Social Science Open Access Repository

Operational Concept and Technical Documentation

IT support for, and maintenance of, the server is provided as a continuous task by GESIS. If you have any questions about the technical infrastructure, please contact the administrators. The institute's team Open Access (Dep. of Knowledge Transfer) is responsible for indexing. Uta Richter or Thomas Müller can provide information on indexing.

Since September 2012 SSOAR operates on the basis of the open source software DSpace.


At the moment the server was assigned a main memory of 24 GB, a hard disk size of 1.5 TB and four CPU cores. The configuration can be extended during operation as circumstances require, so that future demands on the system can be responded to.


The server is run with the operating system Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS. On this system the Java application DSpace is served by a Tomcat web server.

Access to the systems is protected via personal identification codes. Access to the remote console is possible only by means of an SSL key and a user identification code.

Backup and Maintenance of the System

The databases are automatically saved every three hours. Incremental backups of the system are carried out on a daily basis and a complete backup is performed once a week. The data are backed up on internal GESIS data storage media, thereby ensuring the separation of server and backup. Security updates are carried out automatically and in a timely manner. If the system should fail, it can be reconstructed within a day with the standard software after the backed-up data has been imported.