Spring Conference of the DGS Section "Social Inequality and Social Stratification"

GESIS MANNHEIM, 22.-24.03.2023

Current Research Projects on Social Stratification and Social Inequality

Why do social stratification mechanisms retain their formative power even during economic or pandemic constraints? Which inequality dimensions and disparities gain or lose influence over time? How do inequalities evolve in our society compared to other societies? What internal differentiation in our society is necessary for understanding inequality? What consequences of inequality do we diagnose for society and its individuals?

The DGS (German Sociological Association) Section "Social Inequality and Social Stratification" invites you to its spring conference 2023, which is intentionally kept thematically open. It continues a tradition of several years and provides an opportunity to present more current research projects than is possible at the biennial Sociology Congress. We welcome submissions presenting theoretically novel approaches to the emergence, consolidation, or change of inequalities, employing innovative methodological research designs, using new data sources, or reporting exciting findings from ongoing research. Explicitly invited are presentations using a variety of methodological and theoretical research approaches. Regarding content, submissions should offer a connection to comparative social stratification and inequality analysis, focusing on the causes and/or consequences of social inequalities. Content that links to other sociological topics and disciplines is also welcome.

The conference language will be German. English contributions are welcome.

The CfP was closed on 15.01.2023. We received about 60 contributions. Of these, we were able to accept about two-thirds. The authors are currently informed about the acceptance or rejection of their contributions.

Registration: Registration is closed. Please contact dgs-tagung-2023(at)gesis(dot)org if you still wish to attend.

Presentation guidelines: Each presenter has 30 minutes of time. Please plan on 20 minutes of presentation time and 10 minutes of discussion time. Presenters in one or related sessions will serve as discussants of each other's papers. Each person will be assigned a paper, will receive the presentation of that paper in advance, and will prepare a few key points for the discussion, which they will use to start the discussion session following the corresponding presentation. Further information will be sent via e-mail.

Further information and a detailed program can be found on the German version of this website.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with us at: tagung-mannheim-2023(at)soziale-ungleichheit(dot)de

Organisation: Reinhard Pollak (reinhard.pollak(at)gesis(dot)org), Nora Müller (nora.müller(at)gesis(dot)org) and Corinna Kleinert (corinna.kleinert(at)lifbi(dot)de

detailliertes Programm:


Tag 1 (22.03.)

Konferenzraum GESIS, EG

Tag 2A (23.03.)

Konferenzraum GESIS, EG

Tag 2B (23.03.)

Konferenzraum Uni, EG (Zugang über GESIS)

Tag 3A (24.03.)

Konferenzraum GESIS, EG

Tag 3B (24.03.)

Konferenzraum Uni, EG (Zugang über GESIS)

Slot I  

3: Educational and occupational attainment 

Chair: Steffen Schindler

4: Family I

Chair: Heike Wirth

11: School-to-work transitions

Chair: Kathrin Leuze

12: Methodological innovations

Chair: Martin Ehlert

9:00-10:30 Uhr   Tracking in context: Variation in the effects of reforms in the age at tracking on educational mobility (347 kB)
(Michael Grätz, Marieke Heers)
[Discussant: Marvin Bürmann]
Mein, dein oder unser Geld? Eigentumsungleichheiten und die Geldverwaltung von Paaren in Ost- und Westdeutschland (176 kB)
(Agnieszka Althaber, Kathrin Leuze)
[Discussant: Annika Stein]
Special NEETs: Reexamining institutional effects in school-to-work transitions with a focus on young people with disabilities in Europe (146 kB)
(Jonna Blanck, Christian Brzinsky-Fay, Justin Powell)
[Discussant: Sophie Krug von Nidda]
Sozio-demographische Standardvariablen zur Herstellung von Vergleichbarkeit über Umfragen hinweg (129 kB)
(Silke Schneider, Lennart Palm, Melanie Partsch)
[Discussant: Klaus Pforr]
    Children's extracurricular activities and their relation to short- and long-term inequalities in educational and occupationalachievement (89 kB)
(Henriette Bering)
[Discussant: Michael Grätz]
Coping with the winds of change? Evidence on the re-traditionalisation of maternal employment in East Germany (108 kB)
(Andreas Haupt, Gundula Zoch)
[Discussant: Agnieszka Althaber]
Das Prestige der schulischen, beruflichen und akademischen Ausbildung – in den Augen der Schweizer Bevölkerung in deutschsprachigen Kantonen
(Rolf Becker)
[Discussant: Jonna Blanck]
Describing the socio-demographic structure of social transfers across Europe with regression trees (49 kB)
(Klaus Pforr, Johanna Jung, Barbara Felderer)
[Discussant: Sebastian Wenz]
    Herkunftseffekte abseits des Bildungswegs -- Die Relevanz intergenerationaler Stabilität für den Effekt der sozialen Herkunft auf Unter- und Überqualifikation (87 kB)
(Marvin Bürmann)
[Discussant: Henriette Bering]
How does economic deprivation affect parental self-efficacy? Taking a closer look at unemployment, economic resources, and parental psychological distress (120 kB)
(Annika Stein)
[Discussant: Gundula Zoch]
ACHTUNG: ENTFÄLLT! Ein intersektionaler Erklärungsbeitrag zur Produktion von Ungleichheit am Übergang Schule -- Beruf (89 kB)
(Sophie Krug von Nidda)
[Discussant: Rolf Becker]
The immigrant-native test score gap: A quantile regression perspective (201 kB)
(Sebastian Wenz)
[Discussant: Silke Schneider]
10:30-11:00 Uhr   Break Break Break  
Slot II  

5: Higher education

Chair: Nicole Tieben

6: Wealth

Chair: Theresa Nutz

13: Poverty risks and their consequences II (bis 13:00 Uhr!)

Chair: Rolf Becker

11:00-12:30 Uhr   Dropout intentions of students with disabilities (64 kB)
(Mareike Rußmann, Nicolai Netz, Markus Lörz)
[Discussant: Felix Weiß]
Family life trajectory features and personal wealth of women and men in older age (255 kB)
(Nicole Kapelle, Carla Rowold)
[Discussant: Nhat An Trinh]

Sozioökonomische Praktiken von Haushalten: Neue Erkenntnisse zu Einkommensunterschieden und der Bedeutung von Zukunftserwartungen (108 kB)
(Juliana Achatz, Anton Nivorozhkin, Markus Promberger, Brigitte Schels)
[Discussant: Alina-Lena Schmitz

    Does a bridge close the gap? The role of travel distance to university for inequality in higher education choices using the construction of the Great Belt Link in Denmark as a test case (419 kB)
(Felix Weiß, David Reimer, Peter Rohde Skov)
[Discussant: Hans Gerhard]
Top wealth and its historical origins. An analysis of Germany's largest privately held fortunes 2019 (125 kB)
(Daria Tisch, Emma Ischinsky)
[Discussant: Nicole Kapelle]
Poverty risks of ethnic minorities in Germany (1990-2020) (101 kB)
(Sascha-Christopher Geschke)
[Discussant: Brigitte Schels]
    Wie übersetzen Studierende an deutschen Hochschulen ihr kulturelles Kapital in Studienerfolg? (19.10 kB)
(Hans Gerhardt)
[Discussant: Mareike Rußmann]
Class origin, intergenerational transfers, and the gender wealth gap (103 kB)
(Nhat An Trinh)
[Discussant: Daria Tisch]
Retirement trajectories in West Germany: Does divorce matter? (245 kB)
(Sarah Schmauk)
[Discussant: Sascha-Christopher Geschke]
        Altersarmut – Noch immer ein Armutsrisiko in europäischen Sozialstaaten? (296 kB)
(Alina-Lena Schmitz, Lisa Jessee)
[Discussant: Sarah Schmauk]
12:30-13:30 Uhr Welcome Lunch Lunch Snack und Tagungsende  
Slot III

1: Multidimensional social stratification

Chair: Reinhard Pollak

7: Further education

Chair: Corinna Kleinert

8: COVID-19 and its consequences

Chair: David Reimer

13:30-15:00 Uhr Declining middle classes in the heyday of globalization? Germany and the U.S. 1990-2019 (186 kB)
(Florian Kley, Pia Blossfeld, Holger Lengfeld)
[Discussant: Nora Waitkus]
Soziale Ungleichheit bei Höherqualifizierung und Umschulung. Wer entscheidet sich für eine formale Weiterbildung? (124 kB)
(Martin Ehlert)
[Discussant: Marion Thiele]
Scarcity in crises -- The role of social and economic resources in accessing COVID-19 vaccines in Germany (144 kB)
(Laura Goßner, Yuliya Kosyakova)
[Discussant: Thorsten Schneider]
  The reconfiguration of social structure: Change in cross-cuttingness in Germany, 1980-2016 (70 kB)
(Yassine Khoudja, Richard Traunmüller, Daniela Grunow)
[Discussant: Florian Kley]
Formale Höherqualifizierung und soziale Ungleichheit (81 kB)
(Anja Grauenhorst, Steffen Schindler)
[Discussant: Martin Ehlert]
Wirtschaftliche Betroffenheit durch die COVID-19 Pandemie: Objektive Veränderungen und subjektive Bewertung im Vergleich zu Referenzgruppen (62 kB)
(Henning Lohmann, Hequn Wang)
[Discussant: Laura Goßner]
  Keeping up with the Muellers: Housing inequality and status competition (247 kB)
(Nora Waitkus, Olaf Groh-Samberg)
[Discussant: Yassine Khoudja]
ACHTUNG: ENTFÄLLT! Weiterbildung in der Krise? -- Der Zusammenhang von Weiterbildungsinvestitionen von Beschäftigten und Konjunktur (120 kB)
(Marion Thiele, Myriam Baum, Dominik Becker, Harald Pfeifer)
[Discussant: Anja Grauenhorst]
The Impact of Family Stress and Family Investments During the COVID-19 Shutdown on Child's Skill Development in Primary School Age in Germany
(Thorsten Schneider, Markus
(111 kB) Vogelbacher)
[Discussant: Hequn Wang]
15:00-15:30 Uhr Break Break Break    
Slot IV

2: Poverty risks and their consequences I

Chair: Johannes Giesecke

9: Family II

Chair: Dirk Konietzka

10: Social norms and values

Chair: Oshrat Hochman

15:30-17:30 Uhr Grundsicherungsbezug und politische Entfremdung -- über die Rolle sozioökonomischer Risiken und sozialer Integration (112 kB)
(Nils Teichler, Stefanie Gundert)
[Discussant: Gerhard Krug]
What factors promote or hinder the parental leave take-up of fathers in Germany? (226 kB)
(Ann-Christin Bächmann, Andreas Filser, Corinna Frodermann)
[Discussant: Wiebke Schulz)
Exploring the relationship of changes in macroeconomic inequality and trust in democratic institutions in Europe (292 kB)
(Carlotta Giustozzi, Markus Gangl, Simon Bienstman)
[Discussant: Stephanie Jütersonke]

Rising employment and stagnant poverty rates in the EU -- a puzzle revisited (96 kB)
(András Gábos, Barbara Binder, Réka Branyiczki, Istaván Tóth)
[Discussant: Nils Teichler]

Im Spannungsfeld von Bedarf und Moral: Zu soziokulturellen Ablehnungsmotiven gegenüber der Auslagerung von Hausarbeit (107 kB)
(Miriam Trübner, Natascha Nisic)
[Discussant: Ann-Christin Bächmann]
Moralische Grundüberzeugungen und gesellschaftliche Polarisierung (67 kB)
(Michael Windzio, Henna Tahir)
[Discussant: Roland Verwiebe]
  What explains changes in working poverty risks across Europe? The role of institutional context, public benefits, and economic performance (115 kB)
(Jan Brülle)
[Discussant: Barbara Binder]
The Motherhood Wage Penalty -- How do Job Tasks matter? (117 kB)
(Wiebke Schulz, Gundula Zoch)
[Discussant: Miriam Trübner]
Anerkennung signalisiert Einfluss: DerZusammenhang zwischen sozialer Anerkennung und Unterstützung von Klimaschutzmaßnahmen (168 kB)
(Stephanie Jütersonke, Volker Lang, Axel Babst)
[Discussant: Carlotta Giustozzi]
  Do unemployment protection policies moderate the adverse effects of job insecurity on health? Evidence from a natural experiment in Germany (126 kB)
(Gerhard Krug, Monika Jungbauer-Gans)
[Discussant: Jan Brülle]
  Diskriminierung und Sentiment auf Social Media (18.41 kB)
(Roland Verwiebe, Sarah Weißmann, Claudia Buder, Aaron Philipp, Nina-Sophie Fritsch, Chiara Osorio Krauter, Marie-Theres Hesse)
[Discussant: Michael Windzio]
17:30-18:00 Uhr   Peter A. Berger dissertation award


19:00 Uhr   Dinner