Persönlichkeit und Bildungseffekte (PEB)
Our aim is to prepare a concept for the description of non-monetary
return on education for the education report of the federal government
on the basis of theoretical and empirical approaches. The subproject
„Personality and education effects“ examines to what extent education
variables predict personality changes in childhood and adolescence and
whether these effects are independent of the students’ cognitive
competences or whether the cognitive competences have an effect on
personality beyond the influence of education. Furthermore the
subproject investigates whether adults’ level of competence and
(previous) participation in education determines personality pattern and
changes. Additionally, interaction effects of personality and
competences on outcome variables (e.g. life satisfaction) will be
examined. The central data sources are the National Educational Panel
Study (NEPS), the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult
Competencies (PIAAC) and especially the additional national longitudinal
study PIAAC-L.