3rd International PIAAC Research Conference in Mannheim (PIAAC_CONF_2021)


Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, we will continue our scientific conference series on PIAAC in March 2022 with a third international research conference. The conference is scheduled after the publication of the data from 3rd PIAAC round of cycle 1 and the field test of PIAAC cycle 2. This will allow to look at results based on more than 40 countries and to outline survey and methodological issues from the second PIAAC cycle. The addressees of the conference are primarily researchers who work or want to work with PIAAC data, as well as project managers who are commissioned to carry out the study in the respective countries.

The conference will tackle diverse as well as interdisciplinary topics based on substantial and methodological research in the context of adults’ cognitive skills. Substantial contributions might address the relation of skills and health or the relation of skills and digitalization and automation, the relevance of socio-emotional skills, determinants of cognitive skills, the relevance of skills for economic outcomes or for lifelong learning. Methodological contributions could address assessment or survey methodological issues or the data linkage (e.g. to administrative data).


2020-09-01 – 2023-01-31


Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung