming). The Digital Society - Empirical Perspectives on the Digital Transformation of the Democratic Public Sphere. Wiesbaden: Springer Nature.


Peters, Yannik. 2025 (Forthcoming). #EU - Zum digitalen Strukturwandel europäischer Öffentlichkeit. Bonner Reihe der Empirischen Sozialforschung. Berlin, Opladen, Toronto : Barbara Budrich.