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Full release of the EVS 2017 Integrated Datasets

Categories: EVS; GESIS-News; Neue Daten; Values, Attitudes and Behavior

The full release of the EVS 2017 includes data and documentation of altogether 35 participating countries and two surveys of minorities. As previous waves (1981, 1990, 1999, 2008), the fifth wave maintains a persistent focus on a broad range of values.

The release includes three integrated datasets:

  • The EVS 2017 Integrated Dataset (ZA7500) contains data from about 56.491 respondents and 34 countries.
  • The EVS 2017 Integrated Dataset - Matrix Design (ZA7502) includes data from 10.598 respondents and the four countries (DE IS CH NL) that applied the mixed-mode matrix design.
  • The EVS 2017 Integrated Dataset - Sensitive Data (ZA7501) contains data that could not be included in the scientific use files for data protection reasonsbecause of data protection concerns.

In addition and due to their specific samples, individual datasets for Greece (ZA7546), the Swedish minority in Finland (ZA7549), and the Hungarian minority in Romania (ZA7550) are published in the context of EVS 2017.

For more information, please go to the EVS Survey 2017.

The data and documentation is accessible through the GESIS data collection at GESIS- Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences.