PIAAC - Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies

Internationale Scientific Use Files and data access in other countries


The Austrian PIAAC Public Use File (OECD 2016) contains information on the respondents’ background and on their cognitive assessment (in literacy, numeracy, and problem solving in technology-rich environments). It excludes certain background variables (e.g., some of the national adaptations), and some variables were not released in all the available detail. The majority of the variables were suppressed or coarsened to comply with national data protection legislation. The Austrian PIAAC Scientific Use File includes many of the suppressed background variables. Furthermore, other variables (e.g., age and income) have been released in full detail. Available at: https://statistik.gv.at/web_en/statistics/PeopleSociety/education/survey_of_adult_skills/public_use_data_files_of_the_piaac_survey_2011_12/index.html

  • Zitation: Statistics Austria (2014). Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), Scientific Use File PIAAC 2011/12 for Austria. Vienna: Statistics Austria.


The PIAAC 2012/2014 U.S. Restricted Use File (RUF) contains individual unit record data (SPSS and SAS format) including both responses to the background questionnaire and the cognitive assessment from both the first and second U.S. PIAAC data collections, completed in 2012 and 2014, respectively. Statistical disclosure control treatments were applied due to confidentiality concerns. In addition to the variables in the PUF (NCES 2016667REV), the RUF contains detailed versions of variables and additional data collected through U.S. specific questionnaire routing. The RUF can be accessed through a restricted use license agreement with the National Center for Education Statistics. For more details on the RUF, please refer to Appendix E of the U.S. PIAAC Technical Report (NCES 2016-036REV). Available at: https://nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/pubsinfo.asp?pubid=2016668REV

  • Citation: Holtzman, S., Kandathil, M., Kapur, L., Kline, D., Barone, J., Li, L., Krenzke, T., Hogan, J., Mohadjer, L., et al.(2016). Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) 2012/2014: U.S. National Supplement Restricted Use Data Files-Household [NCES 2016668REV]. Washington DC: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics.

The 2014 PIAAC U.S. Prison Study Restricted Use File (RUF) contains individual unit record data (SPSS and SAS format) including responses to both the background questionnaire and the cognitive assessment from the data collection completed in 2014. Statistical disclosure control treatments were applied due to confidentiality concerns. In addition to the variables in the Prison Study PUF (NCES 2016337REV), the RUF contains detailed versions of variables and additional data collected through U.S. specific questionnaire routing. The RUF can be accessed through a restricted use license agreement with the National Center for Education Statistics. For more details on the RUF, please refer to Appendix E of the U.S. PIAAC Technical Report 2012/2014 (NCES 2016-036REV). Available at: https://nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/pubsinfo.asp?pubid=2016058REV

  • Citation: Hogan, J., Thornton, N., Diaz-Hoffmann, L., Mohadjer, L., Krenzke, T., Li, J., & Van De Kerckhove, W. (2016). Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) 2014: U.S. National Supplement Restricted Use Data Files-Prison [NCES 2016058REV]. Washington DC: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics.