Research on Representation and Samples
In the field of sampling, we explore strategies to achieve best possible representation of the target population. In this context, data quality refers to the accurate representation of the target population by respondents. Our focus lies on sampling methods and the conditions of data collection or fieldwork conducive to establishing representative data. Additionally, we conduct research on methods to address nonresponse and draw reliable conclusions from surveys despite missing data.
We currently focus on the following areas:
- Nonresponse bias: We delve into identifying personal traits or survey attributes that impact on participation and explore methods to enhance survey participation and to mitigate potential biases.
- Weighting: We develop methods to counterbalance biases arising from high non-response rates within specific demographic groups. We also investigate the computation of design weights for samples that combine multiple sampling frames.
- Imputation: We examine approaches for replacing missing values in survey data as effectively as possible. Our emphasis lies in imputation methods tailored to modular questionnaire designs, where certain items are intentionally presented to subsets of respondents, thereby generating planned missing values. We also conduct research on variance estimation under imputation.
- Respondent recruitment: We explore different approaches to recruiting survey participants and their impact on data quality. This includes innovative methods such as harnessing the potential of social networking sites (e.g., Facebook or Instagram) for recruitment purposes, e.g., for hard-to-reach groups such as refugees.
- Plath, Michaela, Matthias Sand, Mark-Philip Gruchlik, Karim Zaoui, and Ingo Baumann. 2024. "Kurzfristige Lebensqualitätsbewertung nach Nasennebenhöhlenoperation bei chronischer Rhinosinusitis." Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie online first. doi:
- Daikeler, Jessica, Leon Froehling, Indira Sen, Lukas Birkenmaier, Tobias Gummer, Jan Schwalbach, Henning Silber, Bernd Weiß, Katrin Weller, and Clemens Lechner. 2024. "Assessing Data Quality in the Age of Digital Social Research: A Systematic Review." Social Science Computer Review online first. doi:
- Plath, Michaela, Lara Derycke, Matthias Sand, Drieke Van de Vyvere, Tim Delemarre, Carlo Cavaliere, Peter K. Plinkert, Gabriele Holtappels, and Claus Bachert. 2023. "Can patient-reported outcomes and inflammatory markers define endotype 2 in chronic rhinosinusitis without nasal polyps?" Annals of Allergy Asthma & Immunology 130 (4): 485-493. doi:
- Deckert, Andreas, Andreas Simon, Ivonne Morales, Manuela de Allegri, Hoa Thi Nguyen, Aurélia Souares, Shannon McMahon, Matthias Meurer, Robin Burk, Dan Lou, Lucia Brugnara, Matthias Sand, Lisa Koeppel, Michael Maier-Marx, Paul Schnitzer, Michael Knop, Till Bärninghaus, and Claudia Denkinger. 2023. "Comparison of Four Active SARS-CoV-2 Surveillance Strategies in Representative Population Sample Points: Two-Factor Factorial Randomized Controlled Trial." JMIR Public Health Surveillance 9 e44204. doi:
- Loenenbach, Anna, Viktoria Schönfeld, Anja Takla, Miriam Wiese-Posselt, Adine Marquis, Sarah Thies, Matthias Sand, Andreas M. Kaufmann, Ole Wichmann, and Thomas Harder. 2023. "Human papillomavirus prevalence and vaccine effectiveness in young women in Germany, 2017/2018: results from a nationwide study." Frontiers in Public Health 11 (31 August 2023): 1204101. doi:
- Felderer, Barbara, Ludwig Bothmann, Lydia Repke, Jonas Schweisthal, and Wiebke Weber. 2023. "Predicting survey quality in SQP 3.0." European Survey Research Association (ESRA) 2023 Conference, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Milano, 2023-07-17.
- Stadtmüller, Sven, Christoph Beuthner, Pablo Christmann, Tobias Gummer, Rebekka Kluge, Matthias Sand, and Henning Silber. 2023. "The interplay of incentives and mode choice design in self-administered mixed-mode surveys." Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique 159 (1): 49-74. doi:
- Bruch, Christian. 2023. Imputation of missing values in survey data. Mannheim, GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences (GESIS- Survey Guidelines). doi:
- Lohnherr, Vera, Niklas Wurzrainer, Matthias Sand, Karim Zaoui, and Michaela Plath. 2023. "Long-term analysis of prognostic risk factors impacting surgical outcomes in patients with external auditory canal carcinoma." European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 280 (6): 2965–2974. doi:
- Bach, Ruben, Carina Cornesse, and Jessica Daikeler. 2023. "Equipping the offline population with internet access in an online panel: Does it make a difference? ." Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology (12, 1): 80-93. doi:
- Plath, Michaela, Matthias Sand, Maximilian Appel, Mark Praetorius, Peter K. Plinkert, Ingo Baumann, and Karim Zaoui. 2023. "Validierung des deutschsprachigen Menière’s Disease Patient-Oriented Symptom Severity Index: Validity of the German Menière’s Disease Patient-Oriented Symptom Severity Index." Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie 102 (11): 856-866. doi:
- Schwarz, Susanne, and Matthias Sand. 2022. "Evangelischer Religionsunterricht in Rheinland-Pfalz: Erste Einblicke in die Ergebnisse einer Schüler*innenstudie." Theo-Web : Zeitschrift für Religionspädagogik 21 (2): 370-399. doi:
- Kraemer, Fabienne, Henning Silber, Bella Struminskaya, Matthias Sand, Michael Bosnjak, Joanna Koßmann, and Bernd Weiß. 2024. "Panel Conditioning in a Probability-Based Longitudinal Study: A Comparison of Respondents with Different Levels of Survey Experience." Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 12 (1): 36–59.
- Plath, Michaela, Matthias Sand, Kjell Behnen, Karim Zaoui, and Ingo Baumann. 2022. "Does a tonsillectomy indicated according to the German S2k guideline affect short-term quality of life in adults?" European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology online first. doi:
- Felderer, Barbara, and Jessica M. E. Herzing. 2023. "What about the Less IT Literate? A Comparison of Different Postal Recruitment Strategies to an Online Panel of the General Population." Field Methods 35 (3): 219–235. doi:
- Felderer, Barbara, Matthias Sand, and Christian Bruch. 2022. Sample Size Calculation For Complex Sampling Designs. GESIS- Survey Guidelines. Mannheim: GESIS.
- Axenfeld, Julian, Christian Bruch, and Christof Wolf. 2022. "General-purpose imputation of planned missing data in social surveys: Different strategies and their effect on correlations." Statistics Surveys 16 182-209. doi:
- Trüdinger, Eva-Maria, Achim Hildebrandt, Matthias Sand, and Anja Rieker. 2022. "A calamitous connection: Declining political trust amplifies the negative effect of growing concerns about democracy on the acceptance of anti-pandemic policies." International Journal of Public Opinion Research 34 (2): edac018. doi:
- Felderer, Barbara, Jannis Kück, and Martin Spindler. 2023. "Using Double Machine Learning to Understand Nonresponse in the Recruitment of a Mixed-Mode Online Panel." Social Science Computer Review 41 (2): 461-481. doi:
- Friedel, Sabine, Barbara Felderer, Ulrich Krieger, Carina Cornesse, and Annelies Blom. 2023. "The Early Bird Catches the Worm! Setting a Deadline for Online Panel Recruitment Incentives." Social Science Computer Review (41, 2): 370-389. doi:
Title | Start | End | Funder |
Kompetenzzentrum Datenqualität in den Sozialwissenschaften
2023-11-15 | 2026-11-14 | Bund |
Nationales Projektmanagement für die Durchführung des zweiten Zyklus der internationalen Vergleichsstudie PIAAC
2018-01-01 | 2025-12-31 | Bund |
Find out more about our consulting and services:
Data harmonization
Tools and topic-specific harmonized data for your research project
Consulting on the harmonization of content elements and social-structural characteristics
Consulting on the harmonization of content elements and social-structural characteristics
A tool for cumulation and harmonization of data on national identities and religion
Question Link
A tool for harmonizing German measurement instruments of popular survey programs
Sample Design
Consulting on sample design and non-probability samples
Order telephone samples or complex samples for your research project
Weighting and Analysis of Complex Samples
We perform weighting, imputation of missing values and non-response bias analysis for your research project
Weighting and Missing Values
We consult you on weighting, imputation of missing values and non-response bias analysis
Weighting and Missing Values
We consult you on weighting, imputation of missing values and non-response bias analysis