Microcensus Supplementary Survey "Occupational and Social Shifts of the Population" , April 1971
Microcensus Supplementary Survey from 1971 contains detailed information on the occupational and social position of the German population from 1939 to 1971.
The main objective of the survey was to provide information on the economic and social integration of refugees and displaced persons as well as the investigation of changes during the reconstruction and consolidation phase after World War II. For this purpose, information on socio-economic aspects at specific times and on social origin were collected using retrospective questions. Information on the occupational position is available for the dates 1939, 1950 and 1960. For the 1960 to 1971 employment histories are available. In addition, there are data on the employment of women immediately before and after marriage. For the analysis of social mobility, information on the socio-economic situation of parents is available.
The survey was conducted on German persons who were born in 1956 or earlier. The selection rate is 1 percent, the sample size is around 456,000 persons.
For further information, please visit the German page.
Handl, Johann; Mayer, Karl Ulrich; Müller, Walter (1975): Mikrozensus-Zusatzerhebung 1971 "Berufliche und soziale Umschichtung der Bevölkerung". Codebook und Grundauszählung für die deutsche Wohnbevölkerung, 15 Jahre und älter. Universität Mannheim: SPES-Projekt.
Tegtmeyer, Heinrich (1979): Berufliche und soziale Umschichtung der Bevölkerung: Methodische Anmerkungen zur Planung, Durchführung und Aufbereitung der Befragung. S. 17-47 in: ders. (Hg.): Soziale Strukturen und individuelle Mobilität. Beiträge zur sozio-demographischen Analyse der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Schriftenreihe des Bundesinstituts für Bevölkerungsforschung; 6. Boppard: Boldt.