Standards, Richtlinien & Qualitätssicherung für Maßnahmen zur Verwirklichung der Geschlechtergerechtigkeit in der Wissenschaft (StaRQ)


The StaRQ project pursues two overarching objectives. On the one hand, general and specific quality standards and guidelines for measures to promote gender equality in academia are to be developed. On the other hand, different (virtual) platforms will be created for the sustainable exchange of experts for the quality assurance of gender equality measures.

The project pursues various strategies for the development of standards and guidelines. These include web crawling of websites of scientific institutions and an online survey.
In addition, project managers, gender equality experts, commissioners and gender researchers will jointly promote the (further) development of specific standards and guidelines in joint workshops. In preparation for the joint development of standards and guidelines, qualitative expert interviews will be conducted with practitioners working in various fields.

An online portal is to facilitate the exchange and networking of gender equality actors and promote mutual learning and knowledge transfer for the quality assurance of gender equality measures. A central component will be a database in which selected good practice measures from German scientific institutions will be made accessible. The database will be supplemented by further information, e.g. a research overview and topic pages on the quality assurance of gender equality measures.


2019-09-01 – 2022-12-31


Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung