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GESIS Training
GESIS - Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences

GESIS Training News

September 2022

Spring Seminar | Summer School | Fall Seminar | Workshops

Table of Contents

Restrictions in Our Program Due to the Coronavirus

The GESIS Training Team is very concerned about the health of participants and lecturers of our courses. However, we know many of you (like us) look forward to meeting in person again. Thus we are happy to offer in-person courses again. Please respect that local restrictions may apply due to the coronavirus. Because we know that some of you prefer online classes altogether, digital courses are now part of our regular program. More information here.

Stay well and safe!

GESIS Spring Seminar 2023 – Save the Date

The GESIS Spring Seminar offers high-quality training in state-of-the-art techniques in quantitative data analysis taught by leading experts in the field. In 2023, all courses will deal with "Modeling Group Differences" in the social sciences and beyond. It targets advanced graduate or PhD students, post-docs, and junior and senior researchers. Extensive hands-on exercises and tutorials complement lectures in each course. All courses are held in English. The Spring Seminar will take place from 27 February to 17 March 2023 — unless the pandemic hits again, on-site in Cologne or Mannheim.

The two confirmed courses will deal with Group Differences in Structural Equation Modeling (week 1: 27 Feb-03 Mar) and Decomposition Techniques (week 2: 06-10 Mar). A third course (week 3: 13-17 Mar) will be announced soon.

Registration will open in October and will be announced in our newsletter! On our website, you will then find detailed course descriptions and will be able to register for the courses.

GESIS Workshops 2022 – Tailored to Your Needs

The workshops are one- to three-day courses that take place throughout the year. We provide workshops on all levels of expertise, from introductory up to advanced level courses on data analysis, computational social science, and survey methodology. The workshops offer empirical social scientists a broad range of topics and methodological approaches. Our workshops are offered in German or English and take place online or at the GESIS locations in Mannheim or Cologne. The last quarter of 2022 is packed with 14 exciting courses. We are looking forward to:

- a course on research data management

- introductory courses for working with R or Stata

- a course on data visualization with Stata

- courses on data analysis, such as panel data, sequence analysis, and structural equation models

- courses on using sensor and social media data

Below you can find a list of all workshops until the end of 2022. We will also announce the first workshops for 2023 soon. Visit our website or follow us on Twitter and Facebook for updates.

You can find more information on the GESIS workshops here.

Interview with Prof. Dr. Felix Thoemmes (Cornell University)


Felix is an Associate Professor of Psychology at Cornell University. His research interests are causal inference and missing data. In addition to various journal publications, he also published an R package on CRAN to analyze regression discontinuity designs. In November, he will teach the course “Causal Mediation Analysis” in the GESIS Workshop program.

How did you become interested in your subject?

I first became interested in mediation analysis when I learned about it from one of my advisors during graduate school, David MacKinnon. It must have been in my third or fourth year in graduate school when I worked in the mediation lab, and I believe it was right around the time I graduated that the first papers on causal mediation analysis were published. It was an exciting time to see new developments on this topic frequently show up in journals. My general interest in causality was seeded by my Ph.D. advisor, Steve West, at Arizona State University and then further enhanced by Rolf Steyer at the University of Jena, where I spent a year at the beginning of my research career. Meetings with both Donald Rubin and Judea Pearl at various conferences were also significant early influences on me. I still recall being impressed that both were generous with their time toward younger researchers. Unlike in my early years, I feel that research on causality, specifically causal mediation, is much more mainstream and has matured. I remain fascinated by it, as I believe that causal inference is a cornerstone for sound, theoretical research.

What lessons can participants draw from your GESIS course?

I hope workshop participants will feel confident applying the causal mediation models we cover in the lectures. Necessarily, they will learn about the underlying causal assumptions of the methods and will be able to judge their plausibility in applied contexts. They will be able to apply the models to real data using computer code in R and, importantly, be able to draw the correct conclusions from the results of their analyses. And of course, I hope that they will be able to enjoy the workshop and realize that causal mediation is a fascinating topic in the domain of quantitative methods.

What do you enjoy most about being a social scientist?

I am a quantitative psychologist, so I work a lot with data, sometimes collected by fellow researchers and sometimes simulated by myself. I thoroughly enjoy all aspects of data analysis, from reading data into R, wrangling it, if needed, analyzing it with various methods and models, and generating graphs and reports. Doing all my analyses in R / RStudio is also a source of fun because of the amazing community around R, the new packages being developed, and the plethora of tutorials online. It seems like the envelope of what R is capable of doing is constantly pushed by the community.

We thank Felix for his interesting insights and look forward to his class.

Training Courses in English

06-07/10/22MannheimUsing Smartphone Sensors, Apps, and Wearables
(Prof. Dr. Bella Struminskaya, Prof. Dr. Florian Keusch)
11-13/10/22OnlineResearch Data Management and Open Science
(Dr. Anja Perry, Dr. Sebastian Netscher)
19-21/10/22MannheimIntroduction to R
(Prof. Dr. Friedolin Merhout, Prof. Dr. Merlin Schaeffer)
24-26/10/22OnlineSequence Analysis in the Social Sciences
(Prof. Dr. Emanuela Struffolino, Prof. Dr. Marcel Raab)
26-28/10/22MannheimData Visualization with Stata
(PD Asjad Naqvi, PhD)
08-10/11/22OnlineAdvanced Bayesian Statistical Modelling in R and Stan
(Dr. Denis Cohen)
17-18/11/22OnlineTools and Workflows for Reproducible Research in the Quantitative Social Sciences
(Dr. Bernd Weiß, Dr. Johannes Breuer, Dr. Arnim Bleier)
28/11-01/12/22OnlineCausal Mediation Analysis
(Prof. Dr. Felix Thoemmes)
05-06/12/22OnlineIntroduction to Using Social Media Data for Research: Potentials and Pitfalls
(Indira Sen, Dr. Katrin Weller)
12-14/12/22OnlineIntroduction to Stata
(Lukas Isermann, Leonie Rettig)

Training Courses in German

18-20/10/22MannheimEinführung in die Paneldatenanalyse
(Prof. Dr. Volker Ludwig)
07-08/11/22MannheimMixed Methods: Angewandte Integration qualitativer und quantitativer Methoden in den Sozialwissenschaften
(Prof. Dr. Jörg Stolz)
30/11-02/12/22MannheimEinführung in Strukturgleichungsmodellierung
(Dr. Marie-Ann Sengewald)
06-09/12/22OnlineEinführung in die Methoden der modernen Kausalanalyse
(Prof. Dr. Michael Gebel)
GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Department Knowledge Transfer, GESIS Training, P.O. Box 12 21 55, 68072 Mannheim, training@gesis.org
Visit us at training.gesis.org
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