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Metadata for Official Statistics
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General Information
Documented EU-Microdata
European Union Labor Force Survey (EU-LFS)
European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC)
not updated anymore
Adult Education Survey (AES)
Community Innovation Survey (CIS)
Structure of Earnings Survey (SES)
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EU Microdata
Variable List: Original Order
Study Documentation
Variable Documentation
Comparability over Time
Variables by Year [Excel]
Thematic Concepts over Time
Dataset availability over time & countries
Quality Reports
Data Handling & Analysis
Training Materials
Original Order
Thematic Order
Variable List: EU-SILC 2012 - Cross-sectional
Personal Data
PB010 - Year of the survey
PB020 - Country alphanumeric
PB030 - Personal ID
PB040 - Personal cross-sectional weight
PB060 - Personal cross-sectional weight for selected respondent
PB100 - Quarter of the personal interview
PB110 - Year of the personal interview
PB120 - Minutes to complete the personal questionnaire
PB130 - Quarter of birth
PB140 - Year of birth
PB150 - Sex
PB160 - Father ID
PB170 - Mother ID
PB180 - Spouse/partner ID
PB190 - Marital status (MT: lbl 3,5 = 3)
PB200 - Consensual union
PB210 - Country of birth alphanumeric
PB220A - Citizenship 1 alphanumeric
PE010 - Current education activity
PE020 - ISCED level currently attended (MT: lbl 0,1,2 = 2)
PE030 - Year when highest level of education was attained
PE040 - Highest ISCED level attained
PL031 - Self-defined current economic status
PL035 - Worked at least one hour during the previous week
PL015 - Person has ever worked
PL020 - Actively looking for a job
PL025 - Available for work
PL040 - Status in employment
PL051 - Occupation (ISCO-08 (COM) (MT: grouped; PT: lbl 11,12,13 = 14))
PL060 - Number of hours usually worked per week in main job
PL073 - Number of months spent at full-time work as employee
PL074 - Number of months spent at part-time work as employee
PL075 - Number of months spent at full-time work as selfemployed (including family worker)
PL076 - Number of months spent at part-time work as selfemployed (including family worker)
PL080 - Number of months spent in unemployment
PL085 - Number of months spent in retirement
PL086 - Number of months spent as disabled or/and unfit to work
PL087 - Number of months spent studying
PL088 - Number of months spent in compulsory military service
PL089 - Number of months spent fulfilling domestic tasks and care responsibilities
PL090 - Number of months spent in other inactivity
PL100 - Total number of hours usually worked in second, third...jobs
PL111 - NACE (Rev 2)
PL120 - Reason for working less than 30 hours
PL130 - Number of persons working at the local unit (MT: grouped)
PL140 - Type of contract
PL150 - Managerial position
PL160 - Change of job since last year
PL170 - Reason for change
PL180 - Most recent change in the individuals activity status
PL190 - When began regular first job
PL200 - Number of years spent in paid work
PL211A - Main activity on January
PL211B - Main activity on February
PL211C - Main activity on March
PL211D - Main activity on April
PL211E - Main activity on May
PL211F - Main activity on June
PL211G - Main activity on July
PL211H - Main activity on August
PL211I - Main activity on September
PL211J - Main activity on October
PL211K - Main activity on November
PL211L - Main activity on December
PH010 - General health
PH020 - Suffer from a chronic (long-standing) illness or condition
PH030 - Limitation in activities because of health problems
PH040 - Unmet need for medical examination or treatment
PH050 - Main reason for unmet need for medical examination or treatment
PH060 - Unmet need for dental examination or treatment
PH070 - Main reason for unmet need for dental examination or treatment
PY010N - Employee cash or near cash income (net)
PY020N - Non-Cash employee income (net)
PY021N - Company car (in euros)
PY035N - Contributions to individual private pension plans (net)
PY050N - Cash benefits or losses from self-employment (net)
PY080N - Pension from individual private plans (net)
PY090N - Unemployment benefits (net)
PY100N - Old-age benefits (net)
PY110N - Survivors benefits (net)
PY120N - Sickness benefits (net)
PY130N - Disability benefits (net)
PY140N - Education-related allowances
PY010G - Employee cash or near cash income (gross)
PY020G - Non-Cash employee income (gross)
PY021G - Company car (in euros)
PY030G - Employers social insurance contribution (in euros)
PY031G - Optional employer social insurance contributions (in euros)
PY035G - Contributions to individual private pension plans (gross)
PY050G - Cash benefits or losses from self-employment (gross)
PY080G - Pension from individual private plans (gross)
PY090G - Unemployment benefits (gross)
PY100G - Old-age benefits (gross)
PY110G - Survivor benefit
PY120G - Sickness benefits (gross)
PY130G - Disability benefits (gross)
PY140G - Education-related allowances (gross)
PY200G - Gross monthly earnings for employees (gross)
PX010 - Exchange rate
PX020 - Age at the end of the income reference period
PX030 - Household ID
PX040 - Respondent status
PX050 - Activity status
PC170 - Change of the dwelling
PC180 - Main reason for the change of the dwelling
PB210_NUM - Country of birth numeric
PB220A_NUM - Citizenship 1 numeric
PL111_NUM - NACE (Rev 2)numeric
Personal Register
RB010 - Year of the survey
RB020 - Country string
RB030 - Personal ID
RB031 - Year of immigration
RB050 - Personal cross-sectional weight
RB070 - Quarter of birth
RB080 - Year of birth
RB090 - Sex
RB200 - Residential status
RB210 - Basic activity status
RB220 - Father ID
RB230 - Mother ID
RB240 - Spouse/partner ID
RB245 - Respondent status
RB250 - Data status
RB260 - Type of interview
RB270 - Personal ID of proxy
RL010 - Education at pre-school: Hours of education during an usual week
RL020 - Education at compulsory school: Hours of education during an usual week
RL030 - Childcare at centre-based services: Hours of child care during an usual week
RL040 - Childcare at day-care centre: Hours of child care during an usual week
RL050 - Child care by a professional child-miner: number of hours of child care during an usual week
RL060 - Child care by grand-parents/other hhld members/relatives etc: Hours during an usual week
RL070 - Children cross-sectional weight for child care
RX010 - Age at the date of the interview
RX020 - Age at the end of the income reference period
RX030 - Household ID
RX040 - Work intensity
RX050 - Low work intensity status
RX060 - Severely materially deprived household
RX070 - At risk of poverty or social exclusion
Household Data
HB010 - Year of the survey
HB020 - Country alphanumeric
HB030 - Household ID
HB050 - Quarter of household interview
HB060 - Year of household interview
HB070 - Person responding to household questionnaire
HB080 - Person 1 responsible for the accommodation
HB090 - Person 2 responsible for the accommodation
HB100 - Number of minutes to complete the household questionnaire
HY010 - Total household gross income
HY020 - Total disposable household income
HY022 - Total disposable Household Income before social transfers other than old-age and survivors benefits
HY023 - Total disposable Household income before social transfers including old-age and survivors benefits
HY025 - Within household non-response inflation factor
HY030N - Imputed rent (net)
HY040N - Income from rental of a property or land (net)
HY050N - Family/Children-related allowances (net)
HY060N - Social exclusion not elsewhere classified (net)
HY070N - Housing allowances (net)
HY080N - Regular interhousehold cash received (net)
HY081N - Alimonies received (net)
HY090N - Interests, dividends, profit from capital investment in uncorporated business (net)
HY100N - Interest repayment on mortgage(net)
HY110N - Income received by people aged under 16 (net)
HY120N - Regular taxes on wealth (net)
HY130N - Regular interhousehold cash transfer paid
HY131N - Alimonies paid (net)
HY140N - Tax on income and social contribution
HY145N - Repayments/receipts for tax adjustment (net)
HY170N - Value of goods produced for own consumption (net)
HY030G - Imputed rent (gross)
HY040G - Income from rental of a property or land (gross)
HY050G - Family/Children-related allowances (gross)
HY060G - Social exclusion not elsewhere classified (gross)
HY070G - Housing allowances (gross)
HY080G - Regular interhousehold cash transfer received (gross)
HY081G - Alimonies received (gross)
HY090G - Interests, dividends, profit from capital investment in uncorporated business (gross)
HY100G - Interest repayments on mortgage (gross)
HY110G - Income received by people aged under 16 (gross)
HY120G - Regular taxes on wealth (gross)
HY130G - Regular interhousehold cash transfer paid (gross)
HY131G - Alimonies paid (gross)
HY140G - Tax on income and social contributions (gross)
HY170G - Value of goods produced for own consumption (gross)
HS011 - Arrears on mortgage or rent payments
HS021 - Arrears on utility bills
HS031 - Arrears on hire purchase instalments or other loan payments
HS040 - Capacity to afford paying for one week annual holiday away from home
HS050 - Capacity to afford a meal with meat, chicken, fish (or vegetarian equivalent) every second day
HS060 - Capacity to face unexpected financial expenses
HS070 - Do you have a telephone (including mobile phone)?
HS080 - Do you have a colour TV?
HS090 - Do you have a computer?
HS100 - Do you have a washing machine?
HS110 - Do you have a car?
HS120 - Ability to make ends meet
HS130 - Lowest monthly income to make end meet
HS140 - Financial burden of the total housing cost
HS150 - Financial burden of the repayment of debts from hire purchases or loans
HS160 - Problems with the dwelling: Too dark, not enough light
HS170 - Noise from neighbours or from the street
HS180 - Pollution, grime or other environmental problems
HS190 - Crime violence or vandalism in the area
HH010 - Dwelling type
HH021 - Tenure status
HH030 - Number of rooms available to the household
HH031 - Year of contract or purchasing or installation
HH040 - Leaking roof, damp walls/floors/foundation, or rot in window frame or floor
HH050 - Ability to keep home adequately warm
HH060 - Current rent related to occupied dwelling
HH061 - Subjective rent
HH070 - Total housing cost
HH071 - Mortgage principal repayment
HH081 - Bath or shower in dwelling
HH091 - Indoor flushing toilet for sole use of household
HX010 - Change rate
HX040 - Household size
HX050 - Equivalised household size
HX060 - Household type
HX070 - Tenure state
HX080 - Poverty indicator
HX090 - Equivalised disposable income
HX120 - Overcrowded household
HC010 - Shortage of space in the dwelling
HC020 - Size of the dwelling in square meters
HC030 - Adequate electrical installations
HC040 - Adequate plumbing/water installations
HC050 - Dwelling equipped with heating facilities
HC060 - Dwelling comfortably warm during winter time
HC070 - Dwelling comfortably cool during summer time
HC080 - Overall satisfaction with the dwelling
HC090 - Accessibility of grocery services
HC100 - Accessibility of banking services
HC110 - Accessibility of postal services
HC120 - Accessibility of public transport
HC130 - Accessibility of primary health care services
HC140 - Accessibility of compulsory school
HC150 - Immediate risk of changing the dwelling
HC160 - Main reason for the expectation to be forced to leave the dwelling
Household Register
DB010 - Year of the survey
DB020 - Country alphanumeric
DB030 - Household ID
DB040 - Region (NUTS 1 or 2; CZ,ES,FI,FR: NUTS2; UK: NUTS1)
DB060 - PSU-1 (first stage)
DB062 - PSU-2 (second stage)
DB070 - Order of selection of PSU
DB075 - Rotational group (UK: Nuts 1)
DB090 - Household cross-sectional weight
DB100 - Degree of urbanisation (EE, LV: lbl 1,2 = 1; MT: lbl 2,3 = 2)