Themes and thematic concepts
Demographic background Select all:
Basic demographic data Select all:
Partners living in the same household
Country of birth (numeric)
Country of birth of father
Country of birth of mother
Age at the date of the interview
Age at the end of the income reference period
Age in completed years (at the end of the income reference period)
Age in completed years (at the time of the interview)
Region Select all:
Country of main citizenship
Duration of stay in the country of residence
Labour and employment Select all:
Basic labour information Select all:
Actively looking for a job
Self-defined current economic status
Self-defined current economic status (new in 2009)
Worked at least one hour during the previous week
Change of job since last year
Most recent change in the individuals activity status
When began regular first job
Number of years spent in paid work
Duration of the most recent unemployment spell
Activity status during income reference period Select all:
Main activity status during the income reference period
Number of months spent at full-time work
Number of months spent at part-time work
Number of months spent at full-time work as employee
Number of months spent at part-time work as employee
Number of months spent at full-time work as selfemployed (including family worker)
Number of months spent at part-time work as selfemployed (including family worker)
Number of months spent in unemployment
Number of months spent in retirement
Number of months spent as disabled or/and unfit to work
Number of months spent studying
Number of months spent in compulsory military service
Number of months spent fulfilling domestic tasks and care responsibilities
Number of months spent inactively
Main activity per month Select all:
Main activity on February
Main activity on September
Main activity on November
Main activity on December
Main activity on January (new in 2009)
Main activity on February (new in 2009)
Main activity on March (new in 2009)
Main activity on April (new in 2009)
Main activity on May (new in 2009)
Main activity on June (new in 2009)
Main activity on July (new in 2009)
Main activity on August (new in 2009)
Main activity on September (new in 2009)
Main activity on October (new in 2009)
Main activity on November (new in 2009)
Main activity on December (new in 2009)
Job characteristics Select all:
Status in employment (main job)
Status in employment (last job)
Occupation (ISCO-88 (Com))
Occupation (ISCO-08 (Com))
Occupation (main job) (ISCO-08 (Com))
Occupation (last job) (ISCO-08 (Com))
Number of hours usually worked per week in main job
Full or part-time main job (self-defined)
Total number of hours usually worked in second,
Reason for working less than 30 hours
Number of persons working at the local unit
Education Select all:
Current education and ISCED level Select all:
Current education activity
ISCED level currently attended
Year when highest level of education was attained
Highest ISCED level attained
Child Care Select all:
Education at pre-school: number of hours of education during an usual week
Education at compulsory school: number of hours of education during an usual week
Childcare at centre-based services: number of hours of child care during an usual week
Childcare at day-care centre: number of hours of child care during an usual week
Child care by a professional child-miner: number of hours of child care during an usual week
Child care by grand-parents, other household members, relatives etc.: number of hours during an usual week
Health Select all:
Suffer from a chronic (long-standing) illness or condition
Limitation in activities because of health problems
Unmet need for medical examination or treatment
Main reason for unmet need for medical examination or treatment
Unmet need for dental examination or treatment
Main reason for unmet need for dental examination or treatment
Limitations in memory and concentration
Limitations in understanding and being understood
Housing Select all:
Housing conditions and costs Select all:
Tenure Status (new in 2010)
Number of rooms available to the household
Year of contract or purchasing or installation
Leaking roof, damp walls/floors/foundation, or rot in window frame or floor
Ability to keep home adequately warm
Current rent related to occupied dwelling
Mortgage principal repayment
Bath or shower in Dwelling
Bath or shower in Dwelling (new in 2008)
Indoor flushing toilet for sole use of household
Indoor flushing toilet for sole use of household (new in 2008)
Income Select all:
Household level Select all:
Total household income Select all:
Total Household Gross Income
Total disposable household income
Total Disposable Household Income before social transfers other than old-age and survivors benefits
Total disposable Household income before social transfers incl old-age and survivors benefits
Within Household non-response inflation factor
At risk of poverty or social exclusion
Equivalised disposable income
Equivalised disposable income quintiles
Severely materially deprived household
Allowances Select all:
Family/Children related allowances (net)
Family/Children related allowances (gross)
Family/Children related allowances (contributory and means-tested)
Family/Children related allowances (contributory and non means-tested)
Family/Children related allowances (non-contributory and means-tested)
Family/Children related allowances (non-contributory and non means-tested)
Social Exclusion not elsewhere classified (net)
Social Exclusion not elsewhere classified (gross)
Social Exclusion not elsewhere classified (contributory and means-tested)
Social Exclusion not elsewhere classified (contributory and non means-tested)
Social Exclusion not elsewhere classified (non-contributory and means-tested)
Social Exclusion not elsewhere classified (non-contributory and non means-tested)
Housing allowances (gross)
Housing allowances (contributory and means-tested)
Housing allowances (contributory and non means-tested)
Housing allowances (non-contributory and means-tested)
Housing allowances (non-contributory and non means-tested)
Other income components Select all:
Income from rental of a property or land (net)
Income from rental of a property or land (gross)
Regular inter-household cash transfer received (net)
Regular Interhousehold cash transfer received (gross)
Alimonies received (gross)
Interests, dividends, profit from capital investment in uncorporated business (net)
Interests, dividends, profit from capital investment in uncorporated business (gross)
Income received by people aged under 16 (net)
Income received by people aged under 16 (gross)
Taxes Select all:
Regular taxes on wealth (net)
Regular taxes on wealth (gross)
Tax paid on ownership of household main dwelling (net)
Tax paid on ownership of household main dwelling (gross)
Tax on income and social contribution
Tax on income and social contributions (gross)
Repayments/receipts for tax adjustment (net)
Contributions and payments Select all:
Interest Repayment on mortgage (net)
Interest Repayments on Mortgage (gross)
Regular interhousehold cash transfer paid (net)
Regular interhousehold cash transfer paid (gross)
Employers social insurance contribution (in euros)
Optional employer social insurance contributions (in euros)
Contributions to individual private pension plans (net)
Contributions to individual private pension plans (gross)
Personal Level Select all:
Monetary income components Select all:
Employee cash or near cash income (net)
Employee Cash or near cash income (gross)
Cash benefits or losses from self-employment (net)
Cash benefits or losses from self-employment (gross)
Gross monthly earnings for employees (gross)
Non-cash benefits Select all:
Non-Cash employee income (net)
Non-Cash employee income (gross)
Company car (in euros) (net)
Company car (in euros) (gross)
Value of goods produced for own-consumption (net)
Value of goods produced for own-consumption (gross)
Pension and other benefits Select all:
Pension from individual private plans (net)
Pension from individual private plans (gross)
Unemployment benefits (net)
Unemployment benefits (gross)
Unemployment benefits (contributory and means-tested)
Unemployment benefits (contributory and non means-tested)
Unemployment benefits (non-contributory and means-tested)
Unemployment benefits (non-contributory and non means-tested)
Old-age benefits (contributory and means-tested)
Old-age benefits (contributory and non means-tested)
Old-age benefits (non-contributory and means-tested)
Old-age benefits (non-contributory and non means-tested)
Survivor benefit (contributory and means-tested)
Survivor benefit (contributory and non means-tested)
Survivor benefit (non-contributory and means-tested)
Survivor benefit (non-contributory and non means-tested)
Sickness Benefits (gross)
Sickness benefits (contributory and means-tested)
Sickness benefits (contributory and non means-tested)
Sickness benefits (non-contributory and means-tested)
Sickness benefits (non-contributory and non means-tested)
Disability Benefits (net)
Disability benefits (gross)
Disability benefits (contributory and means-tested)
Disability benefits (contributory and non means-tested)
Disability benefits (non-contributory and means-tested)
Disability benefits (non-contributory and non means-tested)
Education-related allowances (net)
Education-related allowances (gross)
Education-related allowances (contributory and means-tested)
Education-related allowances (contributory and non means-tested)
Education-related allowances (non-contributory and means-tested)
Education-related allowances (non-contributory and non means-tested)
Social Exclusion Select all:
Arrears Select all:
Arrears on Mortgage or Rent Payments
Arrears on Mortgage or Rent Payments (new in 2008)
Arrears on utility bills (new in 2008)
Arrears on Hire purchase instalments or other loan payments
Arrears on Hire purchase instalments or other loan payments (new in 2008)
Financial burden Select all:
Capacity to afford paying for one week annual holiday away from home
Capacity to afford a meal with meat, chicken, fish (or vegetarian equivalent) every second day
Capacity to face unexpected financial expenses
Ability to make ends meet
Lowest monthly income to make end meet
Financial Burden of the repayment of debts from hire purchases or loans
Non-monetary household deprivation indicators Select all:
Do you have a telephone (incl. mobile phone)?
Do you have a washing machine?
Financial burden of the total housing cost
Physical and social environment Select all:
Problems with the dwelling: too dark, not enough light
Noise from neighbours or from the street
Pollution, grime or other environmental problems
Crime violence or vandalism in the area
Household Structure Select all:
Work intensity (Based on persons aged 18-59 (students excluded))
Low work intensity status
Household size (calculated)
Equivalised Household Size
Household type (calculated)
Technical Items Select all:
Identification Select all:
Primary Sampling Units (PSU)
Secondary Sampling Units (SSU)
Order of selection of PSU
Sequential number of the persons in the household
Person 1 responsible for the accommodation
Person 2 responsible for the accommodation
Interview Select all:
Interview mode used (household)
Interview mode used (person)
Quarter of Household interview
Year of Household interview
Person responding to household questionnaire
Number of Minutes to complete the household questionnaire
Quarter of the personal interview
Year of the personal interview
Minutes to complete the personal questionnaire
Weighting Select all:
Household cross-sectional weight
Household longitudinal weight
Personal cross-sectional weight
Longitudinal weight (two-year duration)
Longitudinal weight (three-year duration)
Longitudinal weight (four-year duration)
Longitudinal weight (five-year duration)
Longitudinal weight (six-year duration)
Children cross-sectional weight for child care
Personal cross-sectional weight for selected respondent
Personal base weight for selected respondent
Panel Information Select all:
Sample person or co-resident
Quarter moved out and died
Number of months in household during the income reference period
Modules Select all:
Optional COVID-19 related variables (2022, 2021, 2020 & 2019) Select all:
Change in income compared to previous year (2020 & 2019 module, 2021ff.)
Did the change happen as an impact of COVID-19 (2021 & 2022 module)
Reason for increase in income (2020 & 2019 module, 2021ff.)
Reason for decrease in income (2020 & 2019 module, 2021ff.)
Future income (2019 module)
Public/private employment sector (2020 module)
Months with any work (2020 module)
Registration of unemployment (2020 module)
Distance learning courses/school during Covid-19 restrictions (2022 module)
Financial support from Covid-19 related support Schemes during 2020: Additional financial allowances or benefits to overcome the crisis (2022 module)
Amount received from the Covid-19 related support Schemes during 2020: Additional financial allowances or benefits to overcome the crisis (2022 module)
Financial support from Covid-19 related support Schemes during 2020: Support for employees (2022 module)
Amount received from the Covid-19 related support Schemes during 2020: Support for employees (2022 module)
Financial support from Covid-19 related support Schemes during 2020: Special allowance for the self-employed (2022 module)
Amount received from the Covid-19 related support Schemes during 2020: Special allowance for the self-employed (2022 module)
Financial support from Covid-19 related support Schemes during 2020: Other (2022 module)
Amount received from the Covid-19 related support Schemes during 2020: Other (2022 module)
Working from home during pandemic (2022 module)
Mental health affected by the COVID-19 crisis (2022 module)
COVID-19 as reason for unmet need for medical examination or treatment
COVID-19 as reason for unmet need for dental examination or treatment
Time spent with remote education (2022)
Total interest expenses (2022 module)
Total amount of debt (2022 module)
COVID-19 as reason not to go to the cinema (2022 module)
COVID-19 as reason not to go to live performances (plays, concerts, operas, ballet and dance) (2022 module)
COVID-19 as reason not to visit cultural sites (2022 module)
COVID-19 as reason not to attend sport events (2022 module)
Living arrangements and conditions of children in separated and blended families (2021 module) Select all:
Number of children who are household members and whose other parent lives outside the household (2021 module)
Number of children who are not household members and whose parent lives inside the household (2021 module)
Household member has children who are not household members (2021 module)
Main reason for not spending more time with children who are household members (2021 module)
Main reason for not spending more time with children who are not household members (2021 module)
Parent ID and sequential number of child who is not household member (2021 module)
Age of the child who is not household member (2021 module)
Usual time the parent needs to get to child who is not household member (2021 module)
Frequency of contact last 12 months with child who is not household member (2021 module)
Child having a bedroom (2021 module)
Frequency of spending actively time with child (2021 module)
Number of nights per month the child spends in the household (2021 module)
Legal child custody situation (2021 module)
Module on over-indebtedness, consumption and wealth as well as labour (2020 module) Select all:
Food at home (2020 module)
Food or drink outside home (2020 module)
Public transport (2020 module)
Private transport (2020 module)
Savings (in a typical month) (2020 module)
Arrears on non-housing bills (2020 module)
Number of loans (excluding mortgages on purchase of main residence) (2020 module)
Purpose of loans (excluding mortgages on purchase of main residence) (2020 module)
Source of loans (exluding mortgages on purchase of main residence) (2020 module)
Amount due last month on loans (2020 module)
Value of main residence (2020 module)
Possession of real estate other than main residence (2020 module)
Total left to repay for the mortgage on main residence (2020 module)
Ability to maintain the same standard of living using savings (2020 module)
Module on intergenerational transmission of disadvantages, household composition and evolution of income (2019 module) Select all:
Sequential number of the persons in the household (2019 module)
Type of household when respondent was around 14 years old (2019 module)
Presence of mother when respondent was around 14 years old (2019 module)
Presence of father when respondent was around 14 years old (2019 module)
Degree of urbanisation when respondent was around 14 years old (2019 module)
Basic school needs (books and equipment for school) met when respondent was around 14 years old (2019 module)
Having meal with meat, chicken, fish (or vegetarian equivalent) daily when respondent was around 14 years old (2019 module)
One week annual holiday away from home when respondent was around 14 years old (2019 module)
Module on Health & Children's Health (2017, 2021 & 2022 module) Select all:
General health (child) (2017 & 2021 module)
Limitation in activities because of health problems (child) (2017 & 2021 module)
Module child 0-15 personal weight (optional) (2017 module)
Unmet need for medical examination or treatment (children) (2017 & 2021 module)
Main reason for unmet need for medical examination or treatment (children) (2017 & 2021 module)
Unmet need for dental examination or treatment (children) (2017 & 2021 module)
Main reason for unmet need for dental examination or treatment (children) (2017 & 2021 module)
Module child 0-15 Household weight (optional) (2017 module)
Financial burden of medical care (2017 & 2022 module)
Financial burden of dental care (2017 & 2022 module)
Financial burden of medicines (2017 & 2022 module)
Number of consultations of a dentist or orthodontist (2017 & 2022 module)
Number of consultations of a general practitioner or family doctor (2017 & 2022 module)
Number of consultations of a medical or surgical specialist (2017 & 2022 module)
Body mass index (BMI) (16: bottom code/ 40: top code) (2017 module)
BMI 1 Weight (2022 module)
BMI 2 Height (2022 module)
Type of physical activity when working (2017 & 2022 module)
Frequency of physical activities (excluding working) (2017 & 2022 module)
Frequency of eating fruit (2017 & 2022 module)
Frequency of eating vegetables or salad (2017 & 2022 module)
Frequency of alcohol intake (2022 module)
Module on Access to Services (2016 module) Select all:
Affordability of childcare services (2016 module)
Unmet needs for formal childcare services (2016 module)
Main reason for not making (more) use of formal childcare services (2016 module)
Affordability of formal education (2016 module)
Use of health care services (2016 module)
Payment for health care services (2016 module)
Affordability of health care services (2016 module)
Presence in the household of people who need help due to long-term physical or mental ill-health, infirmity or because of old age (2016 module)
Professional home care received (2016 module)
Number of hours per week of professional home care received (2016 module)
Payment for professional home care (2016 module)
Affordability of professional home care services (2016 module)
Unmet needs for professional home care (2016 module)
Main reason for not receiving (more) professional home care services (2016 module)
Payment for the cost of formal childcare services (2016 module)
Proportion of the cost of formal childcare services paid (2016 module)
Who pays/contributes to the cost of formal childcare services (2016 module)
Payment for tuition fees (2016 module)
Part of the tuition fees paid (2016 module)
Who pays/ contributes to the tuition fees (2016 module)
Unmet needs for formal education (2016 module)
Main reason for non-participation in formal education (2016 module)
Participation in training related to hobbies (2016 module)
Participation in training related to professional activity (2016 module)
Main reason for non-participation in training related to professional activity (2016 module)
Care or assistance provided (2016 module)
Number of hours per week of care or assistance provided (2016 module)
Wellbeing (2013, 2018 & 2022 module) Select all:
Overall life satisfaction (2013 & 2018 module, 2021ff.)
Meaning of life (2013 module)
Satisfaction with financial situation (2013, 2018 & 2022 module)
Satisfaction with accommodation (2013 module)
Being very nervous (2013 & 2018 module)
Feeling down in the dumps (2013 & 2018 module)
Feeling calm and peaceful (2013 & 2018 module)
Feeling downhearted or depressed (2013 & 2018 module)
Being happy (2013, 2018 & 2022 module)
Job satisfaction (2013 & 2018 module)
Satisfaction with commuting time (2013 module)
Satisfaction with time use (2013, 2018 & 2022 module)
Trust in the political system (2013 module)
Trust in the legal system (2013 module)
Trust in the police (2013 module)
Satisfaction with personal relationships (2013, 2018 & 2022 module)
Personal matters (anyone to discuss with) (2013 module)
Feeling lonely (2018 & 2022 module)
Help from others (2013 & 2022 module)
Material help (2018 module)
Non-material help (2018 module)
Trust in others (2013 & 2018 module, 2021ff.)
Satisfaction with recreational or green areas (2013 module)
Satisfaction with living environment (2013 module)
Physical security (2013 module)
Perceived social exclusion (2018 & 2022 module)
Well being module weight (2013, 2018 & 2022 module)
Intergenerational transmission of disadvantages (2011 & 2019 module) Select all:
Personal intergenerational cross-sectional weight (2011 module)
Presence of Parents (2011 module)
Number of adults (2011 & 2019 module)
Number of children (2011 & 2019 module)
Number of persons in the household in work (2011 & 2019 module)
Year of birth of the father (2011 module)
Country of birth of the father (2011 & 2019 module)
Citizenship of the father (2011 & 2019 module)
Year of birth of the mother (2011 module)
Country of birth of the mother (2011 & 2019 module)
Citizenship of the mother (2011 & 2019 module)
Highest level of education attained by the father (2011 & 2019 module)
Highest level of education attained by the mother (2011 & 2019 module)
Activity status of the father (2011 & 2019 module)
Managerial position of the father (2011 & 2019 module)
Main occupation of the father (2011 & 2019 module)
Activity status of the mother (2011 & 2019 module)
Managerial position of the mother (2011 & 2019 module)
Main occupation of the mother (2011 & 2019 module)
Financial situation of the household (2011 & 2019 module)
Ability to make ends meet (2011 module)
Tenancy status (2011 & 2019 module)
Intra-household sharing of resources (2010 module) Select all:
Intra-household sharing of resources: Household data (2010 module) Select all:
Regime of household finances (2010 module)
Management of common household finances (2010 module)
ID number of person 1 managing the hhlds finances (2010 module)
ID number of person 2 managing the hhlds finances (2010 module)
ID number of person 3 managing the hhlds finances (2010 module)
ID number of person 4 managing the hhlds finances (2010 module)
ID number of person 5 managing the hhlds finances (2010 module)
Intra-household sharing of resources: Personal data (2010 module) Select all:
Proportion of personal income kept separate from the common hhld budget (2010 module)
Access to a bank account (2010 module)
Decision-making on everyday shopping (2010 module)
Decision-making on important expenses to make for the child(ren) (2010 module)
Decision-making on expensive purchases of consumer durables and furniture (2010 module)
Decision-making on borrowing money (2010 module)
Decision-making on use of savings (2010 module)
Decision-making – general (2010 module)
Ability to decide about expenses for your own personal consumption, your leisure activities & hobbies (2010 module)
Ability to decide about purchases for children’s needs (incl. giving them pocket money) (2010 module)
Length of cohabitation of the partners (2010 module)
Optional: Time spent commuting to and from work (2010 module)
Optional: Time spent on leisure (2010 module)
Optional: Time spent on household work, child care & care for other dependants (2010 module)
Optional: Money spent per month for own use (2010 module)
Optional: Money spent per month for children by the interviewed person (2010 module)
Material deprivation (2009, 2013, 2014, 2015 & 2021 module) Select all:
Material deprivation: Household data (2009, 2013, 2014, 2015 & 2021 module) Select all:
Place to live with hot running water (2009 module)
Expectation of household to change dwelling (2009 module)
Main reason for the expactation to change dwelling (2009 module)
Shortage of space in dwelling (2009 module)
Size of dwelling in square metres (2009 module)
Litter lying around in the neighbourhood (2009 module)
Damaged public amenities (bus stops, lamp posts, pavements, etc.) in the neighbourhood (2009 module)
Accessibility of public transport (2009 module)
Accessibility of postal or banking services (2009 module)
Replacing worn-out furniture (2009, 2013, 2014 & 2015 module, 2017ff. target variable)
Internet connection (2009 module)
Some new (not second-hand) clothes (2009, 2013, 2014 & 2021 module)
Two pairs of properly fitting shoes (including a pair of all-weather shoes), for children aged under 16 (2009, 2013, 2014 & 2021 module)
Fresh fruit and vegetables once a day (2009, 2013, 2014 & 2021 module)
Three meals a day (2009 module)
One meal with meat, chicken or fish (or vegetarian equivalant) at least once a day (2009, 2013, 2014 & 2021 module)
Books at home suitable for their age (2009, 2013, 2014 & 2021 module)
Outdoor leisure equipment (bicycle, roller skates, etc.) (2009, 2013, 2014 & 2021 module)
Indoor games (educational baby toys, building blocks, board games, computergames, etc.) (2009, 2013, 2014 & 2021 module)
Regular leisure activity (swimming, playing an instrument, youth organisations, etc.) (2009, 2013, 2014 & 2021 module)
Celebrations on special occasions (birthdays, name days, religious events, etc.) (2009, 2013, 2014 & 2021 module)
Invite friends round to play and eat from time to time (2009, 2013, 2014 & 2021 module)
Participate in school trips and school events that cost money (2009, 2013, 2014 & 2021 module)
Suitable place to study or do homework (2009, 2013, 2014 & 2021 module)
Outdoor space in the neighbourhood where children can play safely (2009 module)
Go on holiday away from home at least 1 week per year (2009, 2013, 2014 & 2021 module)
Unmet need for consulting a gp or specialist, excluding dentists a and ophthalmologists (2009 module)
Main reason for unmet need for consulting a gp or specialist, excluding dentists a and ophthalmologists (2009 module)
Unmet need for consulting a dentist (2009 module)
Main reason for unmet need for consulting a dentist (2009 module)
Material deprivation: Personal data (2009, 2013, 2014 & 2015 module) Select all:
Mobile Phone (2009 module)
Replace worn-out clothes by some new (not second-hand) ones (2009, 2013, 2014 & 2015 module, 2017ff. target variable)
Two pairs of properly fitting shoes (including a pair of all-weather shoes) (2009, 2013, 2014 & 2015 module, 2017ff. target variable)
Number of visits to general practitioners (GP`S) and specialists, excluding dentists and ophthalmologists (2009 module)
Get-together with friends/family (relatives) for a drink/meal at least once a month (2009, 2013, 2014 & 2015 module, 2017ff. target variable)
Regularly participate in a leisure activity such as sport, cinema, concert (2009, 2013, 2014 & 2015 module, 2017ff. target variable)
Spend a small amount of money each week on yourself (2009, 2013, 2014 & 2015 module, 2017ff. target variable)
Internet connection for personal use at home (2009, 2013, 2014 & 2015 module, 2017ff. target variable)
Regular use of public transport – OPTIONAL (2009, 2013 & 2014 module)
Over-indebtedness and financial exclusion (2008 module) Select all:
Household has a bank current account (2008 module)
Household is overdrawn on one of its bank accounts (2008 module)
Estimated total amount unbalanced on hhld banks accounts in classes (2008 module)
Total amount unbalanced on hhld banks accounts (exact amount) Optional Variable (2008 module)
Household has credit card(s) and/or store card(s) (2008 module)
Household has credit card(s) and/or store card(s) with un-cleared balances (2008 module)
Estimated total amount unbalanced at the last monthly statement on household credit/store cards in classes (2008 module)
Total amount unbalanced at the last monthly statement on hhld credit/store cards (exact amounts) Optional Variable (2008 module)
Household has credits or loans (other than mortgage for the main dwelling) (2008 module)
Household has mortgage for other than the main dwelling (2008 module)
Household has hire purchase instalments (e. g. leasing, car, technical equipment) (2008 module)
Household has home-related credit/loans (inventory, domestic appliances, repairs) (2008 module)
Household has credit/loans to pay for holidays/leisure (2008 module)
Household has credit/loans to pay for education or child care (2008 module)
Household has credit/loans to pay for health issues (2008 module)
Household has credit/loans for investment or business start-up (2008 module)
Household has other cash loans (debt conversion, to cover overdraft, credit card and other bills, etc. ) (2008 module)
Arrears on other non-housing household bills (2008 module)
Estimated total amount currently in arrears for other non-housing household bills in classes (2008 module)
Total amount currently in arrears for other non-housing household bills (exact amounts) Optional Variable (2008 module)
Estimated total amount currently in arrears for household housing bills/repayments in classes (2008 module)
Total amount currently in arrears for household housing bills/repayments (exact amounts) Optional Variable (2008 module)
Estimated total amount currently in arrears for household other loans and credit repayment in classes (2008 module)
Total amount currently in arrears for household other loans and credit repayment (exact amounts) Optional Variable (2008 module)
Major drop in household income during the last 12 months (2008 module)
Main reason for drop in income (2008 module)
Expectation of financial situation in the next 12 months (2008 module)
Household does not need an account and prefers to deal in cash (2008 module)
The charges are too high (2008 module)
There is no bank branch near where household lives or works (2008 module)
Household has applied for an account and been turned down (2008 module)
Banks would refuse household (2008 module)
Household does not need to borrow at all (2008 module)
Household can borrow from family or friends (2008 module)
Household will not be able to repay debt (2008 module)
Household has applied for credit and been turned down (2008 module)
Household used to have credit but the facility was withdrawn (2008 module)
Banks would refuse to give credit to household (2008 module)
Housing conditions (2007 & 2012 module) Select all:
Shortage of space in dwelling (2007 & 2012 module)
Size of the dwelling in square meters (2012 module)
Adequate electrical installations (2007 & 2012 module)
Adequate plumbing/water installations (2007 & 2012 module)
Dwelling equipped with heating facilities (2007 & 2012 module)
Dwelling comfortably warm during winter time (2007 & 2012 module)
Dwelling equipped with air conditioning facilities (2007 module)
Dwelling comfortably cool during summer time (2007 & 2012 module)
Overall satisfaction with dwelling (2007 & 2012 module)
Accessibility of grocery services (2007 & 2012 module)
Accessibility of banking services (2007 & 2012 module)
Accessibility of postal services (2007 & 2012 module)
Accessibility of public transport (2007 & 2012 module)
Accessibility of primary health care services (2007 & 2012 module)
Accessibility of compulsory school (2007 & 2012 module)
Change of dwelling (2007 & 2012 module)
Main reason for change of dwelling (2007 & 2012 module)
Immediate risk of changing the dwelling (2012 module)
Main reason for the expectation to be forced to leave the dwelling (2012 module)
Social and cultural participation (2006, 2015 & 2022 module) Select all:
Personal cross-sectional weight (2006 module)
Number of times going to the cinema (2006, 2015 & 2022 module)
Number of times going to live performances (plays, concerts, operas, ballet and dance) (2006, 2015 & 2022 module)
Number of visits to cultural sites (2006, 2015 & 2022 module)
Number of times attending sport events (2006, 2015 & 2022 module)
Practice of artistic activities (2006, 2015 & 2022 module)
Amount of books read (2022 module)
Frequency of getting toghether with relatives (2006, 2015 & 2022 module)
Frequency of getting together with friends (2006, 2015 & 2022 module)
Frequency of contacts with relatives (2006, 2015 & 2022 module)
Frequency of contacts with friends (2006, 2015 & 2022 module)
Communication via social media (2015 module)
Ability to ask any relative, friend or neighbour for help (2006 & 2015 module)
Personal matters (anyone to discuss with) (2015 module)
Active citizenship (2015 & 2022 module)
Participation in informal voluntary activities (2006, 2015 & 2022 module)
Participation in formal volunatry work (2015 & 2022 module)
Participation in activities of political parties or trade unions (2006 module)
Participation in activities of professional organisations (2006 module)
Participation in activities of churches or other religious organisations (2006 module)
Participation in activities of recreational groups or organisations (2006 module)
Participation in activities of charitable organisations (2006 module)
Participation in activities of other groups or organisations (2006 module)
Intergenerational Transmission of poverty (2005 module) Select all:
Main family composition (2005 module)
Year of birth of father (2005 module)
Year of birth of mother (2005 module)
Main Number of siblings (2005 module)
Highest ISCED level of education attained by father (2005 module)
Highest ISCED level of education attained by mother (2005 module)
Main activity status of father (2005 module)
Main occupation of father (2005 module)
Main activity status of mother (2005 module)
Main occupation of mother (2005 module)
Financial problems in household when young teenager (2005 module)