Weiterentwicklung der Registrierungsagentur für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsdaten zum inter-nationalen Suchnetzwerk für sozial- und wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Forschungsdaten (da|raSearchNet )


In information infrastructure projects and

initiatives the development of a common culture and practice of data

sharing is aspired. The achievement of this goal is largely dependent on

internationally compatible infrastructure that facilitates sustainable

data reference as well as integrated search and retrieval of research

data. In the light of this pivotal challenge, the project da|raSearchNet

aims at establishing an integrated search network for social and

economic research data that enables users to search up-to-date

references of data holdings on an international basis and in a

comfortable way. The point of departure and core of the network is the

database of the da|ra registration agency for social and economic data

that has been developed within the first three years of funding. The

da|ra database already includes searchable metadata from all registered

data, among them the considerable holdings of the German GESIS data

archive and the US-American ICPSR. Within a second funding period, the

content of the database will be expanded significantly by continuing

registration activities and by including references to non-registered

research data. Furthermore, data references of other relevant

international data providers will be integrated in the da|ra search

index. For data providers, da|raSearchNet on the one hand affords an

opportunity to give their data a greater visibility and on the other

hand to reuse the da|ra metadata within their own information services.

Secondary data users benefit from the possibility to search distributed

holdings in one place and from several value-added services that allow

for individual search, use and management of data references. The

holistic project aims at developing an integrated service for data

providers as well as secondary data users by focusing on the development

of co-operations, the automation of processes, international

connectability, reusability, and sustainability of all its components.

After the funding period, GESIS will continue operating da|raSearchNet

as a permanently established service. Being the key institution for

social science infrastructure in Germany, closely connected with the

international community and having decades of experience in service

development along the research data cycle, GESIS offers an excellent

environment for a successful completion of the project.


2014-09-01 – 2018-06-30

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