Themes and thematic concepts
Demographic Background Select all:
Years of residence in this country
Material status (de facto)
Country of birth of the father
Country of birth of the mother
Labour and Employment Select all:
Main Labour Status Select all:
Main current labour status
Employment during the last 12 months
Employment characteristics of the main job Select all:
Economic activity of the local unit
Number of persons working at the local unit
Year in which person started working in his/her current main job
Existence of more than one job or business
Economic activity one year before Select all:
Situation with regard to activity one year before survey
Professional status one year before survey
Occupation one year before survey
Permanency of the job one year before survey
Parental occupation Select all:
Main occupation of father
Main occupation of mother
Level of education and training Select all:
Education and training sucessfully completed Select all:
Highest level of education of training successfully completed
Field of the highest level of education or training successfully completed
Year when highest level of education or training was successfully completed
Orientation of the highest level of education or training successfully completed
Other formal education of training successfully completed in another field than 'HATLEVEL'
Level of the formal education programme (for HATOTHER)
Orientation of the formal education programme (for HATOTHER)
Field of the formal education programme (for HATOTHER)
Procedure of recognition of skills and competences undertaken
Recognition of skills and competences to a higher formal education programme
Not completed education and training Select all:
Formal education not completed
Level of formal education not completed
Orientation of the formal education not completed
Parental education Select all:
Highste level of education successfully completed by father
Highste level of education successfully completed by mother
Access to information about learning possibilities Select all:
Looked for any information concerning learning possibilities in the last 12 months
Source to access information
Source to access information: internet
Source to access information: member of the family, neighbour, work colleague
Source to access information: employer
Source to access information: guidance services (e.g. career guidance provider by employment service office)
Source to access information: an education or training institution (school, college, centre, university)
Source to access information: mass media (tv, radio, newspapers, poster)
Source to access information: books
Source of information concerning learning possibilities: other
Information or advice/help on learning possibilities received from institutions/organisations in the last 12 months
Free of charge information or advice/help on learning opportunities from institutions/organisations
Paid information or advice/help on learning opportunities from institutions/organisations
No information or advice/help on learning opportunities from institutions/organisations
Source of free of charge information or advice/help on learning possibilities received in the last 12 months
Free of charge information on learning possibilities from education or training institutions
Free of charge information on learning possibilities from employment services
Free of charge information on learning possibilities from employer or employer organisations
Free of charge information on learning possibilities from trade unions or work council
Free of charge information on learning possibilities from other institutions/organisations
Type of free of charge information or advice/help on learning possibilities received in the last 12 months
Information or advice/help on learning possibilities
Assessment of skills and competences through tests, skills audits or interviews
Information or advice/help on procedure for validation/recognition of skills, competences or prior learning
Other type of information or advice/help
Mode of delivery of free of charge information or advice/help on learning possibilities received in the last 12 months
Mode of delivery of the free of charge informationon learning possibilities: Face to face interaction
Mode of delivery of the free of charge informationon learning possibilities: Interaction with a person through media
Mode of delivery of the free of charge informationon learning possibilities: Interaction with a computer based application
Mode of delivery of the free of charge informationon learning possibilities: through dedicated material, not interaction
Participation in Education and Training Select all:
Formal Education Select all:
Participation in formal Education Select all:
Participation in formal education during the last 12 months
Number of formal education activities participated in during the last 12 months
Level of the most recent formal education activity
Level of the 1st FED activity
Level of the 2nd FED activity
Level of the 3rd FED activity
Field of the most recent formal education activity
Field of the 1st FED activity
Field of the 2nd FED activity
Field of the 3rd FED activity
Orientation of the most recent education or training
Theroretical full-time duration of the formal activity
Main method of learning used in the most recent formal education activity
Computer or Internet used for the 1st FED activity
Computer or Internet used for the 2nd FED activity
Computer or Internet used for the 3rd FED activity
1st FED activity was delivered through the distance learning
2nd FED activity was delivered through the distance learning
3rd FED activity was delivered through the distance learning
Year when the most recent formal education activity started
Month when the most recent formal education activity started
Completion of the most recent formal education activity
Most recent learning activity organised as distance learning
Distance learning organised as online course
Use of online educational resources (OER) for the most recent formal education activity
Interaction with other people through educational websites/portals for the most recent formal education activity
Use of the skills or knowledge acquired from the most recent formal education activity
Current use of skills/knowledge from formal education activity
Expected use of skills/knowledge from formal education activity
Reason for participating in formal education Select all:
Reasons for participating in the most recent formal education activity
Reason for participating in the 1st FED activity
Reason for participating in the 2nd FED activity
Reason for participating in the 3rd FED activity
Reasons for participating in the most recent formal education activity: to do my job better and/or improve carrier prospects
Reasons for participating in the most recent formal education activity: to do my job better
Reasons for participating in the most recent formal education activity: improve my carrier prospects
Reasons for participating in the most recent formal education activity: to be less likely to lose my job
Reasons for participating in the most recent formal education activity: to increase my possibilities of getting a job, or changing a job/profession
Reasons for participating in the most recent formal education activity: to start my own business
Reasons for participating in the most recent formal education activity: i was obliged to participate
Reasons for participating in the most recent formal education activity: to get knowledge/skills useful in my everyday life
Reasons for participating in the most recent formal education activity: to increase my knowledge/skills on a subject that interests me
Reasons for participating in the most recent formal education activity: obtain certificate
Reasons for participating in the most recent formal education activity: to meet new people/for fun
Most recent formal education activity during paid working hours
Volume of instruction hours Select all:
Total number of instruction hours
Volume of instruction hours of the 1st FED activity
Volume of instruction hours of the 2nd FED activity
Volume of instruction hours of the 3rd FED activity
Average number of instruction hours per week
Payment and costs Select all:
Partial or full payment for the tuition, registration, exam fees, expenses for books or technical study means for the most recent formal education activity by:
Partial or full payment for the most recent formal education activity: employer or prospective employer
Partial or full payment for the most recent formal education activity: public employment services
Partial or full payment for the most recent formal education activity: other public institutions
Partial or full payment for the most recent formal education activity: a household member or a relative
Partial or full payment for the most recent formal education activity: yourself
Payment for the tuition, registration, exam fees, expenses for books or technical study means for the most recent formal education activity
Full payment for the tuition, registration, exam fees, expenses for books or technical study means for the most recent formal education activity by those identified in 'fedpaidby'
Costs paid personally or by any household member or relative for tuition, registration, exam fees, books and/or technical study means regarding studies in the most recent formal education activity
Partial or full payment for the 1st formal education activity, for tuition, registration or exam fees: employer or prospective employer
Partial or full payment for the 1st formal education activity, for expenses of books or technical study means: employer or prospective employer
Partial or full payment for the 2st formal education activity, for tuition, registration or exam fees: employer or prospective employer
Partial or full payment for the 2st formal education activity, for expenses of books or technical study means: employer or prospective employer
Partial or full payment for the 3rd formal education activity, for tuition, registration or exam fees: employer or prospective employer
Partial or full payment for the 3rd formal education activity, for expenses of books or technical study means: employer or prospective employer
Partial or full payment for the 1st formal education activity, for tuition, registration or exam fees: respondent or any member of the family
Partial or full payment for the 1st formal education activity, for expenses of books or technical study means: respondent or any member of the family
Partial or full payment for the 2st formal education activity, for tuition, registration or exam fees: respondent or any member of the family
Partial or full payment for the 2st formal education activity, for expenses of books or technical study means: respondent or any member of the family r
Partial or full payment for the 3rd formal education activity, for tuition, registration or exam fees: respondent or any member of the family
Partial or full payment for the 3rd formal education activity, for expenses of books or technical study means: respondent or any member of the family
Cost in EURO of the 1st FED activity paid by respondent or any member of the family for tuition, registration or exam fees
Cost in EURO of the 1st FED activity paid by respondent or any member of the family for books or technical study means
Cost in EURO of the 2nd FED activity paid by respondent or any member of the family for tuition, registration or exam fees
Cost in EURO of the 2nd FED activity paid by respondent or any member of the family for books or technical study means
Cost in EURO of the 3rd FED activity paid by respondent or any member of the family for tuition, registration or exam fees
Cost in EURO of the 3rd FED activity paid by respondent or any member of the family for books or technical study means
The 1st FED activity took place during paid working hours
The 2nd FED activity took place during paid working hours
The 3rd FED activity took place during paid working hours
Satisfaction Select all:
Satisfaction with the most recent formal education activity
Reasons for not being satisfied with the most recent formal education activity
Reasons for not being satisfied with the most recent formal education activity: relevance/usefulness
Reasons for not being satisfied with the most recent formal education activity: level of training too low
Reasons for not being satisfied with the most recent formal education activity: level of training too high
Reasons for not being satisfied with the most recent formal education activity: quality of teaching
Reasons for not being satisfied with the most recent formal education activity: organisation of training (location, materials, classrooms etc.)
Outcome Select all:
Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the most recent formal education activity
Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the most recent formal education activity: getting a (new) job
Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the most recent formal education activity: promotion in the job
Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the most recent formal education activity: higher salary/wages
Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the most recent formal education activity: new tasks
Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the most recent formal education activity: better performance in the job
Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the most recent formal education activity: personal related reasons (meet other people, refresh your skills in general subjects etc.)
Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the most recent formal education activity: no outcomes yet
Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the most recent formal education activity: no outcomes expected
Non-formal Education Select all:
Participation in non-formal Education Select all:
Existence of any non-formal education and training activity
Participation in any courses with the intention to improve knowledge or skills in any area (including hobbies) during the last 12 months
Participation in any course conducting through open and distance education during the last 12 months as non-formal education and training activity
Participation in any workshops or seminars with the intention to improve knowledge or skills in any area (including hobbies) during the last 12 months
Participation in any guided on the job training with the intention to improve knowledge or skills in any area (including hobbies) during the last 12 months
Participation in any private lessons with the intention to improve knowledge or skills in any area (including hobbies) during the last 12 months
Number of non-formal education and training activities during the last 12 months
Number of non-formal education and training activities described (up to 7 activities)
Number of employer-sponsored job-related non-formal activities (up to 7 activities)
Number of job-related non-formal activities (up to 7 activities)
Total number of hours spent in non-formal education and training
Type of the 1st NFE activity
Type of the 2nd NFE activity
Type of the 3rd NFE activity
Type of the 4th NFE activity
Type of the 5th NFE activity
Type of the 6th NFE activity
Type of the 7th NFE activity
Type of the 8th NFE activity
Type of the 9th NFE activity
Type of the 10th NFE activity
At least one job related activity among NFE activities 1 to 10
Purpose of the 1st NFE activity
Purpose of the 2nd NFE activity
Purpose of the 3rd NFE activity
Purpose of the 4th NFE activity
Purpose of the 5th NFE activity
Purpose of the 6th NFE activity
Purpose of the 7th NFE activity
At least one activity during paid working hours (including paid leave and recuperation) among NFE activities 1 to 10
The 1st NFE learning activity took place fully or mostly during paid working hours
The 2nd NFE learning activity took place fully or mostly during paid working hours
The 3rd NFE learning activity took place fully or mostly during paid working hours
The 4th NFE learning activity took place fully or mostly during paid working hours
The 5th NFE learning activity took place fully or mostly during paid working hours
The 6th NFE learning activity took place fully or mostly during paid working hours
The 7th NFE learning activity took place fully or mostly during paid working hours
At least one activity partially or fully paid by the employer among NFE activities 1 to 10
The 1st NFE learning activity was partially or fully paid by the employer
The 2nd NFE learning activity was partially or fully paid by the employer
The 3rd NFE learning activity was partially or fully paid by the employer
The 4th NFE learning activity was partially or fully paid by the employer
The 5th NFE learning activity was partially or fully paid by the employer
The 6th NFE learning activity was partially or fully paid by the employer
The 7th NFE learning activity was partially or fully paid by the employer
Detailed information concerning 1st randomly selected non-formal activity Select all:
Characteristics 1st non-formal education Select all:
Code of the 1st randomly selected NFE activity
Type of the 1st NFE activity (randomly selected)
Purpose of the 1st NFE activity (randomly selected)
Field of the 1st NFE activity
Main method of learning used for the 1st NFE activity
Distance learning for the 1st activity organised as an online course
Use of online educational resources for the first activity
Interaction with other people (e. g. teachers, learners) through educational, websites/portals for the 1st activity
The 1st NFE activity was mainly delivered through the distance learning
Country where the 1st NFE activity took place
Computer or Internet used for the 1st NFE activity selected
Provider of the 1st NFE activity
Certificate obtained after the 1st NFE activity
The 1st NFE activity selected leaded to a certificate required by law for the current or the planned activity on the labour market (as employer or employee)
Reason for participating in 1st non-formal education Select all:
Reasons for participating in the 1st NFE activity
Reasons for participating in the 1st NFE activity: to do my job better and/or improve carrier prospects
Reasons for participating in the 1st NFE activity: to do my job better
Reasons for participating in the 1st NFE activity: to improve carrier prospects
Reasons for participating in the 1st NFE activity: to be less likely to lose my job
Reasons for participating in the 1st NFE activity: to increase my possibilities of getting a job, or changing a job/profession
Reasons for participating in the 1st NFE activity: to start my own business
Reasons for participating in the 1st NFE activity: i was obliged to participate
Reasons for participating in the 1st NFE activity: to get knowledge/skills useful in my everyday life
Reasons for participating in the 1st NFE activity: to increase my knowledge/skills on a subject that interests me
Reasons for participating in the 1st NFE activity: obtain certificate
Reasons for participating in the 1st NFE activity: to meet new people/for fun
Reasons for participating in the 1st NFE activity: for health reasons
Reasons for participating in the 1st NFE activity: required by the employer or the law
Reasons for participating in the 1st NFE activity: to do voluntary work better
Reasons for participating in the 1st NFE activity: because of organisational and/or technological changes at work
Reasons of participation in the 1st NFE activity selected: other reason
Volume of instruction hours 1st non-formal education Select all:
1st NFE activity during paid working hours
Total number of instruction hours for 1st NFE activity
Total number of hours spent on homework or self study linked to the 1st NFE activity apart from the normal instruction hours
Total number of hours spent on travel linked to the 1st NFE activity apart from the normal instruction hours
Number of weeks of instructions for 1st NFE activity
Average number of instruction hours per week for 1st NFE activity
Payments and costs 1st non-formal education Select all:
Payment for the 1st randomly-selected non-formal learning activity
Partial or full payment for the tuition, registration, exam fees, expenses for books or technical study means for the 1st NFE activity
Partial or full payment for the 1st NFE activity: employer or prospective employer
Partial or full payment for the 1st NFE activity: public employment services
Partial or full payment for the 1st NFE activity: other public institutions
Partial or full payment for the 1st NFE activity: a household member or a relative
Partial or full payment for the 1st NFE activity: yourself
Full payment for the tuition, registration, exam fees, expenses for books or technical study means by those identified in 'nfepaidby' for the 1st NFE activity
Costs paid personally or by any household member or relative for tuition, registration, exam fees, books and/or technical study means regarding the 1st NFE activity
Partial or full payment for the 1st NFE activity, for tuition, registration or exam fees: employer or prospective employer
Partial or full payment for the 1st NFE activity, for tuition, for expenses of books or technical study means: employer or prospective employer
Partial or full payment for the 1st NFE activity, for tuition, registration or exam fees: respondent or any member of the family
Partial or full payment for the 1st NFE activity, for expenses of books or technical study means: respondent or any member of the family
Cost in EURO of the 1st NFE activity paid by respondent or any member of the family for tuition, registration or exam fees in the last 12 months
Cost in EURO of the 1st NFE activity paid by respondent or any member of the family for books or technical study means in the last 12 months
Satisfaction 1st non-formal education Select all:
Satisfaction with the 1st NFE activity
Reasons for not being satisfied with the 1st NFE activity
Reasons for not being satisfied with the 1st NFE activity: relevance/usefulness
Reasons for not being satisfied with the 1st NFE activity: level of training too low
Reasons for not being satisfied with the 1st NFE activity: level of training too high
Reasons for not being satisfied with the 1st NFE activity: quality of teaching
Reasons for not being satisfied with the 1st NFE activity: organisation of training (location, materials, classrooms etc.)
Outcome 1st non-formal education Select all:
Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 1st NFE activity
Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 1st NFE activity: getting a (new) job
Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 1st NFE activity: promotion in the job
Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 1st NFE activity: higher salary/wages
Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 1st NFE activity: new tasks
Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 1st NFE activity: better performance in the job
Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 1st NFE activity: personal related reasons (meet other people, refresh your skills in general subjects etc.)
Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 1st NFE activity: no outcomes yet
Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 1st NFE activity: no outcomes expected
Use of the skills or knowledge acquired from the 1st NFE activity
Current use of the skills or knowledge acquired from the 1st activity
Expected use of the skills or knowledge acquired from the 1st activity
Detailed information concerning 2nd randomly selected non-formal activity Select all:
Characteristics 2nd non-formal education Select all:
Code of the 2nd randomly selected NFE activity
Type of the 2nd NFE activity (randomly selected)
Purpose of the 2nd NFE activity (randomly selected)
Field of the 2nd NFE activity
Main method of learning used for the 2nd NFE activity
Distance learning for the 2nd activity organised as an online course
Use of online educational resources for the 2nd activity
Interaction with other people (e.g. teachers, learners) through educational websites/portals for the 2nd activity
The 2nd NFE activity was mainly delivered through the distance learning
Country where the 2nd NFE activity took place
Computer or internet used for the 2nd NFE activity selected
Provider of the 2nd NFE activity
Certificate obtained after the 2nd NFE activity
The 2nd NFE activity selected leaded to a certificate required by law for the current or the planned activity on the labour market (as employer or employee)
Reason for participating in 2nd non-formal education Select all:
Reasons for participating in the 2nd NFE activity
Reasons for participating in the 2nd NFE activity: to do my job better and/or improve carrier prospects
Reasons for participating in the 2nd NFE activity: to do my job better
Reasons for participating in the 2nd NFE activity: to improve carrier prospects
Reasons for participating in the 2nd NFE activity: to be less likely to lose my job
Reasons for participating in the 2nd NFE activity: to increase my possibilities of getting a job, or changing a job/profession
Reasons for participating in the 2nd NFE activity: to start my own business
Reasons for participating in the 2nd NFE activity: i was obliged to participate
Reasons for participating in the 2nd NFE activity: to get knowledge/skills useful in my everyday life
Reasons for participating in the 2nd NFE activity: to increase my knowledge/skills on a subject that interests me
Reasons for participating in the 2nd NFE activity: obtain certificate
Reasons for participating in the 2nd NFE activity: to meet new people/for fun
Reasons for participating in the 2nd NFE activity: for health reasons
Reasons for participating in the 2nd NFE activity: required by the employer or the law
Reasons for participating in the 2nd NFE activity: to do voluntary work better
Reasons for participating in the 2nd NFE activity: because of organisational and/or technological changes at work
Reasons of participation in the 2nd NFE activity selected: other reason
2nd NFE activity during paid working hours (including paid leave and recuperation)
Volume of instruction hours 2nd non-formal education Select all:
Total number of instruction hours for 2nd NFE activity
Total number of hours spent on homework or self study linked to the 2nd NFE activity apart from the normal instruction hours
Total number of hours spent on travel linked to the 2nd NFE activity apart from the normal instruction hours
Number of weeks of instructions for 2st NFE activity
Average number of instruction hours per week for 2st NFE activity
Payments and costs 2nd non-formal education Select all:
Payment for the 2nd randomly-selected non-formal learning activity
Partial or full payment for the tuition, registration, exam fees, expenses for books or technical study means for the 2nd NFE activity
Partial or full payment for the 2nd NFE activity: employer or prospective employer
Partial or full payment for the 2nd NFE activity: public employment services
Partial or full payment for the 2nd NFE activity: other public institutions
Partial or full payment for the 2nd NFE activity: a household member or a relative
Partial or full payment for the 2nd NFE activity: yourself
Full payment for the tuition, registration, exam fees, expenses for books or technical study means by those identified in 'nfepaidby' for the 2nd NFE activity
Costs paid personally or by any household member or relative for tuition, registration, exam fees, books and/or technical study means regarding the 2nd NFE activity
Partial or full payment for the 2nd NFE activity, for tuition, registration or exam fees: employer or prospective employer
Partial or full payment for the 2nd NFE activity, for tuition, for expenses of books or technical study means: employer or prospective employer
Partial or full payment for the 2nd NFE activity, for tuition, registration or exam fees: respondent or any member of the family
Partial or full payment for the 2nd NFE activity, for expenses of books or technical study means: respondent or any member of the family
Cost in EURO of the 2nd NFE activity paid by respondent or any member of the family for tuition, registration or exam fees in the last 12 months
Cost in EURO of the 2nd NFE activity paid by respondent or any member of the family for books or technical study means in the last 12 months
Satisfaction 2nd non-formal education Select all:
Satisfaction with the 2nd NFE activity
Reasons for not being satisfied with the 2nd NFE activity
Reasons for not being satisfied with the 2nd NFE activity: relevance/usefulness
Reasons for not being satisfied with the 2nd NFE activity: level of training too low
Reasons for not being satisfied with the 2nd NFE activity: level of training too high
Reasons for not being satisfied with the 2nd NFE activity: quality of teaching
Reasons for not being satisfied with the 2nd NFE activity: organisation of training (location, materials, classrooms etc.)
Outcome 2nd non-formal education Select all:
Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 2nd NFE activity
Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 2nd NFE activity: getting a (new) job
Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 2nd NFE activity: promotion in the job
Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 2nd NFE activity: higher salary/wages
Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 2nd NFE activity: new tasks
Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 2nd NFE activity: better performance in the job
Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 2nd NFE activity: personal related reasons (meet other people, refresh your skills in general subjects etc.)
Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 2nd NFE activity: no outcomes yet
Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 2nd NFE activity: no outcomes expected
Use of the skills or knowledge acquired from the 2nd NFE activity
Current use of the skills or knowledge acquired from the 2nd activity
Expected use of the skills or knowledge acquired from the 2nd activity
Detailed information concerning 3rd randomly selected non-formal activity Select all:
Characteristics 3rd non-formal education Select all:
Code of the 3rd randomly selected NFE activity
Type of the 3rd NFE activity (randomly selected)
Purpose of the 3rd NFE activity (randomly selected)
Field of the 3rd NFE activity
Main method of learning used for the 3rd NFE activity
The 3rd NFE activity was mainly delivered through the distance learning
Country where the 3rd NFE activity took place
Computer or Internet used for the 3rd NFE activity selected
Provider of the 3rd NFE activity
Certificate obtained after the 3rd NFE activity
The 3rd NFE activity selected leaded to a certificate required by law for the current or the planned activity on the labour market (as employer or employee)
Reason for participating in 3rd non-formal education Select all:
Reasons for participating in the 3rd NFE activity
Reasons for participating in the 3rd NFE activity: to do my job better and/or improve carrier prospects
Reasons for participating in the 3rd NFE activity: to be less likely to lose my job
Reasons for participating in the 3rd NFE activity: to increase my possibilities of getting a job, or changing a job/profession
Reasons for participating in the 3rd NFE activity: to start my own business
Reasons for participating in the 3rd activity: i was obliged to participate
Reasons for participating in the 3rd NFE activity: to get knowledge/skills useful in my everyday life
Reasons for participating in the 3rd NFE activity: to increase my knowledge/skills on a subject that interests me
Reasons for participating in the 3rd NFE activity: obtain certificate
Reasons for participating in the 3rd NFE activity: to meet new people/for fun
Reason of participation in the 3rd NFE activity selected: other reason
3rd NFE activity during paid working hours (including paid leave and recuperation)
Volume of instruction hours 3rd non-formal education Select all:
Total number of instruction hours for 3rd NFE activity
Total number of hours spent on homework or self study linked to the 3rd NFE activity apart from the normal instruction hours
Total number of hours spent on travel linked to the 3rd NFE activity apart from the normal instruction hours
Number of weeks for 3rd NFE activity
Average number of instruction hours per week for 3rd NFE activity
Payments and costs 3rd non-formal education Select all:
Partial or full payment for the tuition, registration, exam fees, expenses for books or technical study means for the 3rd NFE activity
Partial or full payment for the 3rd NFE activity: employer or prospective employer
Partial or full payment for the 3rd NFE activity: public employment services
Partial or full payment for the 3rd NFE activity: other public institutions
Partial or full payment for the 3rd NFE activity: a household member or a relative
Partial or full payment for the 3rd NFE activity: yourself
Full payment for the tuition, registration, exam fees, expenses for books or technical study means by those identified in 'nfepaidby' for the 3rd NFE activity
Costs paid personally or by any household member or relative for tuition, registration, exam fees, books and/or technical study means regarding the 3rd NFE activity
Partial or full payment for the 3rd NFE activity, for tuition, registration or exam fees: employer or prospective employer
Partial or full payment for the 3rd NFE activity, for tuition, for expenses of books or technical study means: employer or prospective employer
Partial or full payment for the 3rd NFE activity, for tuition, registration or exam fees: respondent or any member of the family
Partial or full payment for the 3rd NFE activity, for expenses of books or technical study means: respondent or any member of the family
Cost in EURO of the 3rd NFE activity paid by respondent or any member of the family for tuition, registration or exam fees in the last 12 months
Cost in EURO of the 3rd NFE activity paid by respondent or any member of the family for books or technical study means in the last 12 months
Satisfaction 3rd non-formal education Select all:
Satisfaction with the 3rd NFE activity
Reasons for not being satisfied with the 3rd NFE activity
Reasons for not being satisfied with the 3rd NFE activity: relevance/usefulness
Reasons for not being satisfied with the 3rd NFE activity: level of training too low
Reasons for not being satisfied with the 3rd NFE activity: level of training too high
Reasons for not being satisfied with the 3rd NFE activity: quality of teaching
Reasons for not being satisfied with the 3rd NFE activity: organisation of training (location, materials, classrooms etc.)
Outcome 3rd non-formal education Select all:
Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 3rd NFE activity
Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 3rd NFE activity: getting a (new) job
Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 3rd NFE activity: promotion in the job
Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 3rd NFE activity: higher salary/wages
Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 3rd NFE activity: new tasks
Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 3rd NFE activity: better performance in the job
Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 3rd NFE activity: personal related reasons (meet other people, refresh your skills in general subjects etc.)
Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 3rd NFE activity: no outcomes yet
Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 3rd NFE activity: no outcomes expected
Use of the skills or knowledge acquired from the 3rd NFE activity
Difficulties in participation in education Select all:
No need for (further) education and training
Difficulties related to participation (or more participation) in education and training during the last 12 months
Type of difficulties: prerequisites
Type of difficulties: cost
Type of difficulties: lack of employer's support or lack of public services support
Type of difficulties: schedule
Type of difficulties: distance
Type of difficulties: no access to a computer or internet (for distance learning)
Type of difficulties: family responsibilities
Type of difficulties: health or age
Type of difficulties: health
Type of difficulties: age
Type of difficulties: other personal reasons
Type of difficulties: no suitable education or training activity
Type of difficulties: no need for (further) education and training
Type of difficulties: negative previous learning experience
Most important difficulty
The respondent wanted to participate in education and training in the last 12 months
The respondent wanted to participate still more in education and training during the last 12 months
Reason why the respondent did not participate or did not participate still more in education and training, though wanted to: was not confident with the idea of going back to something that is like school
Reason why the respondent did not participate or did not participate still more in education and training, though wanted to: other
The most important reason why the respondent did not participate or did not participate still more in education and training, though wanted to
Reason why the respondent did not want to participate in education and training: did not need it for the job
Reason why the respondent did not want to participate in education and training: did not need it for personal (non job related) reasons
Reason why the respondent did not want to participate in education and training: did not have the prerequisites
Reason why the respondent did not want to participate in education and training: training was too expensive or the respondent could not afford it
Reason why the respondent did not want to participate in education and training: lack of employer's support
Reason why the respondent did not want to participate in education and training: training conflicted with the work schedule
Reason why the respondent did not want to participate in education and training: did not have time because of family responsibilities
Reason why the respondent did not want to participate in education and training: there was no training offered at the reachable distance
Reason why the respondent did not want to participate in education and training: the respondent was not confident with the idea of going back to something that is like school
Reason why the respondent did not want to participate in education and training: health or age of the respondent
Reason why the respondent did not want to participate in education and training: other
The most important reason why the respondent did not want to participate in education and training
Reason why the respondent did not want to participate still more in education and training: training was too expensive or cost was difficult to afford
Reason why the respondent did not want to participate still more in education and training: lack of employer's support
Reason why the respondent did not want to participate still more in education and training: training was organised in the inconvenient time
Reason why the respondent did not want to participate still more in education and training: training took place at the distance hard to reach
Reason why the respondent did not want to participate still more in education and training: respondent was not feeling happy with the idea of going back to something that was like school
Reason why the respondent did not want to participate still more in education and training: respondent experienced difficulties in finding what he/she wanted
Reason why the respondent did not want to participate still more in education and training: other
The most important reason why the respondent did not want to participate still more in education and training
Informal learning Select all:
Participation in other activities in the last 12 months (deliberate self-teaching to improve knowledge or skills)
Learning by using computers (online or offline)
Learning from a family member, friend or colleague
Learning by visiting learning centres (including libraries)
Learning by using printed material (books, professional magazines...)
Learning through television/radio/video
Learning by guided tours in museums, historical or natural or industrial sites
Field of 1st INF activity
Purpose of 1st INF activity
Informal learning method used for 1st INF activity
Field of 2nd INF activity
Purpose of 2nd INF activity
Informal learning method used for 2nd INF activity
The 3rd most important subject learned using informal learning methods
Informal learning at work or during free time in the last 12 months: by learning from a family member, friend or colleague
Informal learning at work or during free time in the last 12 months: by using printed material (books, professional magazines, etc.)
Informal learning at work or during free time in the last 12 months: by using computers (online or offline)
Informal learning at work or during free time in the last 12 months: by television, radio or video
Informal learning at work or during free time in the last 12 months: by guided tours of museums, historical/natural/industrial sites
Informal learning at work or during free time in the last 12 months: by visiting learning centres (including libraries)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Select all:
Capacity to use a computer
Computer related activities already carried out
Computer related activities already carried out: copying or moving a file or folder
Computer related activities already carried out: using copy and paste tools to duplicate or move information within a document
Computer related activities already carried out: using basic arithmetic formulas in a spreadsheet
Computer related activities already carried out: compressing (or zipping) files
Computer related activities already carried out: connecting and installing new devices, e.g. a modem
Computer related activities already carried out: writing a computer program using a specialised programming language
Computer related activities already carried out: transferring files between computer and other devices (from digital camera or from/to mobile phone, mp3/mp4 player)
Computer related activities already carried out: modifying or verifying the configuration parameters of software applications (except internet browsers)
Computer related activities already carried out: creating electronic presentations with presentation software (e.g. slides), including e.g. images, sound, video or charts
Computer related activities already carried out: installing a new or replacing an old operating system
Internet related activities have already carried out
Internet related activities have already carried out: using a search engine to find information
Internet related activities have already carried out: sending e-mails with attached files (documents, pictures, etc.)
Internet related activities have already carried out: posting messages to chatrooms, newsgroups or an online discussion forum (e.g. on websites for social networking)
Internet related activities have already carried out: using the internet to make telephone calls
Internet related activities have already carried out: using peer-to-peer file sharing for exchanging movies, music, etc.
Internet related activities have already carried out: creating a web page
Internet related activities have already carried out: uploading text, games, images, films or music to websites (e.g. to websites for social networking)
Internet related activities have already carried out: modifying the security settings of internet browsers
Languages Select all:
The 1st language which respondent can use
The 2nd language which respondent can use
The 3rd language which respondent can use
The 4th language which respondent can use
The 5th language which respondent can use
The 6th language which respondent can use
The 7th language which respondent can use
Other languages except mother tongue(s)
Other languages except mother tongue(s): first language
Other languages except mother tongue(s): second language
Other languages except mother tongue(s): 3rd language
Other languages except mother tongue(s): 4th language
Other languages except mother tongue(s): 5th language
Other languages except mother tongue(s): 6th language
Other languages except mother tongue(s): 7th language
First best known language (excluding mother tongue)
First best language knowledge (excluding mother tongue)
Second best known language (excluding mother tongue)
Second best language knowledge (excluding mother tongue)
Best known other language used only at the national level (excluding mother tongue)
Knowledge about other known language used only at the national level mentioned
Frequency of using the 1st foreign language for work or for study
Frequency of using the 1st foreign language for leisure or with the family and friends
Frequency of using the 2nd foreign language work or for study
Frequency of using the 2nd foreign language for leisure or with the family and friends
Cultural & Social Participation Select all:
Number of times going to live performances in the last 12 months
Number of times going to the cinema in the last 12 months
Number of visits to cultural sites in the last 12 months
Number of times attending live sport events in the last 12 months
Reading newspapers (paper or internet) in the last 12 months
Read a book in the last 12 months
Approximate number of books read in the last 12 months
Number of books having at home
Number of books read on average
Taking part in a public performance involving singing, dancing, acting or music
Cultural activities like making photographs, movies or video tapes
Cultural activities like making a painting, drawing, sculpture or printing (including computer graphics, designing web sites, etc.)
Cultural activities like write prose, poems or short stories
Participation in any of the following social activities in the last 12 months
Participation in any of the following activities in the last 12 months: activities of political parties or trade unions
Participation in any of the following activities in the last 12 months: activities of professional associations
Participation in any of the following activities in the last 12 months: activities of recreational groups or organisations
Participation in any of the following activities in the last 12 months: activities of charitable organisations
Participation in any of the following activities in the last 12 months: informal voluntary activities
Participation in any of the following activities in the last 12 months: activities of religious organisations
Participation in activities of other groups or organisations
Attitude towards learning Select all:
People who continue to learn as adults are more likely to avoid unemployment
If you want to be successful at work you need to keep improving your knowledge and skills
Employers should be responsible for the training of their employees
The skills you need to do a job can't be learned in the classroom
Education and training can help you manage your daily life better
Learning new things is fun
Learning gives you more self-confidence
Individuals should be prepared to pay something for their adult learning
Income Select all:
Income group based on the monthly (take home) pay from main job
Net monthly income of the household
Household Structure Select all:
Persons 0-3 years old living in the household
Persons 0-4 years old living in the household
Persons 4-5 years old living in the household
Persons 5-13 years old living in the household
Persons 6-13 years old living in the household
Persons 0-13 years old living in the household
Persons 14-15 years old living in the household
Persons 14-18 years old living in the household
Persons 14-24 years old iving in the household
Persons 16-24 years old living in the household
Persons 25 years and older living in the household
Persons 19-64 years old living in the household
Persons 25-64 years old living in the household
Persons 65 years and older living in the household
Total number of persons living in the household
Persons aged 16-64 in the household who are at work
Persons aged 16-64 in the household who are unemployed or inactive
Technical items Select all:
Data Collection Select all:
Reference year of the survey
Reference month of the survey
Data collection method used
Language used for the interview
Weighting Select all:
Weighting factor for individuals
Whole part of the final weighting factor for individual
Decimal part of the final weighting factor for individual
Weighting factor for non-formal activities
Weight of the activities (to be used for calculation of indicators based on variables collected on up to 7 activities)
Whole part of the weighting factor for the 1st non-formal education activity selected
Decimal part of the weighting factor for the 1st non-formal education activity
Whole part of the weighting factor for the 2nd non-formal education activity selected
Decimal part of the weighting factor for the 2nd non-formal education activity
Whole part of the weighting factor for the 3rd non-formal education activity selected
Decimal part of the weighting factor for the 3rd non-formal education activity