Study of the potential of international mobile women scientists (AvH-Potenzial)
The study aims to explore the reasons for the low female participation among grants of the Humboldt-Foundation. The Foundation likes to receive impulses for action to attract more excellent women scientists to the Humboldt Network. To this end, the study combines a needs analysis with a deficit analysis: International experts will examine the potential for qualified female academics on the demand side and analyse the requirements for the international mobility of female academics and their needs. They will address the mobility culture and specific aspects of women scientists’ careers for 14 key countries, some of which will be analyzed in more detail. The analysis focuses – besides the context of the higher education and research system – on gendered participation in tertiary education and academic careers as well as gender and international mobility. This part of the study aims to know the potentials and needs of women scientists. For the deficit analysis on the supply side, gender-specific aspects of the Humboldt programs will be examined using three selected programmes as examples. The study focuses on the access to the programs. By combining the two parts of the study, the report will identify desired impulses for changes that the Foundation could initiate.