European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions 2020
EU-SILC 2020 contains the 2020module on over-indebtedness, consumption and wealth as well as labour.
Geographical Coverage
"The European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) is an instrument aiming at collecting timely and comparable cross-sectional and longitudinal multidimensional micro-data on income, poverty, social exclusion and living conditions. This instrument is anchored in the European Statistical System (ESS).
The EU-SILC project was launched in 2003 on the basis of a "gentlemen's agreement" in six Member States (Belgium, Denmark, Greece, Ireland, Luxembourg and Austria) and Norway.
The start of the EU-SILC instrument was in 2004 for the EU-15 (except Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom) and Estonia, Norway and Iceland.
A derogation was provided in the cases of Germany, the Netherlands, the UK and nine of the then ten new Member States (all except Estonia) permitting them to begin in 2005 under the condition that they supply comparable data for the year 2004 for the common EU indicators that have been adopted by the Council in the context of the open method of co-ordination.
Bulgaria and Turkey started the full implementation of the EU-SILC instrument in 2006 while Romania and Switzerland began to implement it in 2007.
North Macedonia started in 2010, Croatia in 2011, Montenegro and Serbia in 2013, Albania in 2017 while Kosovo in 2018."
Time Period Covered
Reference period for core variables: current, constant, at selection, income reference period, usual week, last 4 weeks, last 12 months, since last year, working life, childcare reference period.
Country Specific Information: EU-SILC 2020
LV - Latvia
Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia
"Persons living in private households within national territory were the reference population of the EU-SILC survey." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), LV, p. 8.)
Source Of Sampling Frame
Counting areas from the list of the Population Census 2000, Population Register, Statistical register of dwellings and Statistical register of households
Sampling Design
- systematic
- stratified
- multi-stage
Primary Sampling Units
Area units
Secondary Sampling Units
Stratification Criteria
"The stratification was made depending on the type of municipality (Riga, cities, towns, rural areas). The Classification of Administrative Territories and Territorial Units (CATTU) of Latvia was used for stratification." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), LV, p. 3.)
Number Of Rotational Groups
Start Date
End Date
Type Of Data Source
Interview Mode
- 3.1 % CAPI
- 87.6 % CATI
- 1.1 % PAPI
- 8.2 % Websurvey
Percentage Of Proxy Interviews
26.1 %
Weighting: Method
See Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), LV, Annex 6 - Weighting Procedure.
LU - Luxembourg
STATEC, Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques du Grand-Duché du Luxembourg
"The reference population comprises all the persons who currently resided within the national territory of Luxembourg in January 2020, except: the persons living in private households whose all members are covered by the Luxemburgish Social Security; the persons living in collective households or institutions (retirement homes, prisons etc.)" (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), LU, p. 7.)
Source Of Sampling Frame
From 2016 onwards, the EU-SILC sample is drawn from Luxembourg's National Population Register (RNPP - Registre National des Personnes Physiques).
Sampling Design
- stratified
- one stage
Primary Sampling Units
Secondary Sampling Units
Not used
Stratification Criteria
"12 geographical regions (canton) of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, the canton of Luxembourg being further split into the city of Luxembourg and the rest. Thus, 13 stratum groups were defined." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), LU, p. 2.)
Sampling Method
"The sample is allocated among the strata proportionnaly to their size in number of individuals aged 18+." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), LU, p. 2.)
Number Of Rotational Groups
Start Date
End Date
Type Of Data Source
Interview Mode
- 100 % CAPI
Percentage Of Proxy Interviews
39.8 %
Weighting: Method
see Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), LU, Annex 7.
LT - Lithuania
Statistics Lithuania
"The target population of EU-SILC is all persons living in private households within the national territory of Lithuania at the time of data collection. Collective households and institutions are excluded from the target population." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), LT, p. 7.)
Source Of Sampling Frame
Population Register [which] is updated regularly.
Sampling Design
- random
- stratified
- one stage
Primary Sampling Units
Secondary Sampling Units
Not used
Stratification Criteria
"While selecting the new rotational group of the sample the country were grouped into 25 strata: 5 largest cities, other cities and rural area by county (a total of 10 counties). Simple random sample of non–institutional persons aged 16 and over was selected from the Population Register in each stratum. Household which lives in the selected person’s address was surveyed." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), LT, p. 2.)
Number Of Rotational Groups
Start Date
End Date
Type Of Data Source
Interview Mode
- 17.3 % CAPI
- 59.8 % CATI
- 5.6 % PAPI
- 0.1 % Self-administered
- 17.2 % Websurvey
Percentage Of Proxy Interviews
31.6 %
Weighting: Method
see Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), LT, Annex 5.
HR - Croatia
Croatian Bureau of Statistics
"The reference population of EU-SILC is all private households and their current members residing in the territory of Croatia at the time of data collection. Persons living in collective households and in institutions are excluded from the target population. No differences between the national and the standard EU-SILC concept." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), HR, p. 14.)
Source Of Sampling Frame
2011 Census data
Sampling Design
- systematic
- stratified
- multi-stage
Primary Sampling Units
Secondary Sampling Units
Stratification Criteria
"The sampling frame of segments for the first stage is divided into 8 strata. 6 strata are defined by 3 groups of counties (NUTS-3) and the types of munici [illegible] A municipality can be city or municipality. Separate 2 strata are Grad Zagreb county and city of Rijeka and city of Split together.
In Croatia there are two statistical regions (NUTS-2):
1. Continental Croatia
2. Adriatic Croatia.
5 strata belong to Continental Croatia region and 3 strata belong to Adriatic Croatia region.
Beside explicit stratification, implicit stratification according to counties (NUTS-3) and municipalities was applied. It means that the list of segments w [illegible] according to counties and municipalities before selection." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), HR, p. 3.)
Sampling Method
"The sampling frame was divided into 8 strata. In the first stage we have selected segments as PSUs. The PSUs were systematically selected with probab [illegible] each stratum (the measure of size was the number of private households according to the 2011 Census). Before selection of PSUs, segments were sorted [illegible] municipalities. In the second stage 7 addresses (occupied dwellings) were randomly selected from each PSU. Described selection scheme is not self-weighting because of different sampling fractions between strata and unequal selection probabilities of addresses [illegible] Unequal selection probabilities of addresses were a consequence of differences between the number of households and the number of occupied dwellin [illegible] other discrepancies in the 2011 Census data." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), CZ, p. 3.)
Start Date
End Date
Type Of Data Source
Interview Mode
- 100 % CAPI
Percentage Of Proxy Interviews
42.4 %
Weighting: Method
See Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), HR, Annex 4 - Weighting Procedure.
RO - Romania
National Institute of Statistics
"The reference population is all private households and their current members residing in the territory of the Romania at the time of data collection. Persons living in collective households and in institutions are excluded from the target population." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), RO, p.15.)
Source Of Sampling Frame
Starting with 2015, the household surveys carried out by NSI-Romania are based on the use of Multifunctional Sample of Territorial Areas, so called the master sample new EMZOT. It is a database including approximately 1.500.000 dwellings, selected according to probabilistic criteria, serving as sampling frame for all household surveys, in 2015-2024.
Sampling Design
- random
- stratified
- multi-stage
Primary Sampling Units
Census enumeration units
Secondary Sampling Units
Stratification Criteria
"Stratification concerns only the first stage sampling. There are 88 strata, the criteria used being the area where a certain PSU is located (urban or rural area) and county (NUTS 3 level)." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), RO, p.2.)
Sampling Method
"The PSUs were sampled with probability proportional to the size (number of permanent dwellings). The new EMZOT sample has 450 PSUs selected from urban area and 342 PSUs selected from rural area. In the second stage, a fix number of dwellings are systematically selected from each PSU of EMZOT." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), RO, p. 2.)
Number Of Rotational Groups
Start Date
End Date
Type Of Data Source
Interview Mode
- 100 % PAPI
Percentage Of Proxy Interviews
10.9 %
Design Weight: Target
Design Weight: Method
Inverse of Selection Probability
Non-response Weight: Method
"The non-response are not globally adjusted, at the entire sample level, but separately-at wave level, on groups of households, groups generated by the variables considered as explicative of the non response. This correspond to the so-called 'response-homogenous groups’ method, which assumes that in a certain group all the units have the same probability. For wave 1 we used as explicative variables for non-response region (NUTS II level) and area of residence (urban / rural) and for the second, third and fourth wave - the region." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), RO, p.8.)
Coverage Adjustment Weight: Method
"We applied an integrative calibration that means that we used both households and personal variables in the procedure. The calibration is performed at the household level using the household variables and individual variables in their aggregate form as calibration variables. This technique ensures that all members in the same household receive the same weight. Adjustments were made using the SAS macro CALMAR. Calibration variables were: “distribution of the population by age group (0-15; 16-24; 25-34; 3544; 45-54; 55-64; 65 and over) and gender” using Romanian Residential Population Estimates at the end of the income reference period and “households totals” by region." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), RO, p.8.)
NO - Norway
Statistics Norway
"Persons aged 16 years or more at December 31 N-1 who are living outside an institution." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), NO, p 10.)
Source Of Sampling Frame
central population register called BEREG [which] is daily updated with information from local population register offices
Sampling Design
- random
- stratified
- one stage
Primary Sampling Units
Secondary Sampling Units
Not used
Stratification Criteria
"In 2007, the representativity based on one-year age groups was abandoned, and the new rotational groups are drawn as the proportion p of the population 16 years and over. In addition, each existing rotational group is then supplemented with new 16 year olds and new immigrants to ensure representativity. The same system has been used in 2020. The sample is drawn from the population register, and this register is arranged to ensure geographical representativity. This is done by municipality and postal codes." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), NO, p.3.)
Sampling Method
"The sample in 2020 is now according to the rules for simple random sampling in one stage. There is still a systematic element, that stems from the arrangement of the population register. [...] the register is arranged by family number and personal code within the family before the actual selection of units." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), NO, p. 3.)
Number Of Rotational Groups
Start Date
End Date
Type Of Data Source
Interview Mode
- 100 % CATI
Weighting: Method
See Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), NO, Annex 4 - Weighting Procedure
HU - Hungary
Hungarian Central Statistical Office
"private housholds living in the territory of Hungary" (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), HU, p. 2.)
Source Of Sampling Frame
list of occupied dwelling units in census 2011 dataset
Sampling Design
- random
- stratified
- multi-stage
Primary Sampling Units
Secondary Sampling Units
Stratification Criteria
"At stage 1 we have a stratified sample of localities with pps selection. At stage 2 (in the sampled localities) we have a stratified simple random sample of households.
Stratification and sub stratification criteria
At stage 1 the population of localities is stratified. Each of the larger localities is a stratum of its own. These are the self-representing localities, the number of which is 91. Smaller localities are stratified by NUTS3 regions and the size of locality. At stage 2 the households are stratified by the charachteristic of the head of household within each locality." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), HU, p. 2.)
Sampling Method
"At stage 1 localities were selected with pps without replacement. At stage 2 households within each strata were selected with srs without replacement." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), HU, p. 2.)
Number Of Rotational Groups
Start Date
End Date
Type Of Data Source
Interview Mode
- 88.6 % CAPI
- 4.6 % CATI
- 6.8 % Websurvey
Percentage Of Proxy Interviews
21.1 %
Design Weight: Target
"Weighting classes were defined by NUTS2 regions, category of size of localities and household strata." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), HU, p. 4.)
Design Weight: Method
"By definition design weight is the reciprocal of the inclusion probability. However, thanks to the fact that three rotational groups still have a rather complex sample design and selection scheme, only an approximation of design weight was calculated. Weighting classes were defined by NUTS2 regions, category of size of localities and household strata. Within each weighting classes the 'design' weight is equal to the ratio of the overall number of households to the number of selected households." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), HU, p. 4.)
Non-response Weight: Method
"In the new rotational group nonresponse weights were introduced to reduce bias caused by unit nonresponse on household level. Nonresponse adjustment was a simple expansion applied by the same classes as design factors were calculated by." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), HU, p. 4.)
Coverage Adjustment Weight: Method
"The aim of this adjustment was to improve the accuracy of data using socio-economical information available from the constantly updated Census 2011 and other surveys. Iterative raking scale methods were applied.[...].
Calibration was carried out with a self made SAS program. Calibration was carried out in each rotational group. For the new rotational group the input weight for calibration is the one described previously. For the rest of rotational groups the input weight for calibration is previous year's final cross- sectional weight."
(Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), HU, pp. 4-5.)
BG - Bulgaria
National Statistical Institute
"All citizens officially living at Bulgarian territory (population de facto). Persons living in collective households and in institutions are excluded from the target population." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), BG, p. 13.)
Source Of Sampling Frame
Population Census 2011
Sampling Design
- systematic
- stratified
- multi-stage
Primary Sampling Units
Census enumeration units
Secondary Sampling Units
Stratification Criteria
"The sample is stratified by administrative-territorial districts in the country (NUTS3) and the household's location. As a result 56 strata are formed (28 of urban and 28 of rural population). Municipalities and settlements are ranged according to the number of their population within each stratum." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), BG, p. 3.)
Sampling Method
"The number of census enumeration units (PSU) is calculated for each strata included in the sample. The clusters on the first stage are chosen with probability proportion to population size (number of households) in the PSUs. Systematic sampling of secondary units (households) in each primary unit selected is applied. Each PSU contains 5 households." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), BG, p. 3.)
Number Of Rotational Groups
Start Date
End Date
Type Of Data Source
Interview Mode
- 100 % CAPI
Percentage Of Proxy Interviews
23.6 %
Design Weight: Target
Design Weight: Method
Inverse of Selection Probability; household design weight DB080
Non-response Weight: Method
"The weights of the responding households should be adjusted to reproduce all households in the country for 2019. The result for the non-respondents was equal to the base weights for the corresponding responding households and their members. To adjust for non-responding households the procedure “weighting classes” was used. The households were divided into classes where the probability to respond was assumed to be homogenous within the classes. Due to lack of information (demographic characteristics) for the non-responding households these classes were the sampling strata. The ratio of the weights of the responding households to the weights of all households in the given class was calculated." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), BG, p. 5.)
Coverage Adjustment Weight: Method
"After reflecting the non-responding households the base weights for the new rotation group were calibrated to the population as of 31.12.2019. For the calibration the following variables at individual and at household level were used: Individual level: Age*Gender: 6 groups (0-17, 18-64, 65+)*(male, female); Number of persons by district: 28 groups. Household level Number of households: 2 groups (town, village). [...] For the calibration of weights the SAS Macro Calmar 2 was used. The logit method (M=3 in Calmar) was used for the calibration by setting upper and lower limits of the g-weights. The G-weights were the ratio of the assigned weights and the final calibrated weights. The upper limit in 2020 was 2.5 and the lower – 0.25." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), BG, p. 5.)
FR - France
"The reference population for the survey is comprised of all ordinary households (excluding institutions) for which the primary residence is located in metropolitan France (excluding overseas departments).
The inhabitants of the French overseas departments represent 3.0% of people living in ordinary households." (Eurostat (2023). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), 2020, FR, pp. 4-5)
Source Of Sampling Frame
Nautile sampling frame
Sampling Design
- systematic
- stratified
- one stage
Primary Sampling Units
Secondary Sampling Units
Not used
Sampling Method
"The survey design is a two-stage regionally stratified survey.
The first stage involves the drawing of the 541 Primary Units (PUs) selected as part of the Nautile Master Sample.
The second stage involves the systematic drawing of dwellings, stratified by PU and sorted by standard of living. Standard of living is the household’s disposable income divided by the number of consumption units." (Eurostat (2023). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), 2020, FR, p. 6)
Number Of Rotational Groups
Date of Data Collection
Type Of Data Source
Interview Mode
- 74.2 % CAPI
- 25.8 % CATI
Percentage Of Proxy Interviews
24.1 %
Weighting: Method
See Eurostat (2023): National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), 2020, FR, Annex 5 - Weighting procedure.
BE - Belgium
Statistics Belgium
"The reference population is all citizens living officially living at Belgian territory (population de jure). Persons living in collective households and in institutions are excluded from the target population." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), BE, p. 12.)
Source Of Sampling Frame
Central Population Register of 30 November 2019, [which] is updated two times during a month [and] includes all private households and their current members residing in the territory.
Sampling Design
- systematic
- stratified
- multi-stage
Primary Sampling Units
Secondary Sampling Units
Stratification Criteria
"The main stratification criterion is the NUTS2 level. The 11 sampling strata are the 10 Belgian provinces (5 in Flanders – coded BE21-BE25 – and 5 in Wallonia – coded BE31 to BE35) and the Brussels Capital Region (BE10). Further implicit stratification is obtained by sorting PSUs (sub-municipalities) on mean income and sorting SSUs (households) in selected PSUs on age of reference person." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), BE, p. 4.)
Sampling Method
"In each stratum, the PSUs in the frame are first descendingly sorted by average income; next, a fixed number of times a PSU is drawn according to a systematic PPS (probability proportional to size) selection scheme, where size is measured as the number of private households. This systematic sampling method generally causes some PSUs being selected repeatedly (e.g. Schaerbeek, a rather large municipality in stratum BE10, turns out to be drawn 6 times). In total, i.e. in all 11 sampling strata together, 275 PSU draws were made in 2004, once and for all (i.e. for the whole duration of EUSILC). According to each single PSU draw, a group (generally of fixed size) of households is selected in this [second] stage; notice that a group of households corresponds to each PSU draw." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), BE, p. 5.)
Number Of Rotational Groups
Start Date
End Date
Type Of Data Source
Interview Mode
- 12.4 % CAPI
- 87.6 % CATI
Percentage Of Proxy Interviews
8.1 %
Weighting: Method
see Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), BE, Annex 3.
DK - Denmark
Statistics Denmark
"People residing in private households residing in Denmark at the time of the interview." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), DK, p. 7.)
Source Of Sampling Frame
The Central Personal register (CPR)
Sampling Design
- stratified
- multi-stage
Primary Sampling Units
Secondary Sampling Units
Stratification Criteria
"The sample has
been stratified at the NUTS2-level and by income." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), DK, p. 2.)
Start Date
End Date
Type Of Data Source
Interview Mode
- 19.2 % CATI
- 80.8 % Websurvey
Percentage Of Proxy Interviews
1.8 %
Design Weight: Target
Coverage Adjustment Weight: Method
"the SILC cross-sectional weights should reproduce certain demographic and poverty distributions on the personal level. Therefore some data on the personal level have been integrated in the calibration, that is:
Risk of poverty
Age (5 classes 0-15, 16-24, 25-49, 50-64, 65+) and sex.
Family type
Income mass (within 7 intervals)
income groups (above median; 60 pct. of median to median ; under 60 per cen of median)." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), DK, p. 3.)
FI - Finland
Statistics Finland
"Members of the private households permanently resident (the census definition) in Finland on 31 December 2017. Permanent residency means that the persons have resided or intend to reside for at least 12 months and they have not a permanent recidence abroad. Persons living in institutions, in collective households or in residential homes have been excluded." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), FI, p. 9.)
Source Of Sampling Frame
The Population Information System of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency (DVV)
Sampling Design
- systematic
- stratified
- multi-stage
Primary Sampling Units
Secondary Sampling Units
Stratification Criteria
"Socio-economic groups (12 groups) categorized by income class." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), FI, p. 3.)
Sampling Method
"In the first phase, a master sample of persons (50,000, exceptionally 100,000 in 2016,02019 and 2020) is selected with systematic sampling from the total frame. The second phase: the sample of persons (5,000) with their household-dwelling units is selected from the stratified master sample within every stratum using non-proportional allocation with different selection probabilities between strata." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), FI, p. 3.)
Number Of Rotational Groups
Start Date
End Date
Type Of Data Source
Interview Mode
- 0.8 % CAPI
- 99.2 % CATI
Percentage Of Proxy Interviews
11.2 %
Weighting: Method
See Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), FI, Annex 8
IE - Ireland
Central Statistics Office
"The reference population is all private households in Ireland and is comparable with the EU-SILC definition. Up until 2020 in defining a ‘household’, Ireland used an 'address' concept (i.e. all persons living at the same address treated as a single household). From 2020 the Irish SILC definition of a household will use a shared income and expenditure concept. Flatmates or housemates that don’t share expenditure will now be considered as separate households, and students living away from home and substantially supported by their parents will be considered members of the parent household" (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), IE, p. 9.)
Source Of Sampling Frame
Sampling Design
- random
- stratified
- multi-stage
Primary Sampling Units
Secondary Sampling Units
Not used
Stratification Criteria
"The sampling design uses probability proportional to size, stratified by deprivation index and NUTS2 for block selection." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), IE, p. 4.)
Number Of Rotational Groups
Date of Data Collection
Interview Mode
- 40.7 % CAPI
- 59.3 % CATI
Percentage Of Proxy Interviews
33.7 %
AT - Austria
Statistics Austria
"The reference population of EU-SILC are all private households and their current members residing in the territory of Austria at the time of data collection. Persons living in collective households and in institutions are generally excluded from the target population. There is no difference to the standard EU-SILC concept." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), AT, p. 5.)
Source Of Sampling Frame
Central registration register ZMR (Zentrales Melderegister), a constantly updated population register based on the registration of the main residence.
Sampling Design
- systematic
- stratified
- one stage
Primary Sampling Units
Secondary Sampling Units
Not used
Stratification Criteria
"The first wave sample of EU-SILC 2020 is a one-stage stratified probability sample. The sample of the first wave was stratified according to 18 strata that where comprised of the 9 Austrian provinces (NUTS 2 units) subdivided into 2 groups that were defined by an estimation of the main indicator "at risk of poverty or social exclusion" (AROPE)." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), AT, p. 2.)
Sampling Method
"The first wave sampling process was carried out according to a stratified one-stage probabilty sample with systematic sample selection without replacement and disproportional allociation. [...] The number of selected households was determined as approximately 0.1% of all eligible addresses. The starting point in the development of the first wave sample was a proportional allocation by province. [...] For provinces with comparatively low response rates an oversample was applied and for provinces with comparatively high response rates an undersample was carried out. So the resulting sample selection scheme facilitated a disproportional allocation in order to compensate for different response rates in different provinces." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), AT, p. 2.)
Number Of Rotational Groups
Start Date
End Date
Type Of Data Source
Interview Mode
- 57.9 % CAPI
- 42.1 % CATI
Percentage Of Proxy Interviews
9 %
Weighting: Method
see Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), AT. Annex 5 - Cross-sectional and longitudinal weighting procedure of EU-SILC 2020.
CZ - Czech Republic
Czech Statistical Office
"The Reference population, Private household definition [and] Household membership [are] fully comparable [with the EU-SILC target population]." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), CZ, p.12.)
Source Of Sampling Frame
Register of Census Enumeration Districts (small geographical areas covering the whole territory of the country)
Sampling Design
- random
- stratified
- multi-stage
Primary Sampling Units
Census enumeration units
Secondary Sampling Units
Stratification Criteria
"The sampling of CEUs is stratified by region (NUTS4) and municipality size." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), CZ, p. 4.)
Sampling Method
"In the first stage, CEUs were sampled with probability proportional to size (number of dwellings). Simple random sampling without replacement is used for sampling of constant number of 10 dwellings in each sampled CEU." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), CZ, p. 4.)
Number Of Rotational Groups
Start Date
End Date
Type Of Data Source
Interview Mode
- 36.3 % CAPI
- 8.5 % CATI
- 55.2 % PAPI
Percentage Of Proxy Interviews
29.7 %
Design Weight: Target
Design Weight: Method
"The sample was designed as a self-weighting sample within the region. Due to the exact numbers of CEUs, the design factor for all sampled dwellings is in the range of 0.94 to 1.09. The CEU are determined to keep the self-weighting principle as much as possible." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), CZ, p. 6.)
Non-response Weight: Method
"[...] united calibration for all the waves was used as the method for correcting non-response. The achieved sample was re-weighted using the integrated calibration technique (producing the same weights on household and personal level). This technique ensures that the weighted sample structure corresponds to a set of known external population characteristics. The calculations were implemented using the CALMAR software in SAS and also CalIF in R, since 2020." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), CZ, p. 6.)
Coverage Adjustment Weight: Method
"The following calibration variables were used:
Number of inhabited dwellings in each NUTS3 region, subdivided into family houses (detached and semi-detached houses) and flats, based on the 2001 Census and 2011 Census continuously updated from administrative sources of construction authorities
Population characteristics:
• Population totals in each NUTS3 region (from demographic statistics)
• Economic activity characteristics for the Czech Republic
• Number of employees - derived from the number of employees in the economy based on the Labour Force Survey (LFS) results and company
• Demographic characteristics at the national level (based on the demographic statistics):
• Age groups (0-15, 16-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65-74, 75+)
• Gender at the national level
• Municipality size at the national level (below 2 000 inhabitants, 2 000 - 9 999, 10 000 - 49 999, 50 000+ inhabitants)" (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), CZ, p. 7.)
CY - Cyprus
Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT)
"The reference population is defined as all the households and their members living in the government controlled areas of Cyprus. Population in collective households and institutions is excluded." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), CY, p. 9.)
Source Of Sampling Frame
2011 Census of Population [...] with a supplementary list of newly constructed houses (build after 2011 up to September 2018) [...] provided by the Electricity Authority of Cyprus (E.A.C.)
Sampling Design
- random
- stratified
- one stage
Primary Sampling Units
Secondary Sampling Units
Not used
Stratification Criteria
"9 strata allocated by district and type of the household (urban / rural): Lefkosia, Ammochostos, Larnaka, Lemesos, Pafos. For Ammochostos, there are no urban households." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), CY, p. 2.)
Number Of Rotational Groups
Start Date
End Date
Type Of Data Source
Interview Mode
- 6.3 % CAPI
- 93.7 % CATI
Percentage Of Proxy Interviews
17 %
Weighting: Method
see Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), CY. Annex 5 - Weighting procedure.
SE - Sweden
Statistic Sweden
"The refence population is the whole Swedish population except short term migrants. People who stay in Sweden for no longer than 3-12 months are not covered." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), SE, p.6.)
Source Of Sampling Frame
The Total Population Register (TPR) [which] receives daily updates on births, deaths, changes in marital status, and changes in citizenship, national migration, immigration and emigration from the Tax Authorities.
Sampling Design
- random
- stratified
- one stage
Primary Sampling Units
Secondary Sampling Units
Not used
Stratification Criteria
"The sample is stratified by age in eight strata according to age: 16-23 years, 24-33 years, 34-43 years, 44-53 years, 54-63 years, 64-73 years, 74-83 years and 84 years and older." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), SE, p.3.)
Number Of Rotational Groups
Start Date
End Date
Type Of Data Source
Interview Mode
- 100 % CATI
Percentage Of Proxy Interviews
1.6 %
Weighting: Method
See Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), SE, Annex 5 - Weighting Procedure.
SI - Slovenia
The Statistical office of the Republic of Slovenia
"The reference population is defined with the persons in the Central Register of Population which are aged 16 years or more. The individuals with Slovenian citizenship as well as foreigners were included in the sampling frame." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), SI, p. 15.)
Source Of Sampling Frame
Central Register of Population (CRP), which is linked to the Register of Territorial Units
Sampling Design
- systematic
- stratified
- multi-stage
Primary Sampling Units
Census enumeration units
Secondary Sampling Units
Stratification Criteria
"The sampling frame of persons aged 16 years or more is divided into 6 strata, which are defined according to the size of the settlement and the proportion of agricultural households in the settlement [...] When selecting the primary sampling units, explicit stratification according to the type of settlement was used (6 strata). Since we wanted to maintain regional representativeness, implicit stratification according to the statistical region was applied. It means that the list of units within strata was sorted according to statistical regions. In Slovenia there are 12 statistical (NUTS3) regions." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), SI, p. 3.)
Sampling Method
"The sampling frame was divided into 6 strata and each stratum was sorted by 12 statistical regions. This way we implicitly stratified the sample also by statistical region. Persons aged 16 years were oversampled. In each sampling unit, persons aged 16 years and others were separately selected." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), SI, p. 3.)
Number Of Rotational Groups
Start Date
End Date
Type Of Data Source
Interview Mode
- 48.4 % CAPI
- 51.6 % CATI
Percentage Of Proxy Interviews
23.2 %
Weighting: Method
See Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), SI.
SK - Slovakia
The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic
"The Reference population, Private household definition [and] Household membership [are] fully comparable [with the EU-SILC target population]." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), SK, p.14.)
Source Of Sampling Frame
Population Census 2011
Sampling Design
- random
- multi-stage
Primary Sampling Units
Secondary Sampling Units
Not used
Stratification Criteria
"There are two criteria of area stratification in the sampling design:
- geographical stratification (8 standard administrative regions corresponding to the European NUTS 3 level.)
- degree of urbanization: 7 groups according to population size of municipalities and communes (number of inhabitants in municipalities and communes)
Totally 48 final strata were created (variable DB050) by using of those two stratification criteria." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), SK, p.3.)
Sampling Method
"The proportional number of households was selected by simple random sampling in individual strata" (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), SK, p.3.)
Number Of Rotational Groups
Start Date
End Date
Type Of Data Source
Interview Mode
- 99.5 % PAPI
- 0.5 % Self-administered
Percentage Of Proxy Interviews
16.5 %
Design Weight: Target
Design Weight: Method
Inverse of Selection Probability
Non-response Weight: Method
"The reduction of weight deviation caused by households that had been contacted (DB120=11); however refused the interview (DB135=2), was solved by the correction of weights in relation to the response rate. The probability of response of each household is not known. We used dividing households into strata (region and rotational group) and we resulted from assumption that each household in stratum has the same probability of response. Then the empirical value of the response rate within the stratum gives the estimate of the probability of response for each household in the stratum. " (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), SK, p. 4.)
Coverage Adjustment Weight: Method
"Calculation of the households cross-sectional weights DB090k0 - has been implemented by system of simple calibration of weights of the households by using of variables - number of households by number of membership in administration regions. Calculation of the personal crosssectional weights RB050ki0 - has been implemented by system of simple calibration of weights of household members by using of calibration variables - numbers of persons by aged groups and sex in the administration regions" (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), SK, p. 4.)
MT - Malta
National Statistics Office
"The reference population is composed of all private households and their current members residing in Malta at the time of data collection. Persons living in institutions are excluded from the target population." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), MT, p. 9.)
Source Of Sampling Frame
database based on the 2011 Census of Population & Housing that is held and maintained by NSO through annual updates
Sampling Design
- random
- not stratified
- one stage
Primary Sampling Units
Secondary Sampling Units
Not used
Number Of Rotational Groups
Start Date
End Date
Type Of Data Source
Interview Mode
- 0.8 % CAPI
- 99.2 % CATI
Percentage Of Proxy Interviews
11.2 %
Weighting: Method
See Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), MT, Annex 7.
PT - Portugal
PL - Poland
Source Of Sampling Frame
Number Of Rotational Groups
Date of Data Collection
Type Of Data Source
Interview Mode
- 5.1 % CAPI
- 94.3 % CATI
- 0.4 % PAPI
- 0.2 % Self-administered
Percentage Of Proxy Interviews
33.4 %
RS - Serbia
Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia
"The reference population of EU-SILC is all private households and their current members residing in the territory of the Republic of Serbia (RS) (excluding the territory of Kosovo i Metohija) at the time of data collection. Persons living in collective households and in institutions are excluded from the target Population." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), RS, p.6.)
Source Of Sampling Frame
Population Census 2011
Sampling Design
- random
- stratified
- multi-stage
Primary Sampling Units
Census enumeration units
Secondary Sampling Units
Stratification Criteria
"Stratification was done according to the type of settlement (urban and other) in four Regions (Belgrade, Vojvodina, Sumadija and Western Serbia and Southern and Eastern Serbia)." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), RS, p.2.)
Sampling Method
"Primary sampling units (enumeration districts), were selected systematically with probability proportional to size within each stratum. Size measure for each ED was number of households, according to the Census 2011. Second stage units, households were selected randomly with equal probabilities." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), RS, p.2.)
Number Of Rotational Groups
Date of Data Collection
Interview Mode
- 100 % CAPI
Percentage Of Proxy Interviews
14.7 %
Weighting: Method
See Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), RS, Annex 5 - Weighting Procedure
CH - Switzerland
Federal Department of Home Affairs FDHA; Federal Statistics Office FSO
"The reference population is people living in private households (i.e. not in institutions) where at least one of the residents lives permanently." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), CH, p. 8
Source Of Sampling Frame
SRPH survey frame
Sampling Design
- systematic
- stratified
- multi-stage
Primary Sampling Units
Secondary Sampling Units
Stratification Criteria
"Stratification and sub stratification criteria: The seven major geographical regions (level NUTS2)" (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), CH, p. 3.
Number Of Rotational Groups
Date of Data Collection
Type Of Data Source
Interview Mode
- 100 % CATI
Percentage Of Proxy Interviews
5.9 %
ES - Spain
National Statistics Institute (INE-Spain)
"The target population was members of private households residing at main family addresses, and the households themselves. (No differences between national and EU-SILC concept)." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), ES, p. 9.)
Source Of Sampling Frame
List of census sections used in the Municipal Register (population register) [from] the Register dated 01.01.2020.
Sampling Design
- systematic
- stratified
- multi-stage
Primary Sampling Units
Census enumeration units
Secondary Sampling Units
Stratification Criteria
"In each Autonomous Community [self-ruling region], first-stage units were stratified by the size of the municipality to which the census section belonged." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), ES, p. 3.)
Sampling Method
"To achieve the survey objective of producing acceptably reliable estimates at both the national and at the Autonomous Community (regional) level, we selected, in wave 1 (survey 2004), a sample of 16,000 addresses spread over 2000 census sections. We distributed the sample across Autonomous Communities by allocating one part uniformly and another part in proportion to Autonomous Community size. The uniform part accounted for about 40% of sections. In the new sub-sample, census sections were selected in each stratum by a probability in proportion to size (family dwellings). In each section, addresses were selected with equal probability by systematic sampling initiated at random. This procedure produces self-weighted samples in each stratum." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), ES, p. 3.)
Number Of Rotational Groups
Start Date
End Date
Type Of Data Source
Interview Mode
- 100 % CATI
Percentage Of Proxy Interviews
34.5 %
Weighting: Method
see Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), ES. Annex 8 - Weighting Procedure.
NL - Netherlands
Statistics Netherlands
"The target population of EU-SILC is all private households and their current members residing in the Netherlands at the time of data collection. Persons living in collective households and in institutions are excluded from the target population." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), NL, p. 6.)
Source Of Sampling Frame
Dutch Population Register
Sampling Design
- random
- stratified
- one stage
Primary Sampling Units
Secondary Sampling Units
Not used
Stratification Criteria
"21 strata defined on the basis of household income, age and number of household members belonging to the target population: ten deciles of the equivalised household income; the number of household members aged 16 or over, two classes: 1, >1; age, two classes: 16, >16." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), NL, p. 2.)
Number Of Rotational Groups
Start Date
End Date
Type Of Data Source
Interview Mode
- 24.9 % CATI
- 75.1 % Websurvey
Weighting: Method
See Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), NL, Annex 5.
EE - Estonia
Statistics Estonia
"Households whose usual place of residence is in Estonia, and the members of these households, excluding persons living in institutions (children’s homes, care homes, monasteries, convents, prison etc.) [...] Persons living in collective households are included in the reference population." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), EE, pp. 2 / 6.)
Source Of Sampling Frame
Statistical Population Register of Estonia
Sampling Design
- systematic
- stratified
- one stage
Primary Sampling Units
Secondary Sampling Units
Not used
Stratification Criteria
"Geographical stratification was used. The counties (and capital Tallinn) were grouped into three strata by the population size." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), EE, p. 2.)
Sampling Method
"Systematic sampling of address-persons in each stratum. For households this procedure results in unequal probability sampling with inclusion probabilities proportional to household size (number of persons aged 14+ in it)." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), EE, p. 2.)
Number Of Rotational Groups
Start Date
End Date
Type Of Data Source
Interview Mode
- 57.1 % CAPI
- 40.3 % CATI
- 2.6 % Websurvey
Percentage Of Proxy Interviews
25.5 %
Weighting: Method
see Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), EE. Annex 2 - Weighting.
EL - Greece
Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT)
"The reference population is all citizens officially living at Greek territorry (population de facto). Persons living in collective households and in institutions are generally excluded from the target population." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), EL, p. 11.)
Source Of Sampling Frame
2011 Population Census
Sampling Design
- systematic
- stratified
- multi-stage
Primary Sampling Units
Area units
Secondary Sampling Units
Stratification Criteria
"two levels of area stratification of the target population: The first level is the geographical stratification based on the partition of the total country area into thirteen standard administrative regions, corresponding to the European NUTS2 level. The two former major city agglomerations of Greater Athens and Greater Thessalonica constitute separate major geographical strata. The second level of stratification entails grouping Municipal/Local communes within Region by degree of urbanization, i.e., according to their population size. The scaling of urbanization was finally designed in four groups. The number of the final strata in the thirteen (13) Regions is 50. The former Greater Athens Area was divided into 31 strata on the basis of the lists of city blocks of the Municipalities that constitute it and taking into consideration socio-economic criteria. Similarly, the former Greater Thessaloniki Area was divided into 9 strata. The two Major former City Agglomerations account for about 39,1% of total population and for even larger percentages in certain socio-economic variables. Thus, the total number of final strata of the survey is 90." (Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), EL, p. 3.)
Number Of Rotational Groups
Start Date
End Date
Type Of Data Source
Interview Mode
- 23.1 % CATI
- 76.9 % PAPI
Percentage Of Proxy Interviews
4.8 %
Weighting: Method
See Eurostat (2020). National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRSSI), EL, Annex 7