GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences: Go to homepage

Survey Operations

In the area of Survey Operations, basic and application-oriented research is carried out on various questions of data collection and survey design. Topics include the design of online and mixed-mode surveys, data linkage, use of geo and paradata, field control and interviewer effects as well as interview training.

Research topics, which are investigated in particular on the basis of the GESIS Panel as well as the research projects carried out in the team, are for example:

  • Panel recruitment
  • Sample refreshment
  • Incentives and response rates
  • Nonresponse
  • Machine learning
  • Push-to-web strategies in mixed-mode surveys
  • Responsive and adaptive designs
  • Performance-related motivation of interviewers
  • Determinants of successful interviewer training
  • Identification of counterfeits in surveys
  • Determinants of Interview Effects
  • Mobile Surveys
  • Data Linkage
  • Response behavior and social desirability

Learn more about our consulting and services:

  • Cognitive Pretesting

    Research tested items or get advice from our experts on cognitive pretesting.

  • Survey Design

    Consulting services related to survey design, implementation, documentation and collection of additional data.

Name Department Team Email Telephone
Breuer, Dr. Johannes
Computational Social Science
Digital Society Observatory
+49 (0221) 47694-471
Daikeler, Dr. Jessica
Survey Design and Methodology
Survey Operations
+49 (0621) 1246-554
Gauly, Dr. Britta
Survey Design and Methodology
Survey Operations
+49 (0621) 1246-517
Gummer, Prof. Dr. Tobias
Data and Research on Society
Family Surveys
+49 (0621) 1246-435
Khorshed, Julia
Data and Research on Society
Social Surveys
+49 (0621) 1246-433
Koch, Dipl.-Soz. Achim
+49 (0621) 1246-401
Konradt, Ingo
Survey Design and Methodology
Survey Operations
+49 (0621) 1246-504
Kunz, Dr. Tanja
Data and Research on Society
Family Surveys
+49 (0621) 1246-436
Maehler, PD Dr. Débora B.
Survey Design and Methodology
Survey Operations
+49 (0621) 1246-516
Martin, Silke
Survey Design and Methodology
Survey Operations
+49 (0621) 1246-521
Massing, Dr. Natascha
Survey Design and Methodology
Survey Operations
+49 (0621) 1246-508
Rohr, Björn
Survey Design and Methodology
Survey Operations
+49 (0621) 1246-559
Roßmann, Dr. Joss
Data and Research on Society
National Election Studies
+49 (0621) 1246-417
Scholz, Dr. Evi
Data and Research on Society
Social Surveys
+49 (0621) 1246-440
Schröder, Dr. Jette
Survey Design and Methodology
Survey Operations
+49 (0621) 1246-551
Silber, PD Dr. Henning
Survey Design and Methodology
Survey Operations
+49 (0621) 1246-595
Wahlig, Gabriele
Survey Design and Methodology
+49 (0621) 1246-570
Weiß, Dr. Bernd
Survey Design and Methodology
+49 (0621) 1246-557
  • Daikeler, Jessica, Henning Silber, and Michael Bosnjak. 2022. "A meta-analysis of how country-level factors affect web survey response rates." International Journal of Market Research 64 (3): 306–333. doi:
  • Gummer, Tobias, Ruben Bach, Jessica Daikeler, and Stephanie Eckman. 2021. "The Relationship Between Response Probabilities and Data Quality in Grid Questions." Survey Research Methods 15 (1): 65-77. doi:
  • Daikeler, Jessica. 2019. The Application of Evidence-Based Methods in Survey Methodology: Inauguraldissertation zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines Doktors der Sozialwissenschaften der Universität Mannheim. Mannheim: Universität Mannheim .
  • Schneider, Silke L., Verena Ortmanns, Roberto Briceno-Rosas, and Jessica M. E. Herzing. 2019. "Messung und Kodierung von Bildungsabschlüssen in computergestützten interkulturellen Umfragen: Eine Bilanz." Gemeinsame Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft sozialwissenschaftlicher Institute (ASI) und der DGS-Sektion „Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung“: Empirische Sozialforschung in Zeiten der Digitalisierung – Methodische Konsequenzen neuer Technologien, GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Köln, 2019-11-16.
  • Gauly, Britta, Jessica Daikeler, Tobias Gummer, and Beatrice Rammstedt. 2020. "What’s my wage again?: Comparing survey and administrative data to validate earning measures." International Journal of Social Research Methodology 23 (2): 215-228. doi: