Opening the File Drawer: Assessing and Understanding Publication Bias in the Economic, Behavioral and Social Sciences by Utilizing two German Academic Access Panels (PubBias)


Publication bias can be regarded as the publication (or non-publication) of study results due to the direction or strength. That is when, for example, statistically significant results are more likely to be published than statistically non-significant results. Consequently, publication bias hinders the assessmentof the true state of knowledge on a particular research question, resulting inscientific debates and political decisions that are based on false orinadequate scientific evidence. Several factors impact the   emergence of publication bias, most importantly the actors directlyinvolved: authors, editors, and reviewers. In addition, the disciplinary andcultural background affects the likelihood and extent of publication bias aswell.  In our project,we plan to focus on the various steps of researchers’ decision-makingprocesses, which may lead to the publication of selected results while leavingother results in the “file drawer.” The project has two main objectives: (I)First, it aims to measure the extent of publication bias for the economic, behavioral, and social sciences in Germany. This will be accomplished by contrasting published and unpublished GESIS Panel and SOEP-Innovation Sample (SOEP-IS) study submissions. (II) Second, building upon existing theoretical frameworks on the causes of publication bias, we will empirically test the derived hypotheses and (if necessary) adjust and/or extent the current theoretical models.


2023-08-01 – 2026-07-31


  • SOEP – The Socio-Economic Panel, DIW – German Institute of Economic Research


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft