The many faces of GESIS
Journal article
Jakowatz, Stefan, Jan Steinberg, and Agathe Gebert. 2020. "tagadata - Digitalisierung von Workflows zur Erstellung von Leistungskennziffern: Anwendungsfall Umfragebibliographien." B.I.T. online (BIT online) : Bibliothek, Information, Technologie 23 (3): 299-309.
Hübbers, Gerrit, Jan Steinberg, Agathe Gebert, and Stefan Jakowatz. 2018. "Document Deposit Assistant (DDA) : Broker-Software zwischen Content-Lieferanten und Open-Access-Repositorien." B.I.T. online (BIT online) : Bibliothek, Information, Technologie 2018 (5): 405-414.
Neumann, Mandy, Jan Steinberg, and Philipp Schaer. 2017. "Web-scraping for non-programmers: Introducing OXPath for digital library metadata harvesting." Code4Lib Journal (38).
Chapter in an edited book
Hedeler, Cornelia, Andreas Oskar Kempf, and Jan Steinberg. 2016. "Subject indexing for author name disambiguation: Opportunities and challenges." 1. Aufl.. In Analysis of Large and Complex Data, edited by Adalbert F.X. Wilhelm, and Hans A. Kestler, Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization, 639-649. Cham: Springer. doi:
Presentation at a conference
Hedeler, Cornelia, Andreas Oskar Kempf, and Jan Steinberg. 2014. "Subject indexing for author name disambiguation: opportunities and challenges." Workshop on Classification and Subject Indexing in Library and Information Science (LIS’2014), European Conference on Data Analysis (ECDA). urn:
Steinberg, Jan. 2013. "Nah am Nutzer: Konzept und Umsetzung eines Discovery-Services mit konsequenter Zielgruppenorientierung." 5. Kongress Bibliothek und Information Deutschland.