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Metadata for Official Statistics
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General Information
Documented EU-Microdata
European Union Labor Force Survey (EU-LFS)
European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC)
not updated anymore
Adult Education Survey (AES)
Community Innovation Survey (CIS)
Structure of Earnings Survey (SES)
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EU Microdata
Variable List: Original Order
About AES
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Variable Documentation
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Database Description
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Original Order
Thematic Order
Variable List: AES 2011 - Cross-sectional
COUNTRY - Country of Residence
DEG_URB - Degree of urbanisation of the area the household lives in
REFYEAR - Reference year of the survey
REFMONTH - Reference month of the survey
RESPID - Identification of the respondent
RESPWEIGHT - Weighting factor for individuals
NFEACTWEIGHT - Weighting factor for non-formal activities
INTMETHOD - Data collection method used
INTLANG - Language used for the interview
HHNBPERS_0_4 - Persons 0-4 years old living in the household
HHNBPERS_5_13 - Persons 5-13 years old living in the household
HHNBPERS_14_15 - Persons 14-15 years old living in the household
HHNBPERS_16_24 - Persons 16-24 years old living in the household
HHNBPERS_25_64 - Persons 25-64 years old living in the household
HHNBPERS_65plus - Persons 65 years and older living in the household
HHTYPE - Household type
HHLABOUR_EMP - Persons aged 16-64 in the household who are at work
HHLABOUR_NEMP - Persons aged 16-64 in the household who are unemployed or inactive
HHINCOME - Net monthly income of the household
SEX - Sex
BIRTHYEAR - Year of birth
BIRTHMONTH - Month of birth
AGE - Age
RESTIME - Years of residence in this country
MARSTALEGAL - Legal marital status
MARSTADEFACTO - De facto marital status (consensual union)
HATLEVEL - Highest level of education of training successfully completed
HATFIELD - Field of the highest level of education or training successfully completed
HATYEAR - Year when highest level of education or training was successfully completed
HATVOC - Orientation of the highest level of education or training successfully completed
HATOTHER - Other formal education of training successfully completed in another field than 'HATLEVEL'
HATOTHER_LEVEL - Level of the formal education programme
HATOTHER_VOC - Orientation of the formal education programme
HATOTHER_FIELD - Field of the formal education programme
HATCOMP - Procedure of recognition of skills and competences undertaken
HATCOMPHIGH - Recognition of skills and competences allows access to a higher formal education programme than the level mentioned in ‘hatlevel’
DROPHIGH - Formal education abandoned higher than the level mentioned in ‘hatlevel’ but not completed
DROPLEVEL - Level of the formal education not completed
DROPVOC - Orientation of the formal education not completed
MAINSTAT - Main current labour status
JOBSTAT - Professional status
JOBISCO - Occupation
LOCNACE - Economic activity of the local unit
LOCSIZEFIRM - Number of persons working at the local unit
JOBTIME - Year in which person started working in his/her current main job
HATFATHER - Highest level of education or training successfully completed by father (male guardian)
HATMOTHER - Highest level of education or training successfully completed by mother (female guardian)
ISCOFATHER - Main occupation of father
ISCOMOTHER - Main occupation of mother
SEEKINFO - Looked for any information concerning learning possibilities in the last 12 months
SEEKFOUND - Information found
SEEKSOURCE - Source to access information
SEEKSOURCE_1 - Source to access information: internet
SEEKSOURCE_2 - Source to access information: member of the family, neighbour, work colleague
SEEKSOURCE_3 - Source to access information: employer
SEEKSOURCE_4 - Source to access information: guidance services (e.g. career guidance provider by employment service office)
SEEKSOURCE_5 - Source to access information: an education or training institution (school, college, centre, university)
SEEKSOURCE_6 - Source to access information: mass media (tv, radio, newspapers, poster)
SEEKSOURCE_7 - Source to access information: books
FED - Participation in formal education during the last 12 months
FEDNUM - Number of formal education activities participated in during the last 12 months
FEDLEVEL - Level of the most recent formal education activity
FEDFIELD - Field of the most recent formal education activity
FEDVOC - Orientation of the most recent education or training
FEDTHEODUR - Theroretical full-time duration of the formal activity
FEDMETHOD - Main method of learning used in the most recent formal education activity
FEDREASON - Reasons for participating in the most recent formal education activity
FEDREASON_01 - Reasons for participating in the most recent formal education activity: to do my job better and/or improve carrier prospects
FEDREASON_02 - Reasons for participating in the most recent formal education activity: to be less likely to lose my job
FEDREASON_03 - Reasons for participating in the most recent formal education activity: to increase my possibilities of getting a job, or changing a job/profession
FEDREASON_04 - Reasons for participating in the most recent formal education activity: to start my own business
FEDREASON_05 - Reasons for participating in the most recent formal education activity: i was obliged to participate
FEDREASON_06 - Reasons for participating in the most recent formal education activity: to get knowledge/skills useful in my everyday life
FEDREASON_07 - Reasons for participating in the most recent formal education activity: to increase my knowledge/skills on a subject that interests me
FEDREASON_08 - Reasons for participating in the most recent formal education activity: obtain certificate
FEDREASON_09 - Reasons for participating in the most recent formal education activity: to meet new people/for fun
FEDWORKTIME - Most recent formal education activity during paid working hours (including paid leave or recuperation)
FEDNBHOURS - Total number of instruction hours
FEDNBWEEKS - Number of weeks
FEDDURPERWEEK - Average number of instruction hours per week
FEDPAIDBY - Partial or full payment for the tuition, registration, exam fees, expenses for books or technical study means for the most recent formal education activity by:
FEDPAIDBY_1 - Partial or full payment for the most recent formal education activity: employer or prospective employer
FEDPAIDBY_2 - Partial or full payment for the most recent formal education activity: public employment services
FEDPAIDBY_3 - Partial or full payment for the most recent formal education activity: other public institutions
FEDPAIDBY_4 - Partial or full payment for the most recent formal education activity: a household member or a relative
FEDPAIDBY_5 - Partial or full payment for the most recent formal education activity: yourself
FEDPAIDFULL - Full payment for the tuition, registration, exam fees, expenses for books or technical study means for the most recent formal education activity by those identified in ‘fedpaidby’
FEDPAIDVAL - Costs paid personally or by any household member or relative for tuition, registration, exam fees, books and/or technical study means regarding studies in the most recent formal education activity
FEDUSE - Use of the skills or knowledge acquired from the most recent formal education activity
FEDSAT - Satisfaction with the most recent formal education activity
FEDUNSATREASON - Reasons for not being satisfied with the most recent formal education activity
FEDUNSATREASON_1 - Reasons for not being satisfied with the most recent formal education activity: relevance/usefulness
FEDUNSATREASON_2 - Reasons for not being satisfied with the most recent formal education activity: level of training too low
FEDUNSATREASON_3 - Reasons for not being satisfied with the most recent formal education activity: level of training too high
FEDUNSATREASON_4 - Reasons for not being satisfied with the most recent formal education activity: quality of teaching
FEDUNSATREASON_5 - Reasons for not being satisfied with the most recent formal education activity: organisation of training (location, materials, classrooms etc.)
FEDOUTCOME - Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the most recent formal education activity
FEDOUTCOME_1 - Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the most recent formal education activity: getting a (new) job
FEDOUTCOME_2 - Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the most recent formal education activity: promotion in the job
FEDOUTCOME_3 - Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the most recent formal education activity: higher salary/wages
FEDOUTCOME_4 - Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the most recent formal education activity: new tasks
FEDOUTCOME_5 - Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the most recent formal education activity: better performance in the job
FEDOUTCOME_6 - Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the most recent formal education activity: personal related reasons (meet other people, refresh your skills in general subjects etc.)
FEDOUTCOME_7 - Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the most recent formal education activity: no outcomes yet
FEDOUTCOME_8 - Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the most recent formal education activity: no outcomes expected
NFECOURSE - Participation in any courses with the intention to improve knowledge or skills in any area (including hobbies) during the last 12 months
NFEWORKSHOP - Participation in any workshops or seminars with the intention to improve knowledge or skills in any area (including hobbies) during the last 12 months
NFEGUIDEDJT - Participation in any guided on the job training with the intention to improve knowledge or skills in any area (including hobbies) during the last 12 months
NFELESSON - Participation in any private lessons with the intention to improve knowledge or skills in any area (including hobbies) during the last 12 months
NFENUM - Number of non-formal education and training activities during the last 12 months
NFEACT01_TYPE - Type of the 1st activity
NFEACT02_TYPE - Type of the 2nd activity
NFEACT03_TYPE - Type of the 3rd activity
NFEACT04_TYPE - Type of the 4th activity
NFEACT05_TYPE - Type of the 5th activity
NFEACT06_TYPE - Type of the 6th activity
NFEACT07_TYPE - Type of the 7th activity
NFEACT08_TYPE - Type of the 8th activity
NFEACT09_TYPE - Type of the 9th activity
NFEACT10_TYPE - Type of the 10th activity
NFEPURP10 - At least one job related activity among activities 1 to 10
NFEWORKTIME10 - At least one activity during paid working hours (including paid leave and recuperation) among activities 1 to 10
NFEPAIDBY10 - At least one activity partially or fully paid by the employer among activities 1 to 10
NFERAND1 - Code of the 1st randomly selected activity
NFERAND1_TYPE - Type of the 1st activity
NFEPURP1 - Purpose of the 1st activity
NFEFIELD1 - Field of the 1st activity
NFEMETHOD1 - Main method of learning used for the 1st activity
NFEREASON1 - Reasons for participating in the 1st activity
NFEREASON1_01 - Reasons for participating in the 1st activity: to do my job better and/or improve carrier prospects
NFEREASON1_02 - Reasons for participating in the 1st activity: to be less likely to lose my job
NFEREASON1_03 - Reasons for participating in the 1st activity: to increase my possibilities of getting a job, or changing a job/profession
NFEREASON1_04 - Reasons for participating in the 1st activity: to start my own business
NFEREASON1_05 - Reasons for participating in the 1st activity: i was obliged to participate
NFEREASON1_06 - Reasons for participating in the 1st activity: to get knowledge/skills useful in my everyday life
NFEREASON1_07 - Reasons for participating in the 1st activity: to increase my knowledge/skills on a subject that interests me
NFEREASON1_08 - Reasons for participating in the 1st activity: obtain certificate
NFEREASON1_09 - Reasons for participating in the 1st activity: to meet new people/for fun
NFEWORKTIME1 - 1st activity during paid working hours (including paid leave and recuperation
NFENBHOURS1 - Total number of instruction hours
NFENBWEEKS1 - Number of weeks
NFEDURPERWEEK1 - Average number of instruction hours per week
NFEPROVIDER1 - Provider of the 1st activity
NFECERT1 - Certificate obtained after the 1st activity
NFEPAIDBY1 - Partial or full payment for the tuition, registration, exam fees, expenses for books or technical study means for the 1st activity
NFEPAIDBY1_1 - Partial or full payment for the 1st activity: employer or prospective employer
NFEPAIDBY1_2 - Partial or full payment for the 1st activity: public employment services
NFEPAIDBY1_3 - Partial or full payment for the 1st activity: other public institutions
NFEPAIDBY1_4 - Partial or full payment for the 1st activity: a household member or a relative
NFEPAIDBY1_5 - Partial or full payment for the 1st activity: yourself
NFEPAIDFULL1 - Full payment for the tuition, registration, exam fees, expenses for books or technical study means by those identified in ‘nfepaidby’ for the 1st activity
NFEPAIDVAL1 - Costs paid personally or by any household member or relative for tuition, registration, exam fees, books and/or technical study means regarding the 1st activity
NFEUSE1 - Use of the skills or knowledge acquired from the 1st activity
NFESAT1 - Satisfaction with the 1st activity
NFEUNSATREASON1 - Reasons for not being satisfied with the 1st activity
NFEUNSATREASON1_1 - Reasons for not being satisfied with the 1st activity: relevance/usefulness
NFEUNSATREASON1_2 - Reasons for not being satisfied with the 1st activity: level of training too low
NFEUNSATREASON1_3 - Reasons for not being satisfied with the 1st activity: level of training too high
NFEUNSATREASON1_4 - Reasons for not being satisfied with the 1st activity: quality of teaching
NFEUNSATREASON1_5 - Reasons for not being satisfied with the 1st activity: organisation of training (location, materials, classrooms etc.)
NFEOUTCOME1 - Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 1st activity
NFEOUTCOME1_1 - Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 1st activity: getting a (new) job
NFEOUTCOME1_2 - Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 1st activity: promotion in the job
NFEOUTCOME1_3 - Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 1st activity: higher salary/wages
NFEOUTCOME1_4 - Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 1st activity: new tasks
NFEOUTCOME1_5 - Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 1st activity: better performance in the job
NFEOUTCOME1_6 - Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 1st activity: personal related reasons (meet other people, refresh your skills in general subjects etc.)
NFEOUTCOME1_7 - Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 1st activity: no outcomes yet
NFEOUTCOME1_8 - Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 1st activity: no outcomes expected
NFERAND2 - Code of the 2nd randomly selected activity
NFERAND2_TYPE - Type of the 2nd activity
NFEPURP2 - Purpose of the 2nd activity
NFEFIELD2 - Field of the 2nd activity
NFEMETHOD2 - Main method of learning used for the 2nd activity
NFEREASON2 - Reasons for participating in the 2nd activity
NFEREASON2_01 - Reasons for participating in the 2nd activity: to do my job better and/or improve carrier prospects
NFEREASON2_02 - Reasons for participating in the 2nd activity: to be less likely to lose my job
NFEREASON2_03 - Reasons for participating in the 2nd activity: to increase my possibilities of getting a job, or changing a job/profession
NFEREASON2_04 - Reasons for participating in the 2nd activity: to start my own business
NFEREASON2_05 - Reasons for participating in the 2nd activity: i was obliged to participate
NFEREASON2_06 - Reasons for participating in the 2nd activity: to get knowledge/skills useful in my everyday life
NFEREASON2_07 - Reasons for participating in the 2nd activity: to increase my knowledge/skills on a subject that interests me
NFEREASON2_08 - Reasons for participating in the 2nd activity: obtain certificate
NFEREASON2_09 - Reasons for participating in the 2nd activity: to meet new people/for fun
NFEWORKTIME2 - 2nd activity during paid working hours (including paid leave and recuperation)
NFENBHOURS2 - Total number of instruction hours
NFENBWEEKS2 - Number of weeks
NFEDURPERWEEK2 - Average number of instruction hours per week
NFEPROVIDER2 - Provider of the 2nd activity
NFECERT2 - Certificate obtained after the 2nd activity
NFEPAIDBY2 - Partial or full payment for the tuition, registration, exam fees, expenses for books or technical study means for the 2nd activity
NFEPAIDBY2_1 - Partial or full payment for the 2nd activity: employer or prospective employer
NFEPAIDBY2_2 - Partial or full payment for the 2nd activity: public employment services
NFEPAIDBY2_3 - Partial or full payment for the 2nd activity: other public institutions
NFEPAIDBY2_4 - Partial or full payment for the 2nd activity: a household member or a relative
NFEPAIDBY2_5 - Partial or full payment for the 2nd activity: yourself
NFEPAIDFULL2 - Full payment for the tuition, registration, exam fees, expenses for books or technical study means by those identified in ‘nfepaidby’ for the 2nd activity
NFEPAIDVAL2 - Costs paid personally or by any household member or relative for tuition, registration, exam fees, books and/or technical study means regarding the 2nd activity
NFEUSE2 - Use of the skills or knowledge acquired from the 2nd activity
NFESAT2 - Satisfaction with the 2nd activity
NFEUNSATREASON2 - Reasons for not being satisfied with the 2nd activity
NFEUNSATREASON2_1 - Reasons for not being satisfied with the 2nd activity: relevance/usefulness
NFEUNSATREASON2_2 - Reasons for not being satisfied with the 2nd activity: level of training too low
NFEUNSATREASON2_3 - Reasons for not being satisfied with the 2nd activity: level of training too high
NFEUNSATREASON2_4 - Reasons for not being satisfied with the 2nd activity: quality of teaching
NFEUNSATREASON2_5 - Reasons for not being satisfied with the 2nd activity: organisation of training (location, materials, classrooms etc.)
NFEOUTCOME2 - Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 2nd activity
NFEOUTCOME2_1 - Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 2nd activity: getting a (new) job
NFEOUTCOME2_2 - Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 2nd activity: promotion in the job
NFEOUTCOME2_3 - Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 2nd activity: higher salary/wages
NFEOUTCOME2_4 - Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 2nd activity: new tasks
NFEOUTCOME2_5 - Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 2nd activity: better performance in the job
NFEOUTCOME2_6 - Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 2nd activity: personal related reasons (meet other people, refresh your skills in general subjects etc.)
NFEOUTCOME2_7 - Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 2nd activity: no outcomes yet
NFEOUTCOME2_8 - Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 2nd activity: no outcomes expected
NFERAND3 - Code of the 3rd randomly selected activity
NFERAND3_TYPE - Type of the 3rd activity
NFEPURP3 - Purpose of the 3rd activity
NFEFIELD3 - Field of the 3rd activity
NFEMETHOD3 - Main method of learning used for the 3rd activity
NFEREASON3 - Reasons for participating in the 3rd activity
NFEREASON3_01 - Reasons for participating in the 3rd activity: to do my job better and/or improve carrier prospects
NFEREASON3_02 - Reasons for participating in the 3rd activity: to be less likely to lose my job
NFEREASON3_03 - Reasons for participating in the 3rd activity: to increase my possibilities of getting a job, or changing a job/profession
NFEREASON3_04 - Reasons for participating in the 3rd activity: to start my own business
NFEREASON3_05 - Reasons for participating in the 3rd activity: i was obliged to participate
NFEREASON3_06 - Reasons for participating in the 3rd activity: to get knowledge/skills useful in my everyday life
NFEREASON3_07 - Reasons for participating in the 3rd activity: to increase my knowledge/skills on a subject that interests me
NFEREASON3_08 - Reasons for participating in the 3rd activity: obtain certificate
NFEREASON3_09 - Reasons for participating in the 3rd activity: to meet new people/for fun
NFEWORKTIME3 - 3rd activity during paid working hours (including paid leave and recuperation)
NFENBHOURS3 - Total number of instruction hours
NFENBWEEKS3 - Number of weeks
NFEDURPERWEEK3 - Average number of instruction hours per week
NFEPROVIDER3 - Provider of the 3rd activity
NFECERT3 - Certificate obtained after the 3rd activity
NFEPAIDBY3 - Partial or full payment for the tuition, registration, exam fees, expenses for books or technical study means for the 3rd activity
NFEPAIDBY3_1 - Partial or full payment for the 3rd activity: employer or prospective employer
NFEPAIDBY3_2 - Partial or full payment for the 3rd activity: public employment services
NFEPAIDBY3_3 - Partial or full payment for the 3rd activity: other public institutions
NFEPAIDBY3_4 - Partial or full payment for the 3rd activity: a household member or a relative
NFEPAIDBY3_5 - Partial or full payment for the 3rd activity: yourself
NFEPAIDFULL3 - Full payment for the tuition, registration, exam fees, expenses for books or technical study means by those identified in ‘nfepaidby’ for the 3rd activity
NFEPAIDVAL3 - Costs paid personally or by any household member or relative for tuition, registration, exam fees, books and/or technical study means regarding the 3rd activity
NFEUSE3 - Use of the skills or knowledge acquired from the 3rd activity
NFESAT3 - Satisfaction with the 3rd activity
NFEUNSATREASON3 - Reasons for not being satisfied with the 3rd activity
NFEUNSATREASON3_1 - Reasons for not being satisfied with the 3rd activity: relevance/usefulness
NFEUNSATREASON3_2 - Reasons for not being satisfied with the 3rd activity: level of training too low
NFEUNSATREASON3_3 - Reasons for not being satisfied with the 3rd activity: level of training too high
NFEUNSATREASON3_4 - Reasons for not being satisfied with the 3rd activity: quality of teaching
NFEUNSATREASON3_5 - Reasons for not being satisfied with the 3rd activity: organisation of training (location, materials, classrooms etc.)
NFEOUTCOME3 - Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 3rd activity
NFEOUTCOME3_1 - Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 3rd activity: getting a (new) job
NFEOUTCOME3_2 - Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 3rd activity: promotion in the job
NFEOUTCOME3_3 - Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 3rd activity: higher salary/wages
NFEOUTCOME3_4 - Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 3rd activity: new tasks
NFEOUTCOME3_5 - Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 3rd activity: better performance in the job
NFEOUTCOME3_6 - Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 3rd activity: personal related reasons (meet other people, refresh your skills in general subjects etc.)
NFEOUTCOME3_7 - Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 3rd activity: no outcomes yet
NFEOUTCOME3_8 - Outcomes of the new skills/knowledge acquired through the 3rd activity: no outcomes expected
DIFFICULTY - Difficulties related to participation (or more participation) in education and training during the last 12 months
DIFFTYPE - Type of difficulties
DIFFTYPE_01 - Type of difficulties: prerequisites
DIFFTYPE_02 - Type of difficulties: cost
DIFFTYPE_03 - Type of difficulties: lack of employer’s support or lack of public services support
DIFFTYPE_04 - Type of difficulties: schedule
DIFFTYPE_05 - Type of difficulties: distance
DIFFTYPE_06 - Type of difficulties: no access to a computer or internet (for distance learning)
DIFFTYPE_07 - Type of difficulties: family responsibilities
DIFFTYPE_08 - Type of difficulties: health or age
DIFFTYPE_09 - Type of difficulties: other personal reasons
DIFFTYPE_10 - Type of difficulties: no suitable education or training activity
DIFFTYPE_11 - Type of difficulties: no need for (further) education and training
DIFFMAIN - Most important difficulty
INF - Participation in other activities in the last 12 months (deliberate self-teaching to improve knowledge or skills)
INFFIELD1 - Field of 1st activity
INFPURP1 - Purpose of 1st activity
INFMETHOD1 - Informal learning method used for 1st activity
INFFIELD2 - Field of 2nd activity
INFPURP2 - Purpose of 2nd activity
INFMETHOD2 - Informal learning method used for 2nd activity
ICTCOMPUTER - Computer related activities already carried out
ICTCOMPUTER_1 - Computer related activities already carried out: copying or moving a file or folder
ICTCOMPUTER_2 - Computer related activities already carried out: using copy and paste tools to duplicate or move information within a document
ICTCOMPUTER_3 - Computer related activities already carried out: using basic arithmetic formulas in a spreadsheet
ICTCOMPUTER_4 - Computer related activities already carried out: compressing (or zipping) files
ICTCOMPUTER_5 - Computer related activities already carried out: connecting and installing new devices, e.g. a modem
ICTCOMPUTER_6 - Computer related activities already carried out: writing a computer program using a specialised programming language
ICTCOMPUTER_7 - Computer related activities already carried out: transferring files between computer and other devices (from digital camera or from/to mobile phone, mp3/mp4 player)
ICTCOMPUTER_8 - Computer related activities already carried out: modifying or verifying the configuration parameters of software applications (except internet browsers)
ICTCOMPUTER_9 - Computer related activities already carried out: creating electronic presentations with presentation software (e.g. slides), including e.g. images, sound, video or charts
ICTCOMPUTER_10 - Computer related activities already carried out: installing a new or replacing an old operating system
ICTINTERNET - Internet related activities have already carried out
ICTINTERNET_1 - Internet related activities have already carried out: using a search engine to find information
ICTINTERNET_2 - Internet related activities have already carried out: sending e-mails with attached files (documents, pictures, etc.)
ICTINTERNET_3 - Internet related activities have already carried out: posting messages to chatrooms, newsgroups or an online discussion forum (e.g. on websites for social networking)
ICTINTERNET_4 - Internet related activities have already carried out: using the internet to make telephone calls
ICTINTERNET_5 - Internet related activities have already carried out: using peer-to-peer file sharing for exchanging movies, music, etc.
ICTINTERNET_6 - Internet related activities have already carried out: creating a web page
ICTINTERNET_7 - Internet related activities have already carried out: uploading text, games, images, films or music to websites (e.g. to websites for social networking)
ICTINTERNET_8 - Internet related activities have already carried out: modifying the security settings of internet browsers
LANGMOTH1 - 1st mother tongue
LANGMOTH2 - 2nd mother tongue
LANGUSED - Other languages except mother tongue(s)
LANGUSED_1 - Other languages except mother tongue(s): first language
LANGUSED_2 - Other languages except mother tongue(s): second language
LANGUSED_3 - Other languages except mother tongue(s): 3rd language
LANGUSED_4 - Other languages except mother tongue(s): 4th language
LANGUSED_5 - Other languages except mother tongue(s): 5th language
LANGUSED_6 - Other languages except mother tongue(s): 6th language
LANGUSED_7 - Other languages except mother tongue(s): 7th language
LANGBEST1 - First best known language (excluding mother tongue)
LANGLEVEL1 - First best language knowledge (excluding mother tongue)
LANGBEST2 - Second best known language (excluding mother tongue)
LANGLEVEL2 - Second best language knowledge (excluding mother tongue)
OTHERLANG - Best known other language used only at the national level (excluding mother tongue)
OTHERLANGLEVEL - Knowledge about other known language used only at the national level mentioned
CULTPAR1 - Number of times going to live performances in the last 12 months
CULTPAR2 - Number of times going to the cinema in the last 12 months
CULTPAR3 - Number of visits to cultural sites in the last 12 months
CULTPAR4 - Number of times attending live sport events in the last 12 months
CULTNEWS - Reading newspapers (paper or internet) in the last 12 months
CULTBOOK - Read a book in the last 12 months
CULTBOOKNUM - Approximate number of books read in the last 12 months
SOCIALPAR - Participation in any of the following activities in the last 12 months
SOCIALPAR_1 - Participation in any of the following activities in the last 12 months: activities of political parties or trade unions
SOCIALPAR_2 - Participation in any of the following activities in the last 12 months: activities of professional associations
SOCIALPAR_3 - Participation in any of the following activities in the last 12 months: activities of recreational groups or organisations
SOCIALPAR_4 - Participation in any of the following activities in the last 12 months: activities of charitable organisations
SOCIALPAR_5 - Participation in any of the following activities in the last 12 months: informal voluntary activities
SOCIALPAR_6 - Participation in any of the following activities in the last 12 months: activities of religious organisations
CITIZEN - Citizenship
BIRTHPLACE - Country of birth