International Social Survey Programme

Religion Around the World Study of the 2008 International Social Survey Programme - ZA No. 5690

This data file contains data of the ISSP 2008 Religion module from four non-ISSP member countries: Kenya, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Tanzania.

The data were collected within the "Religion Around the World Study of the International Social Survey Programme 2008". The aim of this project was to include countries with religious traditions underrepresented by the ISSP membership. Therefore, additional countries were commissioned to field the study. The project was funded by the Templeton Foundation and chaired by NORC at the University of Chicago. Data harmonization and integration were achieved by the GESIS Data Archive.

Latest news on this module

The latest data set version (16.09.2013): ZA5690 (v1.0.1), doi:10.4232/1.11762

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Data Access

In line with the project's objective, the data set ZA5690 complements the official international ISSP 2008 Religion data set (ZA4950). With the provided match syntax file you can easily combine both data sets.

Registration is required for data download.

Related Materials

ISSP Research Group; Saflianto, Muhammad; Omondi, Paul; Thavaraja, Joseph; Wanyama, Evangeline (2013). Religion Around the World Study of the 2008 International Social Survey Programme (ISSP). GESIS Data Archive, Cologne. ZA5690 Data file Version 1.0.1,

Participating Countries, Questionnaires and Background Variable Documentation

Participating countries

Sample size

Time of Fieldwork

Questionnaire Background Variables
Kenya 1502 09/2008-10/2008 KE08-ebu
Indonesia 2000 03/2008-04/2008 ID08 ID08
Sri Lanka 1676 09/2008-10/2008 LK08-sin
Tanzania 1519 08/2008-09/2008 TZ08 TZ08