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Eurobarometer Data Service

Survey results and related publications

Eurobarometer results are published by the European Commission in terms of reports and comprehensive volumes of tables. In addition the re-use of Eurobarometer microdata in the Social Sciences results in a broad and ever-growing research bibliography. Occasionally Eurobarometer results are analysed and presented by the Social Indicators Information Service (ISI), a GESIS publication series.

This bibliography of publications using or presenting Eurobarometer data is continuously compiled in the context of the GESIS library acquisition procedure, complemented by feedback from users of GESIS archive resources (see below) and our own searches.  The bibliography can be accessed here within the GESIS search interface. We also offer the following download options:

Moreover, many Eurobarometer related research articles can be retrieved through the following tools:

Request for bibliographic references

In order to carry on this Eurobarometer bibliography we would like to ask for information about any research using Eurobarometer data done by you, or in your organization, or that you are aware of. We are interested in bibliographic information on all types of publication: books, articles, reports, conference papers, student theses or doctoral dissertations etc. Please include information on the dataset(s) and the DOI which were used in the research.

Eurobarometer survey results are regularly published online by the European Commission and the in each case involved Directorate General or EU institution. They are available through the European Commission's Eurobarometer portal.

Standard Eurobarometer reports: Main results for Standard Eurobarometer are reported bi-annually. They are named and numbered by wave.

Reports on special topical modules are published under separate cover. They are serially numbered, irrespective of the corresponding wave and survey number:

  • Special Topic Reports
  • Public Health issues - Directorate-General Health

Eastern Europe and Candidate Countries: 

  • Central and Eastern Eurobariometer (CEEB) (1990-1997)
  • Candidate Countries Eurobarometer (CCEB) (2001-2004)

Flash Eurobarometer reports

  • Flash Eurobarometer 
  • Continuous Tracking Surveys (CTS) - temporary series 1996-1998

The EP and the expectations of European citizens: The European Parliament (EP) regularly commissions Eurobarometer surveys or survey modules. The corresponding reports are published in the context of the European Parliament website, including an exploratory trend study: 

Qualitative Studies: In-depth analysis of selected discussion groups on given subjects or concepts.

Please note that the European Commission is (also retroactively) publishing comprehensive volumes of tables for all Eurobarometer through the EU Open Data Portal. These volumes include the breakdown of (almost) all variables by all countries and by selected demographics.

The European Commission also provides access to aggregated results for Eurobarometer standard trends.The Eurobarometer Trend Lines (see bottom of page) include long trends which are downloadable as Excel files.

A matter of debate

In the following "views from research" we reference selected publications which introduce and/or review the Eurobarometer from different perspectives, focusing on historical and institutional (Reif/Inglehart, Reif, Bréchon/Cautrès, Schmitt, Bläser, Signorelli, Haverland, political (Bréchon/Cautrès), or methodological (Saris/Kaase, Weller, Karmasin/Pitters) aspects. The most general introduction and overview is probably given by Salvatore Signorelli.

Other authors position the Eurobarometer in the context of other large scale comparative survey programs (Jagodzinski, Lagos) or review obvious achievements and ways to add value to them (Schmitt). Some recent publications dispute the political role of the Eurobarometer in the process of European integration, putting (general) methodological considerations into relation to the European Commission's communication policy and practice (Höpner/Jurczyk), thereby focusing in different degree on the latter aspect (Nissen, Aldrin, Pausch). Finally publications can stand as exemplary for the analytical potential of the Eurobarometer data base and for reasonable ways to use it (Niedermayer/Sinnott, Bréchon/Cautrès, Scheuer, Wagner).

Feedback from different (substantial) research perspectives has also been given in the context of a Eurobarometer Symposium arranged by GESIS in 2015.

The following selection of publications intends to give a first idea of possible views on the Eurobarometer, as a resource for empirical social science research (primary data) or as presented in the official report series (descriptive analysis and tabular results). References to further and complementary articles are always welcome.      

  • Scheuer, Angelika (2005): How Europeans see Europe. Structure and Dynamics of European Legitimacy Beliefs. Amsterdam University Press.
  • Wagner, Bettina (2012): The Formation of Support for the European Union in Central and Eastern Europe. The Role of National Attitudes as Cognitive Heuristics. Studien zur Wahl- und Einstellungsforschung 21. Nomos. (Mainz, Univ., Diss., 2010)