4th European User Conference for EU-Microdata

Mannheim, March 5-6, 2015

Organized by German Microdata Lab, GESIS, in cooperation with Eurostat

with financial support of Data without Boundaries

The 4th European User Conference for EU-Microdata provided an international forum for the exchange of research based on EU-SILC,EU-LFS, AES, SES, CIS, EHIS and HBS data. An important aim of the conference was  to bring together people not only to encourage the discussion within the research community on both substantive and methodological issues, but also to offer researchers the opportunity to give feedback to Eurostat. Researchers of all disciplines who are interested either in EU-LFS, EU-SILC or other European microdata disseminated by Eurostat were encouraged to participate. Conference sessions focused on effects of social policies, migration, household and family, education, labour market issues, income as well as on methodological topics. Moreover research regarding the measurement of material deprivation will be presented as well as work towards longitudinal analyses based on LFS. Furthermore there was a live-demonstration of MISSY, an online information system for European microdata.


Abstracts and Presentations



Amara, Uma & Marianne Furrer
Decomposing income inequality into factor income components: A comparison of different methods
Abstract (33 kB)
Presentation (782 kB)
Bachmann, Ronald & Rahel Felder
Labour market transitions, cross-country differences and institutions during the crisis in Europe

Abstract (70 kB)

Bartova, Alzbeta E. & Tom Emery
Measuring Policy Entitlements at the Micro-Level: Maternity & Parental Leave in Europe
Abstract (36 kB)
Presentation (204 kB)
Berghammer, Caroline & Alícia Adserà
Families’ economic uncertainties during the Great Recession:
educational inequalities across European Countries and in the US, 2000-2010
Abstract (75 kB)
Presentation (695 kB)
Bujnowska, Aleksandra & Nicoletta Schweikle-Hilgner
Access to EU microdata: an overview of the research proposals submitted to Eurostat
Presentation (576 kB)
Cantillon, Bea, Diego Collado & Natasha van Mechelen
The end of decent incomes for the poor? The fatal link between minimum wages and social benefits
in world’s most developed welfare states
Abstract (188 kB)
Chzhen, Yekaterina
Unemployment and poverty among young people in the European Union during the Great Recession
Abstract (8.33 kB)
Presentation (190 kB)
Dima, Dafni
Forms of employment and labour market transitions before and during the economic crisis in Europe
Abstract (201 kB)
Presentation (1.11 MB)
Foreman-Peck, James  & Peter Morgan
Innovation in 13 European economies
Abstract (266 kB)
Gazzola, Michele
Assessing the effects of language policies: the case of the EU
Abstract (159 kB)
Gebel, Michael & Bettina Schuck
The short and medium term impact of the great recession on youths’ non-employment rates
and transitions in Europe
Abstract (12.00 kB)
Goedemé, Tim
MetaSILC 1:
An assessment of the content and cross-country comparability of the EU-SILC income variables
Abstract (190 kB)
Presentation (187 kB)
Guio, Anne-Catherine
Measuring material deprivation in the European Union
Presentation (636 kB)
Guzi, Martin, Martin Kahanec & Lucia Mýtna Kureková
Does immigration grease the wheels of European labor markets?
Abstract (95 kB)
Presentation (105 kB)
Hipp, Lena, Sonja Bekker & Janine Leschke
Working reduced hours? The micro- and macro-level determinants of married and partnered men’s
part-time work in Europe and the US
Abstract (23 kB)
Kemper, Johanna & Thomas Bolli
The Impact of Employment Protection Legislation on the Incidence of Work-Related Training
Abstract (46 kB)
Presentation (617 kB)
Kiiver, Hannah
Flow statistics: work towards longitudinal analyses based on the LFS
Presentation (687 kB)
Lanau, Alba
Youth poverty and labour market transitions in six European countries
Abstract (39 kB)
Presentation (405 kB)
Mack, Alexander
Marital status of parents in European comparison: Examining the influence of partners’ relative status
and social context on fertility in cohabiting and marital unions on the basis of EU-SILC
Abstract (48 kB)
Presentation (258 kB)
Maestri, Virginia & Céline Thévenot
(Pseudo-) Coverage of unemployment benefits measured through SILC and LFS
Abstract (35 kB)
Presentation (466 kB)
Malmusi, Davide, Laia Palència & Carme Borrell
Immigrants’ health by type of integration policies in European countries: a test with EU-SILC
Abstract (56 kB)
Presentation (2.23 MB)
Mysíková, Martina, Jiří Večerník & Tomáš Želinský
In-work poverty in the Czech Republic and Slovakia: The role of work intensity
Abstract (166 kB)
Presentation (788 kB)
Özdemir, Erhan
Are Immigrant Employees Disadvantaged in Western Europe?:
A Comparative Analysis for Five EU Countries
Abstract (448 kB)
Presentation (516 kB)
Panichella, Nazareno
The Occupational Integration of Male Migrants in Western European Countries:
Assimilation or Persistent Disadvantage?
Presentation (343 kB)
Patrizio, Monica Stefania, Federica Origo & Manuela Samek
Youth employment in Europe: the role of education and markets regulation
Abstract (25 kB)
Presentation (726 kB)
Rastrigina, Olga, Chrysa Leventi & Holly Sutherland
Nowcasting risk of poverty and low work intensity in Europe
Abstract (16.17 kB)
Presentation (210 kB)
Reichart, Elisabeth & Katrin Kaufmann
Investment patterns in vocational Adult Education and Training in international comparison.
Abstract (197 kB)
Presentation (707 kB)
Salvatori, Andrea, Seetha Menon & Wouter Zwysen
Job polarisation and job quality in the EU 15 countries

Abstract (95 kB)
Presentation (106 kB)

Sologon, Denisa, Philippe van Kerm & Cathal O’Donoghue
Tax-benefit systems, employment structures and the distribution of household disposable income:
the UK versus Ireland
Abstract (88 kB)
Presentation (1.25 MB)
Thirolf, Florian & Jeanette Bohr
MISSY Live Demo
Abstract (44 kB)
Tonkin, Richard  & Paola Serafino
Comparing poverty estimates using income, expenditure and material deprivation through statistical
matching of EU-SILC and HBS microdata
Abstract (41 kB)
Presentation (521 kB)
van Kerm, Philippe
Household income dynamics through the Great Recession
Abstract (23 kB)
Presentation (792 kB)
Wels, Jacques & Francois Ghesquierre
Transitions to Retirement in EU15 Countries based on Income Statuses
Abstract (129 kB)
Presentation (1.97 MB)
Wolf, Christof
Presentation (110 kB)
Yang, Judy & Joao Pedro Azevedo
The Evolution of Gender Wage Gaps in the EU (2005-2011)
Abstract (138 kB)
Presentation (437 kB)